ForumsForum GamesTake Over Olarnith! (Fantasy Empire Managing RPG)

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Take Over Olarnith! (Fantasy/Empire RPG)

This game takes place WAAAAY before the events of my other fantasy games. This takes place when Olarnith(the fantasy world) is just being discovered. Your ultimate goal: To conquer Olarnith. You must build an army, create cities and go to war with other armies to create an empire that stretches across the land. Unlike other empire-managing games, in this one you still play as a character. You start in control of one village on the edge of the world and expand your empire inland until you conquer the entire world. This game is largely multiplayer, so there will probably not be any NPC empires unless there is a lack of players.

I will choose where your beginning village is. Here is the beginning map, completely empty and for the taking.

Character Sheet: Only fill in things that are in parentheses

Name: (Your name)
Age: (18-40)
Gender: (Male/Female)
Race: (See below)
Desc: (Physical description of your character)
Bio: (short summary of your characterâs life and/or why he/she wants to build an empire)
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 10000 -You can use this to hire people, bribe people or just buy stuff. Donât use it quickly, as money comes slowly and you have to be rich in order to maintain your empire
Empire Name: (Name it anything appropriate)
Empire Wealth: 0 - You need to use your own money to fill. Affects your Peopleâs Happiness and is affected by certain events.
Empire Status: Normal - Shows things that are going on in your empire. For example, if the Empire Wealth is low, the citizens will not be happy and will start riots and rebel against you.
Empire Wars: None - Names of empires you are at war with
Empire Alliances: None - Names of empires you are friends with
Military power: - How powerful your military is. Get more people in your army to increase.
Peopleâs Happiness: 75% -How happy your people are.
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs - You start with 100 people to split between these jobs.
Soldiers: (How many people are in your army, adds 1 point to Empire Attack Power for each soldier)
Hunters: (Provides food, affects Peopleâs Happiness)
Farmers: (Same as Hunters)
Merchants: (Makes it easier to sell things, increases income for the empire, affects Peopleâs Happiness)
Construction: Locked - find place to build second village to unlock
Teachers: Locked - discover the Native "Empire" to unlock
Miners: Locked - find a mine to unlock
Engineers: Locked - make machine blueprints to unlock
Scientists: Locked - Build Laboratory to unlock
Field Medics: Locked - participate in a battle to unlock
Secret Job: Locked - Complete the game to unlock
Color: - The color showing your empire on the map. Choose any color.
Followers: Alone -People following you. There will usually be a bodyguard with you.
Romance: Single *Self-explanatory. You should have children so that when you die your empire doesnât come with you. When you die you will take control of your child, who will be the new leader.
Reputation: +0, -0 Adds + points when you do something good, adds - points when you do something evil like declare war. Itâs impossible to finish the game without getting any - points, so donât worry too much about it.

Finishing the game

You finish the game when all other empires have been destroyed and you control the entire map. When you do finally finish, you can either continue with your own empire in Chapter II or make a new character and a new empire to fight the one you built with your first character.


Human: You know these.
Bonus: Humans are a very lucky race, which gives them bonuses in things that rely on chance.

Wood Elf: Agile creatures, they prefer to live in forests. They have pointed ears and are slightly shorter than humans.
Bonus: Wood Elves are physically attractive (or as some of you may say it, "hot&quot, which helps them in persuasion and relationships.

Orc: This race is obsessed with war, and do not like outsiders in their territory.
Bonus: Orcs are intimidating, and can sometimes scare people away.

Night Elf: This is a nocturnal race. That's about it. Their appearances are much like wood elves.
Bonus: In order to see at night, Night Elves have developed night-vision eyes.

Mountain Troll: This is a race that lives in the mountains and rarely communicates with any other race.
Bonus: Living in the mountains isn't easy. Mountain Trolls have been trained to be observant in order to find food. This can be used for other purposes too.

Dracosapien: Half human, half dragon. They look like humans, except they have colored scales. These can NOT fly, because in previous games this has made it way to easy.
Bonus: They have scales, which provide extra protection

Purchasing within the empire

Buying things in your empire are not free. Just because you are emperor/empress does not mean you do not have to pay for anything.


You will be accompanied by a bodyguard often. They will protect you with their life and will stop at nothing to ensure your protection.


Your Empire's Population is the max amount of workers you can have. It costs 1000 Gold to hire 20 people, 500 to get 10, 100 to get 2, 300 to get six, and so on. But you can't have more workers than your population. You start with your entire population at work.

