Story: You are a citizen in the world of Olarnith. There are adventures to be had, dragons to be slain, people to marry! Anything is possible in this world, and you've decided to make your life more interesting and exciting by becoming an adventurer!
In this game, your actions will effect the world around you. If you want, you can even create a war between races! But that would take a while. MP regenerates 20 each page, and can be restored quicker by drinking potions. You can create a clan, which is a group of people that help you with your adventures. You can get into a relationship with NPCs, so you can marry people and even have kids!
Character Sheet:
NameName here) Age18-40) GenderMale or Female) RaceSee Below) BioShort summary of your characters life) DescPhysical description of your character) -------------- MP:100/100 -------------- Inventory: Empty Weapon: Unarmed Armor: Clothes Gold: 0 -------------- Special Abilities: (Depends on race, Abilities cost all MP, and cannot be used again until MP is full) -------------- Clan Name: None Clan Members: None Allies: None Enemies: None -------------- Followers: Alone Romance: Single Good/Bad: 0
Human: You know these. Bonus: Humans are a very lucky race, which gives them bonuses in things that rely on chance. Starting Ability: Bribe; Humans can bribe guards into not arresting them for crimes. You just need gold.
Wood Elf: Agile creatures, they prefer to live in forests. They have pointed ears and are slightly shorter than humans. Bonus: Wood Elves are physically attractive (or as some of you may say it, "hot", which helps them in persuasion and relationships. Starting Ability: Animal Control; Wood Elves can call upon the power of wild animals to fight for them.
Orc: This race is obsessed with war, and do not like outsiders in their territory. Bonus: Orcs are intimidating, and can sometimes scare people away. Starting Ability: Brute Force; Put all your power into a few strikes, dealing massive damage even unarmed.
Night Elf: This is a nocturnal race, and they are well-trained in stealth. Bonus: Night Elves are masters of stealth. Don't let this get to you, though, as you will not be able to do everything without being seen. Starting Ability: Invisibility; Self-explanatory, you turn invisible for a limited time.
Mountain Troll: This is a race that lives in the mountains and rarely communicates with any other race. Bonus: Living in the mountains isn't easy. Mountain Trolls have been trained to be observant in order to find food. This can be used for other purposes too. Starting Ability: Snow Storm; Mountain Trolls can send a blizzard of snow at an enemy, freezing them.
Dracosapien: Half human, half dragon. They look like humans, except they have colored scales. These can NOT fly, because in previous games this has made it way to easy. Bonus: They have scales, which provide extra protection. Starting ability: Fire Breath; Dracosapiens can breathe fire, but it takes all of their energy because they are not completely dragons.
Crossbreeds: You can be a mix of two different races. You have to show this in the Race section like (Human-Wood Elf) or combinations like that. You will get a weakened version of both race's racial bonus, but you must choose only one special ability from one of the races. You can not have a mix including Mountain Trolls or Orcs, as both of these races stay away from other civilizations.