ForumsWEPRHiggs Boson Found

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9,462 posts

This hypothetical particle isn't so hypothetical any more.

BREAKING NEWS! New Particle Found! The Higgs Boson Exists!

Here's a basic explanation as to what the Higgs is.

"The Higgs boson or Higgs particle is a proposed elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics. The Higgs boson is named after Peter Higgs who, along with others, proposed the mechanism that predicted such a particle in 1964. The existence of the Higgs boson and the associated Higgs field explain why the other elementary particles in the standard model have mass." -wiki

  • 24 Replies
325 posts

I'm pretty pumped about all this frankly, the Higgs Boson has interested me greatly.

What exactly is the purpose of this thread though?

9,462 posts

What exactly is the purpose of this thread though?

To discuss the discovery and give our opinions on it and maybe talk about what could come out of this find for the future.
325 posts

Alright then.

Personally, I'm a little jealous they found it already. I'm really into this kind of stuff and want to make it into a career, so I hope they don't go solving everything before I get out there!

4,206 posts

Great discovery! I read/heard that the particle can explain a lot of things in the field of science, including a more in depth study of the Big Bang and that "nothing" can actually become "something" pretty easily.

2,487 posts

this is actually a monumental discovery in the world of physics. I don't plan on going into that field (I enjoy it though), but from what I have gathered, we haven't actually proven that it is higgs particle, but only one that shows signs of it. I believe that unless it is 100% proven, then we can't be so certain.

8,256 posts

including a more in depth study of the Big Bang and that "nothing" can actually become "something" pretty easily.

I also heard something like that, that the big bang might actually have been caused 'simply' by quantum fluctuations, and the Higgs boson formed right after and with it, the particle we know could form a mass.

Also heard something like, now that they found the last piece they needed for the physics we know, they now have a better chance to find out about 'other' physics... dark matter has been named. I'm still kinda sceptical about that two or more physical systems can coexist in parallel, but we'll see.... so Wyrzen, you'll still have plenty to find out, don't worry

but from what I have gathered, we haven't actually proven that it is higgs particle, but only one that shows signs of it. I believe that unless it is 100% proven, then we can't be so certain.

At least they've found a particle that matches the theoretical expectations for the Higgs boson, and the chance they're wrong is very thin (one of the involved physicist said that looking for the Higgs boson is like looking for a needle in a haystack, simply there are lots of haystacks and the needle looks like hay). So I think it's a pretty solid discovery.
787 posts

This really excited me when I heard about it, I've been watching for updates about this particle since I first heard about it. Despite it being not quite THE Higgs Boson, it's close enough.

To discuss the discovery and give our opinions on it and maybe talk about what could come out of this find for the future.

Just an idea but, now that we've found the Higgs Boson, the particle that gives stuff mass, we can create new sports! Now that we've found it, we can simply take it away in some Catscan that's in the doorway to an arena (A locker room or something) and make the players weightless! Then, we proceed to invent new sports, until finally, we play QUIDDITCH!

^Don't take any of that seriously.
1,824 posts

Oh. My mistake. I read Boson as Bosun, and thought you were referring to a bosun who served under Captain Higgs, a lesser Commander of a gunboat during the Napoleonic Wars. My mistake.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Also heard something like, now that they found the last piece they needed for the physics we know, they now have a better chance to find out about 'other' physics... dark matter has been named. I'm still kinda sceptical about that two or more physical systems can coexist in parallel, but we'll see.... so Wyrzen, you'll still have plenty to find out, don't worry

We currently use the Standard Model of Physics, this is the framework for which most of modern physics is being founded on. Higg's Boson is an annoying piece of evidence needed to complete the Model; the Model is fine mathematically, but troublesome in practice. This was because pre 1964, this Model showed mathematically that sub atomic particles had no mass, a problem because everything clearly has a mass. In 1964, 3 scientists including Higgs almost simultaneously managed to tweak and modify the Standard Model such that it allowed sub-atomic particles to possess a mass; yet a problem existed, how to prove it existed?

The Higgs boson was supposedly art of the Higgs field, which causes the Higgs mechanism, which when interacting with other particles, gives rise to the characteristic of mass.

Also heard something like, now that they found the last piece they needed for the physics we know, they now have a better chance to find out about 'other' physics... dark matter has been named. I'm still kinda sceptical about that two or more physical systems can coexist in parallel, but we'll see.... so Wyrzen, you'll still have plenty to find out, don't worry

The Standard Model of Physics is still flawed, because it doesn't take into account some physics such as dark energy. Whether the model has to be scrapped wholly, or a new theory developed, remains to be seen!
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Forgot to mention, the discovery of the Higgs Boson will then complete that missing bit of the theory. So it is important.

4,220 posts

Now, how to find a practical purpose for this colossal waste of money.

It's great that we've found the new particle, but at nine billion dollars cost? Seems that the cost of knowledge is high, but that's through the roof. Hopefully this leads somewhere practical. I love science, but the application is more important to me as a person than knowing that something exists that proves some nonsense I know nothing about. I won't be able to grasp the magnitude of the discovery until I see it working in the real world. Now that it completes (or close? not sure) the standard model, I can imagine that this could lead to some pretty big practical advances, but until I see it, I can only scratch my head.

9,462 posts

Now, how to find a practical purpose for this colossal waste of money.

It's great that we've found the new particle, but at nine billion dollars cost? Seems that the cost of knowledge is high, but that's through the roof. Hopefully this leads somewhere practical. I love science, but the application is more important to me as a person than knowing that something exists that proves some nonsense I know nothing about. I won't be able to grasp the magnitude of the discovery until I see it working in the real world. Now that it completes (or close? not sure) the standard model, I can imagine that this could lead to some pretty big practical advances, but until I see it, I can only scratch my head.

That's incredibly short sighted. Quite often real world application will come unexpectedly. Usually through the process of just trying to make the discovery do we later find real world applications. Even if we don't develop any direct real world applications in developing technology from it having this discovery leaves us working on advancements with one less blind spot.

Just from an indirect standpoint the search itself has resulted in advances in computer software technology.
4,206 posts

Now, how to find a practical purpose for this colossal waste of money.

So are we suppose to get practical without the theory? I can't follow you. And I think 9 billion is nothing for knowledge. Heck, discovery should be one of the top financed domains.

Hopefully this leads somewhere practical. I love science, but the application is more important to me as a person than knowing that something exists that proves some nonsense I know nothing about.

Yes, but the thing is, science progress doesn't care about you, or me, it cares about advancing our knowledge and the understanding of everything to make impacts on our lives in maybe 2 million years. You know, at least the people from the future won't think that we were a bunch of lazy egocentric beings who thought only about the present.
4,206 posts

Knew I had one for this line of arguing.

I can't follow. Is that a responses to EnterOrion? And in what way? Sorry if I didn't get it >.<'
9,462 posts

I can't follow. Is that a responses to EnterOrion? And in what way? Sorry if I didn't get it >.<'

Ignore it, that was meant for another thread. I have asked a mod to come and remove that post.
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