This is set 12, January 1939. You have been enlisted in to the army, and placed in a special Squad. This is before World War II. But it is rapidly approaching. Delta Squad is on a Parachute drop into Czechoslovakia for an Operation, this Operation is at Secrecy Level Black. (Black Operation, Government only knows about it and no one else, except for the Czechoslovakia's prime minister.) "The Mission is to gather information about Hitler's plans, using what ever force possible. DO NOT get caught as a British soldier, kill everyone who sees you as a British Subject, I don't care, We cannot afford another world-wide war."
No Power Gaming ( Being overpowered ) NO Meta gaming ( Google is your friend, if not here's a link
--Sheet-- Name: Age: (18 - 40) Current Rank: Private Main Gun: (Select from below) Secondary Gun: (Select from below) Inventory: (This is blank for now.) Description: History:
Your RPG seems interesting and all, but i can give you some advice. Firstly, i don't think posting stuff and then asking questions on what the players would do in a situtation you posted is working out, it is an RPG, you should give the players more freedom, like making their own situations, let the players decide their actions and you decide the outcome of their actions. Secondly, what is with the whole ¨repeating¨ the character sheet on each post? Lastly, you do realize this game only has 2 players right?
So you're telling me that you made this a year ago? Well, this RPG is pretty much dead i guess... But it's never too late to try and change the way this game is played. And no, i'm not joining... I don't want to use the weapons that our grandpas used.