  • 11 Replies
1,030 posts

Name:High Councilor Jared
Desc:Tall,bald,brown eyes
Bio:Jared lived a nomadic life with unorganized and wild natives.Disgusted by the lack of unification he wants to unite the land into a noble,rich,prosperous land where the rich thrives.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 10000 -You can use this to hire people, bribe people or just buy stuff. Donât use it quickly, as money comes slowly and you have to be rich in order to maintain your empire
Empire Name:Hujamar Empire
Empire Wealth:5000
Empire Status: Normal - Shows things that are going on in your empire. For example, if the Empire Wealth is low, the citizens will not be happy and will start riots and rebel against you.
Empire Wars: None - Names of empires you are at war with
Empire Alliances: None - Names of empires you are friends with
Military power: - How powerful your military is. Get more people in your army to increase.
Peopleâs Happiness: 75% -How happy your people are.
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs - You start with 100 people to split between these jobs.
Construction: Locked - find place to build second village to unlock
Teachers: Locked - discover the Native "Empire" to unlock
Miners: Locked - find a mine to unlock
Engineers: Locked - make machine blueprints to unlock
Scientists: Locked - Build Laboratory to unlock
Field Medics: Locked - participate in a battle to unlock
Secret Job: Locked - Complete the game to unlock
Color: -Dark Green
Reputation: +0, -0

1,461 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Night elf
Desc: Tall, light skinned
Bio: After seeing his whole family massacred by humans Michael decided to take revenge. He started building an empire so he could invade the human's kingdom and destroy them for good.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 10000
Empire Name: Cyredanea
Empire Wealth: 0
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power:
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 15
Hunters: 20
Farmers: 20
Merchants: 45
Construction: Locked - find place to build second village to unlock
Teachers: Locked - discover the Native "Empire" to unlock
Miners: Locked - find a mine to unlock
Engineers: Locked - make machine blueprints to unlock
Scientists: Locked - Build Laboratory to unlock
Field Medics: Locked - participate in a battle to unlock
Secret Job: Locked - Complete the game to unlock
Color: White
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0,-0

2,539 posts


Farmers and Hunters supply food for your empire. One farmer/hunter supplies food for ten people, so there is no use having more than five of each at the beginning. You are allowed to switch people from job to job, but you must inform me of the change.


New map.


New players...

Name:High Councilor Jared
Desc:Tall,bald,brown eyes
Bio:Jared lived a nomadic life with unorganized and wild natives.Disgusted by the lack of unification he wants to unite the land into a noble,rich,prosperous land where the rich thrives.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000
Empire Name:Hujamar Empire
Empire Wealth:5000
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power: 20
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Construction: Locked - find place to build second village to unlock
Teachers: Locked - discover the Native "Empire" to unlock
Miners: Locked - find a mine to unlock
Engineers: Locked - make machine blueprints to unlock
Scientists: Locked - Build Laboratory to unlock
Field Medics: Locked - participate in a battle to unlock
Secret Job: Locked - Complete the game to unlock
Color: Dark Green
Reputation: +0, -0

You start in your beginning village. There are others attempting to claim this land, so you'd better get to work quickly. How do you begin?


Name: Michael
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Night elf
Desc: Tall, light skinned
Bio: After seeing his whole family massacred by humans Michael decided to take revenge. He started building an empire so he could invade the human's kingdom and destroy them for good.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 10000
Empire Name: Cyredanea
Empire Wealth: 0
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power:
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 15
Hunters: 20
Farmers: 20
Merchants: 45
Construction: Locked
Teachers: Locked
Miners: Locked
Engineers: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: Locked
Secret Job: Locked
Color: Grey
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0,-0

White does not show up on the map, so you will be grey.

You start in your beginning village. You have a feeling that humans are not far. How do you begin?


Old player...

Name: Mopar Gamer
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Desc: Tall, Bulky Orc.
Bio: When his homeland fell to the unjust Humans, rather than face the cruel rule Mopar's family fled to the new lands. Humans were following but the orc Vessel escaped their view and into the new land
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000*
Empire Name: Moparia
Empire Wealth: 2700*
Empire Status: Disease spreading
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: Native "Empire"
Empire Attack Power: 24
Peopleâs Happiness: 72%
Empire population: 150
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 29
Hunters: 25
Farmers: 20
Merchants: 15
Doctors: 15
Construction: 10
Teachers: 6
Miners: Locked
Engineer: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: Locked
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0, -0

There are only 20 humans, so you are able to kill them all. However, three soldiers and two hunters died in the battle and one soldier is wounded. Field Medic job unlocked! Use Field Medics both during and after battle to heal the wounded and greatly increase your chance of winning. Another, larger attack is bound to happen, so you'd better prepare. A soldier walks up to you, "My lord, while searching around we stumbled across an old cave that lead underground. The tunnel was filled with ores and gemstones. We should get some miners down there as soon as possible." Miner job unlocked! Mines supply you with metal and other things that are useful for building your empire.

