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Hello. This is a new game which can be simple or complex. You are one of the legends. Note that, although inspired by Greek myths, this is in no way related to or restricted to Greek myths. In fact, ignore that part.

You start off with 3 proficiencies, 5 proficiency points, and 5 stat points. Choose whatever proficiency or stats you want.
Oh, and all proficiencies start at 1. Also, extra proficiencies cost 3 points.

Here are some examples, to help distinguish between the two:

Examples of proficiencies: Combat, construction, magic
Examples of stats: Strength, intellect, speed

White is unexplored, blue is ocean, dark blue is deep ocean, grey is some sort of settlement or town, light green is normal (grass with some forest), dark green is deep forest, and dark grey is mountain.


Whatever you invest your profeciency points and stat points in:

The result of an action will be dependent on a die roll and whatever stats would help you.
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