I said I was for anti abortion.
Precisely. Because Romney's past records have mostly been for pro abortion or at the very least, letting states decide. Romney will neer go pro choice on a Federal level if he continues to act like the moderate he was in his time as governor. He just flip flopped to suck up to evangelicals like you.
The bible is not against equality, being gay has nothing to do with equality. I believe it is immoral and wrong and I will stand by my beliefs. Also I am not against gays having rights I am against gay marriage.
That made me giggle. You're for rights, yet you won't allow them the right to marriage? You're saying the Bible advocates equality, yet it's leaving a large part of the population in the lurch? It stinks everywhere of discrimination and inequality.
I am afraid you haven't been reading my comment correctly. I said I was anti "huge" tax which means I don't want to have to pay so much money on taxes. Especially when it is over 15,000,000,000,000
I'm afraid you also misread my post. If your anti huge tax why would you br against a president who has lowered tax rates for the majority of the population? Furthermore, that huge tax burden you're paying for? It's not entirely Obama's fault, he inherited an economy torn apart by war.
New York maybe, but when I asked alot of people where I live... well you could say they are very angry. Small buisenessess are very angry because of what it is puting them through. I should know because my parents own a small business and they were enraged when they read some parts of the health care bill.
A major tax credit for smaller firms and solopreneurs. If you employ less than 25 or are self-employed, you may find that the health care reforms bring you tax relief.
Beginning in 2010, companies with less than 25 employees that pay the majority of health care premiums for their workers qualify for a tax credit up to 35% of their premiums. (In 2014, that credit could be as great as 50% of premiums if you arrange insurance via one of the Small Business Health Options Programs, or SHOP Exchanges). The tax break you get will depend on a couple of variables: the number of employees you have and their average salary.
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the SHOP Exchanges would lower annual premiums for these businesses by 1-4% with a 3% increase in the amount of coverage. That could mean a savings of more than $10 billion nationally.
The way you throw out generalizations "New York!" is really quite appalling. 3/4 of Democrats support it base a poll after the Court hearing; 48% support it and the number is fast rising amongst independents.