1,461 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Night elf
Desc: Tall, light skinned.
Bio: After seeing his whole family massacred by humans Michael decided to take revenge. He started building an empire so he could invade the human's kingdom and destroy them for good.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000
Empire Name: Cyredanea
Empire Wealth: 5000
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power:
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 35
Hunters: 5
Farmers: 5
Merchants: 55
Construction: Locked
Teachers: Locked
Miners: Locked
Engineers: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: Locked
Secret Job: Locked
Color: Grey
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0,-0

I take 15 of my population from my hunters and farmers each then I add 10 to my merchants and 20 to my soldiers. Afterwards I send half of my soldiers to scout the surrounding area and tell my hunters to try and make new weapons and traps for hunting. I also give half of my gold to the empire wealth.

2,539 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Night elf
Desc: Tall, light skinned.
Bio: After seeing his whole family massacred by humans Michael decided to take revenge. He started building an empire so he could invade the human's kingdom and destroy them for good.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000
Empire Name: Cyredanea
Empire Wealth: 5000
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power:
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 35
Hunters: 5
Farmers: 5
Merchants: 55
Construction: Locked
Teachers: Locked
Miners: Locked
Engineers: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: Locked
Secret Job: Locked
Color: Grey
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0,-0

You do all that. The soldiers aren't trained to do that stuff, so progress is slow. You see a human patrol nearing the village. You are unable to tell whether are are hostile or friendly. What do you do?


Name: Mopar Gamer
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Desc: Tall, Bulky Orc.
Bio: When his homeland fell to the unjust Humans, rather than face the cruel rule Mopar's family fled to the new lands. Humans were following but the orc Vessel escaped their view and into the new land
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000*
Empire Name: Moparia
Empire Wealth: 2700*
Empire Status: Disease spreading
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: Native "Empire"
Empire Attack Power: 24
Peopleâs Happiness: 72%
Empire population: 150
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 29
Hunters: 25
Farmers: 20
Merchants: 15
Doctors: 15
Construction: 10
Teachers: 6
Engineer: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics:
Secret Job: Locked
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0, -0

Sheet fix

144 posts

Name: Mopar Gamer
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Desc: Tall, Bulky Orc.
Bio: When his homeland fell to the unjust Humans, rather than face the cruel rule Mopar's family fled to the new lands. Humans were following but the orc Vessel escaped their view and into the new land
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000*
Empire Name: Moparia
Empire Wealth: 2700*
Empire Status: Disease spreading
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: Native "Empire"
Empire Attack Power: 24
Peopleâs Happiness: 72%
Empire population: 150
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 29
Hunters: 25
Farmers: 20 -5
Merchants: 15
Doctors: 15
Construction: 10
Teachers: 6
Miners: 0 (if i can pay 500 for 10 working population +10)
Engineer: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: 0 +5
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0, -0

I send some miners and 5 soldiers into the mine, 2 soldiers to guard and 3 to explore. I also ask my allies if theyd be interested in working around my community (possible + to working population?)

I tell the construction workers to make walls for defense of the area the humans first attacked and raised platforms so archers/hunters can fire from above without worry of swords.

I'll tell my Field medics to bring the injured to the doctor if hes transportable and then I'll get the remaining doctors to search for a cure to this small plague.

I'll have 5 of my hunters scout near the humans to see their status and have the other 20 hunt for food

I'll tell one of my merchants to travel to the elven lands and try to setup trade routes with them. the rest of the merchants i want to sell what they can.

1,461 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Night elf
Desc: Tall, light skinned.
Bio: After seeing his whole family massacred by humans Michael decided to take revenge. He started building an empire so he could invade the human's kingdom and destroy them for good.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000
Empire Name: Cyredanea
Empire Wealth: 5000
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power:
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 35
Hunters: 5
Farmers: 5
Merchants: 55
Construction: Locked
Teachers: Locked
Miners: Locked
Engineers: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: Locked
Secret Job: Locked
Color: Grey
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0,-0

I send 10 of my soldiers to greet the human patrol and bring to our village. Afterwards I search for a person who can teach my soldiers how to scout.

2,539 posts

Name: Mopar Gamer
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Desc: Tall, Bulky Orc.
Bio: When his homeland fell to the unjust Humans, rather than face the cruel rule Mopar's family fled to the new lands. Humans were following but the orc Vessel escaped their view and into the new land
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000*
Empire Name: Moparia
Empire Wealth: 2700*
Empire Status: Disease spreading
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: Native "Empire"
Empire Attack Power: 24
Peopleâs Happiness: 72%
Empire population: 150
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 29
Hunters: 25
Farmers: 15
Merchants: 15
Doctors: 15
Construction: 10
Teachers: 6
Miners: 10
Engineer: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: 5
Secret Job: Locked
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0, -0

The translator is still working on teaching them english, so he translates for you. "They say that they have trouble supporting even their community, so they have to respectfully decline."

