-What is Project Civilization?- Its a Risk - RTS hybrid that's based off of civilization, just with some key aspects different.
-How do I play?-
Here's when the heavy reading starts to kick in... Ohh yeahh...
Anyways, it will start with 6-8 nations, depending on how many are playing. They will all be in different spots around a large island containing 1 large house and 100 of each resource (with the exception of some)
A key game mechanic is TURNS.
Each turn, operations can commence, you can expand your land and do more stuff. Some actions will take more than one turn, depending on what it is.
Territory is where you can build, what you know, and safe places to move. Territory is gained by capturing or taking land.
Taking land: When there is an empty spot that is not occupied nearby your current territory, you can take a small or large amount of turns to take it depending on technology and how far and large it is.
Capturing land:
Want to take land from someone else? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Land can be taken from others in 3 ways. 1: Offensive 2: Economic 3: Diplomatic
Offensive: Have that big military that doesn't get any fun sitting there and guarding? GET RAIDING! Raiding has 3 key mechanics Number of units Power of units Luck
Number: Easy to figure out. Power: If a unit is like, a robot or war machine, it will be tougher than a single soldier. Luck: MAY THE ODDS BE IN YOUR FAVOR
Economic: Buying it from someone else. ;l
Diplomatic: An ally can give you his land if you need it/want it. nothing else..
Buildings: Buildings are required to do everything. Make units, provide housing, build boats and tanks and all that good stuff. Buildings are something more like = we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, considering they change through the ages. Before building something, ask me.
Resources: EVEN MORE required to do everything. Since this isn't like the last one, ill touch upon it.
Towns: If their is a mass of houses near a factory or barracks in a area without anything else, you can make it a TOWN! multiple towns are listed in your civilization card.
Announcement: Not a huge mechanic, but everytime you do something, you can announce it publicly or not. You can even select CERTAIN people to hear it.
Alliances: You and your buddies can join up for epic combat. Alliances are made between 2 nations, and can be taken off at any time. Another thing so that theres not a team of 5 vs 3 on their own... YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE ALLY. Heres some mechanics: 1. Helping out 2. I NEED RESOURCES 3. Land grab 4. DOUBLE ATTACK 5. News?
Helping out: Your friend needs help defending? NO PROBLEM, send all your men in to maul back the invaders. This mechanic allows you to aid your fellow teammates when needed.
I NEED RESOURCES: Give your friend resources. 'Nuff said.
Land grab: Touched upon in territory, this allows you to give or take land from your ally encase needed. Kinda, nothing else to say.
DOUBLE ATTACK: Encase you need that helping hand while attacking, your ally can send his own men to give increased chance of victory.
News?: When you do a private announcement, it can go DIRECTLY to your teammate, and nobody else.
Researching: OH BOY, HERE WE GO Researching serves an important role in this game. You start out in whats considered a early stone age, and go all the way up. Ages shall be listed as you go up. Items can also be researched, but you don't know which one > Building and upgrades as well, but you STILL don't know. Oh, and you need the right AGE to get certain things.
Maturity: Please, please use understandable proper grammar. I don't mind if you wont use caps, but no fatal misspellings or anything like that. Also, no godmodding or rushing. Rushing is when you research a new age after 3 turns or something like that.
Exploration: Using ships and air, you can find new land! This just functions as more islands, don't expect this to be COMMON through.
Notes: Length is long. Stay tuned. Once a new turn begins, ill wait 2-3 days for everyone whos playing to respond. If you do NOT, then you will be considered absent and you will miss out.
Civilization Card: (basically a diffrent version of character card)
Civilization Name: (must be filled in) Resources: FOOD: MONEY: WOOD: ROCK: COPPER: BRONZE: SILVER: GOLD: STEEL: PLATINUM: WATER: Towns: Age: (civilization age) Ally: Color: (choose whichever one you want)
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