Well, I saw this game being played a few years ago and wanted to revive it. Freakenstein said it was too old to bump, so here we are!It's your typical "rate the user above" game.On a scale of 1-10, rate the user's importance and give a reason.
Excuse me pang? Seen me a little bit?It's ok, you were ninja'd.9/10
I see you around allot. You have a cool name and you seem pretty chill 9/10
Don't really see you much outside of this thread, good-ish post count and good rank, so. 7/10.
7.5/10 GhostOfHorrorNew user, active, exit path, activity guy.I know that made no sense...
7/10Same reason as before...don't let us down! Keep the activity up!
8/10 You're really active and make good posts.
@IAgree Far from new. Anyhow, tegan.Good-ish post count, decent rank. 7/10.
7.6/10I honestly thought you joined in mid 2012. ".1" for correcting me.
7.5/10New user but very active in my eyes, makes quality posts.
8/10Seems like a pretty average person around these parts. Take it as a compliment.
You have made a ton of really good and fun forums. Everyone knows you and you are a pretty big part of the community. 9/10
8/10 cuz you like to talk in third person
I was gona for a while, which means that my rating will never be higher then 7, anyway, you are very active, especially in the forums, you remind me when i was a silver/iron knight. So i guess i could give you a 7.75/10. Congrats.-Jeff
Hey now Jeff...I give you a 7.5! just need to get you back to being active
8.5/10 See you almost everywhere, good post count and a good rank.
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