The construction workers are able to finish the wall and platforms in a matter of hours.

The Field Medics bandage the wounded and bring them to the doctor, who casts healing spells on them.

The disease is spreading rapidly and almost your entire original village is infected. The infected report having massive migraines and quick hair growth.

The scouts soon return with bad news. They counted at least 70 human soldiers just in one of their encampments. One of them suggests inventing a new weapon to use against the humans. To make blueprints of something, describe what it does and how it works. When you make a blueprint, the Engineer job will be unlocked to start producing them.

The merchant takes a pack of items, food and water and sets off. You probably will not hear from him for a while.


Name: Michael
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Night elf
Desc: Tall, light skinned.
Bio: After seeing his whole family massacred by humans Michael decided to take revenge. He started building an empire so he could invade the human's kingdom and destroy them for good.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000
Empire Name: Cyredanea
Empire Wealth: 5000
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power:
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 35
Hunters: 5
Farmers: 5
Merchants: 55
Construction: Locked
Teachers: Locked
Miners: Locked
Engineers: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: Locked
Secret Job: Locked
Color: Grey
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0,-0

The best people for scouting are Hunters. The humans hide in the trees. When your soldiers get close, the humans ambush them. 6 of your soldiers are instantly dead, leaving the 4 others outnumbered.

1,461 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Night elf
Desc: Tall, light skinned.
Bio: After seeing his whole family massacred by humans Michael decided to take revenge. He started building an empire so he could invade the human's kingdom and destroy them for good.
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000
Empire Name: Cyredanea
Empire Wealth: 5000
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power:
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 35
Hunters: 5
Farmers: 5
Merchants: 55
Construction: Locked
Teachers: Locked
Miners: Locked
Engineers: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: Locked
Secret Job: Locked
Color: Grey
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0,-0

I send half of my soldiers as reinforcements to the outnumbered soldiers. Afterwards I send 2 of my hunters to scout the area to the east and I also send 20 of my merchants to establish trade routes with the elves.

1,030 posts

Empire Name:Hujamar Empire
Empire Wealth:5000
Empire Status: Normal
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: None
Military power: 20
Peopleâs Happiness: 75%
Empire population: 100
Empire Jobs
Construction: Locked - find place to build second village to unlock
Teachers: Locked - discover the Native "Empire" to unlock
Miners: Locked - find a mine to unlock
Engineers: Locked - make machine blueprints to unlock
Scientists: Locked - Build Laboratory to unlock
Field Medics: Locked - participate in a battle to unlock
Secret Job: Locked - Complete the game to unlock
Color: Dark Green
Reputation: +0, -0
You start in your beginning village. There are others attempting to claim this land, so you'd better get to work quickly. How do you begin?

Spread out all my farmers to surrounding lands to build their farms thus claiming the territory.

144 posts

Name: Mopar Gamer
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Desc: Tall, Bulky Orc.
Bio: When his homeland fell to the unjust Humans, rather than face the cruel rule Mopar's family fled to the new lands. Humans were following but the orc Vessel escaped their view and into the new land
Inventory: Empty
Gold: 5000*
Empire Name: Moparia
Empire Wealth: 2700*
Empire Status: Disease spreading
Empire Wars: None
Empire Alliances: Native "Empire"
Empire Attack Power: 24
Peopleâs Happiness: 72%
Empire population: 150
Empire Jobs
Soldiers: 29
Hunters: 25
Farmers: 15
Merchants: 15
Doctors: 15
Construction: 10
Teachers: 6
Miners: 10
Engineer: Locked
Scientists: Locked
Field Medics: 5
Secret Job: Locked
Followers: Alone
Romance: Single
Reputation: +0, -0

I'll ask them about what type of weapons work best against the humans once they've responded ill send them off to explore the local area (keeping 2 for later part of response)

I'll have them head farther west to find better hunting grounds and possibly new native settlements

I'll have them dig trenches out towards their farms so that water can nourish the ground

I'll get them to continue looking for a cure.

I'll have them chop down more trees

I'll have 3 of the teachers continue teaching english and the other 3 teaching how to Farm and Hunt, also asking about the disease thats hit our people.

I'll have them focus on mining hard metals and gems to use for superior mining equipment and possibly other equipment.

I'll send 1 soldier to the Hujamar Empire to ask their leader to meet with us to talk about defending each other in the case of an attack and setting up trade routes so we both profit greater.

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