ForumsForum GamesCity 17 Revolt: Half Life RPG

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been gone for a while, but came back with a new idea, a Half Life 2 based RPG. where you either play a Civilian turn member of the resistance, or a Civil Protection member (i'll explain if you don't know the story).
This will take place in City 17, and the other places near it, starting at the beginning of the revolt.

Full Story

Backstory: some time in the 2000's a research facility called Black Mesa was testing with a strange and unknown crystal. But in one of the tests, the crystal suddenly, and furiously began to cause discrepancies in the equipment causing explosions and destruction, and teleporting strange aliens all over the facility, mercilessly killing everyone, people began fleeing towards the surface of the facility, but in a matter of hours Marines began landing and killing everyone as well, trying to contain the outbreak and keep it under wraps. Though they failed and the rip between Earth, and the alien world "Xen" widened. letting an assortment of aliens through, including the Combine.
After the combine came through they started a war with all of earth, which ended in a matter of hours with billions dead, Peace, negotiated by Dr. Wallace Breen has caused a military state rule over earth, with Breen as a spokesperson of sorts. the Combine have a complete dominance over earth, but the people left are not happy at all, they started a resistance, at first small and weak, but it grew as more people joined, and now due to recent events, they are starting to revolt against their masters and this is where the game begins.

The two basic 'classes': instead of having a set of classes, i'll let you make your own class as the game moves on.

Combine Civil Protection: the lowest rank of combine forces, still completely human, but wear white masks that seem to be a gasmask of sorts, and use vocorders to hide their voice.
Equipment:Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform, Stun baton.

Resistance: mostly citizens, paired with a Xen alien race called the Vortigaunts, previously slaves of a large entity called the Nihilanth but now allied with the resistance against the Combine. The citizens themselves are oppressed people angry towards the combine.
Equipment:Citizen Clothes (basically a blue boiler suit), Suitcase containing misc. items


Affiliation: Resistance, or Combine
Bio: At least 5 sentences, optional
Physical Desc.:
Trait: from the above 2
Misc.ick 3 items, no weapons or the like.
Armor Condition:--
Condition: Well

i believe this is it, so hope you enjoy.

  • 235 Replies
402 posts

This is rather interesting, but before I join I need to ask some questions.

Firstly, what can you put in Biography and such if you play as a combine? I mean there's not really much you can put there other than the basis of Combines..? (Also, what misc items can they have?)

Secondly, where are these 2 traits? Sorry if I missed them.

And lastly, if you play- say, as a Combine, do you fill weapons and armor according to the equipment or what..?

Sorry for all these questions, but if it helps I will probably join after you've answered :]

16,287 posts

hm, well the CP aren't actual Combine Per se, think of the Empire in starwars, they have a lot of the clones, but also have a healthy dose of non clones, so you can put a reason why you joined (i'll also let you join the Trans Human corps if it gets to that point)
also, really anything for RP value (a photo of a loved one, a locket, etc.) or something that may be of use (a bit of rope, a bottle of whiskey, etc.)

by above two, i meant the above two categories, Physical Description and Personality

yes, please

402 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:-- ?
Condition: Well

Did I do this right? Also, who wouldn't want to be Combine!

16,287 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well


Well it's your shift in the city today, everything is going normal. You walk down one of the blocks, when you get a report from Dispatch, the familiar monotone female voice: "All units in block 8, we have reports of a miscount. Search the perimeter."

within a few seconds over the speakers the same voice

"All citizens of Block 8, a search is being conducted. Cooperate with Civil Protection and you will receive full rations this month. All citizens who do not cooperate, will receive permanent off world deportation."

a small group of CP pass by you, one of them looks at you and waves you over

402 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

Naturally, I tag along with the CP group and get ready for the search.

16,287 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

you join them, and enter a dilapidated apartment, the leader starts making pairs and orders "Search each floor, i'll take the first floor. You, take the second." he points at you and another CP and then starts listing off the rest. you head up there and reach the first apartment to search, this one has it's door still intact. Your buddy kicks down the door and draws his baton, "Hehehe, i got this one, you move on to the next."

402 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

I answer him "Gotcha." while adjusting my mask and making sure the vocoder works. I also get my baton ready in case of strugglers.

I proceed to the next apartment and if there is a door, I pound on it with my hand, and if there is no answer then I will kick it in. If there is no door, I'll just advance inside to look for citizens.

16,287 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

you walk in, and find one half drunk citizen looking at you from a table, two citizens in another room gasp and you hear quick footsteps leading away

402 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

Now, what exactly do I do with the citizens I find? All I was given is "Search the apartments" but what next?

I point at the drunk citizen with my baton and say "You, stay right there! trusting that he's drunk enough to not run away, I start running after the 2 other citizens.

16,287 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

look for anyone being shifty, and someone who seems out of place, citizens generally keep their suitcases with them, as they are constantly moved around. stuff like that.

he gets back to nursing his drink, and you enter the other room where you see the two citizens putting things in their suitcases

402 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

"What're you doing? You're not going anywhere!" I ready my baton (so it makes that spark) and see what they do.

16,287 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

one turns to you and puts his hands protectively over his head "Please, these are the last things i have!"

the other one is still rummaging through her stuff

402 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

"Just do as you're told!" *turns to the other citizen and takes a couple steps towards her* "You too, stand back for now."

I wait for further instructions from the radio..

16,287 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

he stands back, and she gets up and turns to you, hands behind her back.

well there isn't much else to say, other than find the miscount, you're choice on what to do

402 posts

Name: Jim Hale
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Bio: Joined the CP after realizing that Combine is clearly the superior side of the 2 possibilities.
Physical Desc.: Quite tall, average weight.
Personality: Domineering, bossy, observant
Trait: Observant
Weapons: Stun Baton
Armor: Combine Mask, light bullet resistant vest, leather boots, black-green uniform
Misc.: Plastic Handcuffs, Energy Battery, soda can
Armor Condition:25/25
Condition: Well

Oh ok. Wouldn't have hurt to remind me what a miscount was.. :P

Well then, if the citizens aren't running away or anything, I'll go back to the other apartment and catch up with my partner: [b]"3 citizens in there, gonna move on to the next apartment. You?"

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