
27 7627
2,739 posts

okay,well Killersup was just wondering why people will quickly go from being your friend to hating you because of your religion.Killersup has lost 3 christen "friends" because they found out he was of a different religion.Killersup never said anything rude to them to make them feel that way.One of the examples of what happened was when Killersup was texting one of his "friends" and he asked Killersup what his religion was out of the blue and when Killersup answered the "friend".He then said that Killersup should never talk to him again.So, why is it that people feel that religion should separate a friendship?Does this happen to other people?

  • 27 Replies
5,552 posts

Well, being part of a religion is not what sends you to heaven for a christian, It's believing that Jesus came to earth to save us from sin. But if he thinks that Being part fo his christian religion is what saves you, then he's wrong.

There are so many denominations of Christianity, it's safe to say that every Christian is wrong according to at least one other Christian. Some denominations require church attendance, worship, alms, baptism, confession, good works, faith, self sacrifice, celibacy, or any number of requirements "in order to get into heaven."
2,150 posts

First off, why in third person!?!

secondly, because some Christians are retarded. okay, MOST Christians are retarded. Some people just take their religion to a whole new level of offensive, and shoving it down peoples' throats and all that mess. It's not just Christians, though, it's people from every religion. Certain Atheists will act the same, as will certain muslims, as will certain jewish folk, as will certain hindus, as will everyone. Religion is just another reason for humans to hate people.
It doesn't have to really be religion though. It could be because of one wearing a certain brand of clothing, it could be because of one listening to a different type of music, the list goes on. It's just an extension of the massive arm of segregation and social cliques.

5,340 posts

Meh. If you don't want to be friends with them, you could always fight fire with fire and call them brainwashed sycophants who have no backbone to decide for themselves and believe in a magic man in the sky who supposedly loves people but has killed millions and required his own son to die in a bloody, unnecessary sacrifice.

actually its much more fun to fight them EXACTLY the same way they do. you just pretend you believe in a different religion with the same rules (islam for example). and you say the exact same thing about them. both religions (im pretty sure thats it but i might be wrong) believe that non-believers go to hell. eventually it will turn into a childish "no you" war and the guy will probably back off having the last word of "you have no faith".
1,773 posts

if i understand what he meant, he didnt meant to 'friends'in the "real world". if so, happen to me alot. i talk with people, make them laugh, chat, and when someone ask wher everyone are from {mostly its me}
and i say Israel, sometime a guy which i talked for half an hour could start cursing and running away {i chat alot in runescape, so they can actualy run away}.

so, killersup10, Danielo know the feeling bro.
once, i talked to a guy from china. whe ni told him i am from Israel, he told me that the jews are cursed and he cant speak with me.
dont know if he was trolling or serios, but it realy disturbed me.
and for more than once i stood in the side of muslims who got 'circled' by "americans patroits", when he told them wher he live.
{first time i saw an Israelian and a dude from lebanon standing agisnt americans and a british}.


5,340 posts


oh no an israeli is refering to us as aliens D:

dont worry we all do that mistake XD

i remember i played exit path and some guy kept talking to me, said he loves me and was really happy to race someone good. then came the question and i told him im jewish.

he started cursing me and i simply asked him "why?"

he said that he hates me because he is muslim. im guessing he thought that once i see the word muslim i will continue the flame war but instead i said: "so?"

he was silent.

then i said: "just because im jewish and you are muslim doesnt mean we have to hate eachother"

all he could say was: "yes it does" and then he left the room. i remember that in the same room was another muslim named kappa (i think) and he was like 10 years old and totally didnt care i was jewish. he really liked me as a friend and we met several times on that game. i wonder how old was the cursing guy
2,739 posts

i remember that in the same room was another muslim named kappa (i think) and he was like 10 years old and totally didnt care i was jewish

Thats probably because he was to young in that community to be told the lies and storys about jewish people.The other person probably cursed you out because he had felt that you had posed a threat to him because of the stories he heard about Jewish people.
1,900 posts

Arrogance, and the inabilility to listen.

I'd never thought I'd be atheist, look at me now.

I'd never thought I'd like sour cream and onion chips.

I'd never thought I'd be on YouTube for more than 20 min.

et cetera, et cetera

4,206 posts

Well they weren't really your friends if they left you that easily. I'd say screw them and find better friends. Also the OP being in third person....?

98 posts

Hmm, a very interesting question, I am assuming that you didn't want to cut ties, but they did, whether for that reason or another that is hidden. He has made his choice, now you must make yours, whether to go in a rage and hate the guy, or still be nice to him, but if he has issues, I would give him space. If say that his dad will beat him if he has other religious friends, it might not be a good idea to bother him too much.

I am deeply sorry that that happens, but there isn't much to be done.


345 posts

There are so many denominations of Christianity, it's safe to say that every Christian is wrong according to at least one other Christian. Some denominations require church attendance, worship, alms, baptism, confession, good works, faith, self sacrifice, celibacy, or any number of requirements "in order to get into heaven."

Sorry, you're right, the term christian is to general. I would say baptists are about the closest denomination to my statement.
3,087 posts

He then said that Killersup should never talk to him again.

he sure isn't that good of a friend. i really could care less about the religion of my friends, one of my friends thinks satan is cool and wants to form a heavy metal band like Slipknot. all my other friends, i have no idea what religion they are and would never ask them.
787 posts

This seems strange but after a while, or not so long, it seems that as Nicho put it, he's nuts. Religion shouldn't get in the way of judgement that much. If he put religion before friendship, then forget about him, you don't need him.

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