Hey, just working on a game right now, just wanted some feedback on what to do? Use arrow keys to move, and if you don't get it: there is a green galaxy that appears sometimes so watch out for it!
i dont like how u have to move the dot in the beginning to get to the menu. Tis very hard to control. there are about 2 or 3 games like this which use the mouse instead
Hey, its a fun game, very simple, the only thing i have to comment on is the menu, you should be able to choose the options with your mouse, and also i think the magnet and slow mo galaxies should be less frequent, i also have an idea for another galaxy, it could be a speed galaxy and it could be orange
Sorry, i forogt to elaborate on what the "speed galaxy" that i suggested would do... Basically it would make everything fast, pretty much the opposite of the time galaxy
Okay, well frankly the game right off the bat reminded me of Music Catch, a game recently submitted by another user. His submission can be found here:
Aspects of the game:
GFX: *Crisp clean and quite easy to differentiate what was going on. I liked that the neon circles were not ornate and just plain gloss colors. The fact that you added shading and glow gave the eye something to focus on.
Sound: *Well, correct me if i am wrong but was there indeed any? I understand this is a game in progress, so im not going to weigh so heavily on this aspect. I do recommend some fast paced techno 'esque' style. Just drop a visit over at newgrounds portal site and download a few remixes. =D
Menu: Amazing idea! I am amazed! Never have i seen a game that, well, doesn't really need the mouse for the menu! Took me quite a while to figure out how to move around though. I recommend adding some sort of indication that that is indeed the cursor. It also seemed a little small. An increase in size would do wonders.
Game it's self: Really quite simply and nice. The game would have been a dud without the upgrades. My only beef with the game is this: Is there an end? I have played all they way to 10,000 points and assumed i reached the maximum galaxy size. A game that goes on forever and ever is in my opinion, a downer. It tends to bore the audience. gamers are looking for twists and turns, they need to have the thrill that keeps them hooked. The members on armor games are more of a younger crowd. Restless and rowdy, the expect a lot from games.
My other idea is a multi stage background. If you hadn't noticed black isn't the new red, and red isn't the new pink. Entertain my iris! I suggest that every so often the background change to: A) Give the gamer more to look at B) Somewhat trick the gamer into losing their 'galaxy' size! muahahhah
If you really want to get this game accepted, e-mail the company and ask to use the logo as a background. They may even sponsor your game if you agree to make it specifically for armor games.
Updated the game, check it at the link bigbowla gave. More feedback on improved would be nice. For normal mode I would like 10 levels, ideas for the 7 I haven't made would be nice.(Only made up to lvl 3.