It is the year 2100. Scientists are working on a biomechanical force of 4-foot tall creatures that are all different in some way. It took the scientists five tries until they got it right. On the fifth series of creatures they finally passed the test. Then, a large spaceship type thing crashed in in what used to be New York. A large robot emerged from a door that seemed to not exist 30 seconds ago. It shut behind the robot and there were no lines or gaps to be seen where the door had been. the robot started at a button on a control panel that was the outside. A small hatch opened up and sucked in one of the bystanders. Then, seemingly the same person came out, but instead of running back to his friends, his arm turned into some kind of greanade launcher and he started shooting at the crowd of people. One of his friends, who was about 20 or so, ran to the police about it. Within minutes about 30 patrol cars were on the scene. Then S.W.A.T showed up and out of the back of one of the vans appered Dr. Johnson, the head of the creature operation. He phoned in to the HQ and called in the reinforcments...
Rules: You are going to play as a creature getting ready to fight the alien robot. You are about four feet tall and can talk. The goal of this game is to solve the mystery of the robot aliens and ultimantly defeat them.
Rules Do not fill your powers or weapon yet. Other stats: On your stats that show your streangth and stuff, you have exactly 11 points to spend. You get a scale of 1-4 on your stats.
Speed: 3 3+3+3+2=11 Agility: 3 Strength:3 Endurance:2 Ask about it if you don't understand. Spend your points wisely, they will determine what happens in any give situation.
Name: Leon Appearance: Grey air and blue eyes black and always covers is face and damaged wings with a dark robe. Powers: Flight Secondary ------------------ Adaptability:3 Agility:4 Strength:4 Endurance:1
It says that it is one of the first experiments to be tested, and it has been thriving in this ship for years. He offers to help you through the ship...
Name: Leon Appearance: Grey air and blue eyes black and always covers is face and damaged wings with a dark robe. Powers: Flight Secondary ------------------ Adaptability:3 Agility:4 Strength:4 Endurance:1
Name: Michael Appearance: Blue stone skin, four arms, two heads. Powers: Rock hard skin Secondary weapon: Laser gun ------------------ Adaptability:2 Agility:2 Strength:4 Endurance:3
I pick up the weapon and check how much ammo my laser gun has.
Name: Michael Appearance: Blue stone skin, four arms, two heads. Powers: Rock hard skin Secondary weapon: Laser gun ------------------ Adaptability:2 Agility:2 Strength:4 Endurance:3
What was the weapon on the dead creature?
I get out of the creature's way. If the creature is hostile I shoot it.
Michael: It was a tommy gun.. Cythraul: You see a thirty foot creature breaking buildings... Kase: You arrive next and there is a large creature smashing stuff...
Name: Michael Appearance: Blue stone skin, four arms, two heads. Powers: Rock hard skin Secondary weapon: Laser gun ------------------ Adaptability:2 Agility:2 Strength:4 Endurance:3
I pick up the tommy gun and try to talk to the creature. If attacks me I try to stop it without killing it.