ForumsWEPRpolitical correctness

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how do you feel about political correctness, if you don't know what it is then if something is politically correct then it doesn't offend anyone in anyway and some people would like every thing to be politically correct and not have anyone get offended, which quite frankly offends people. what's your take on the matter?

~manly man

  • 15 Replies
3,817 posts

There some instances where this would be useful to some extent, for example a doctor or soldier overseas in a dangerous area should take a good amount of care not to get the local population angry at you.

In general use, overly political correctness, like not using gay or retarded as insults, is completely stupid. A small amount can be fine, but when you go over the top it is simply annoying, especially if you are attempting to spread it to other people.

1,627 posts

Political correctness is necessary in some places, but I feel that it has gotten to the point where everyone fears to speak because they might offend some African tribe in Zimbabwe. I get that saying "African-American" over "negro" is more polite, however if I call you "black," you shouldn't get offended.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

So long as the authorities don't pull a Gestapo on you, or you tick off others via baseless and tactless diction, go for it tIger. Being too PC does the opposite of what it intends to do, it reinforces stereotypes and tensions.

1,094 posts

...however if I call you "black," you shouldn't get offended.

Honestly, the only people that get offended at that are usually racist black people, that use every opportunity to bash on white people. My negro friends don't mind anyone calling them black, negro, african, whatever, as long as it's not the "n" word which is probably censored here.

It's all nice and dandy up till a point. If it's suddenly a fine for calling someone something out of the ordinary, that's just plain retarded. Hell, my own father used to refer to me as a complete moron that will never accomplish anything in my life just because I was atheist. You don't see me crying out for political correctness now, do you?
2,420 posts

i could care less if I'm politically correct because I like to think of myself as apolitical. however, I have no problem using racial slurs in front of anyone.

408 posts

i could care less

Don't you mean 'I couldn't care less'?

Well I don't think people can ever be politically correct. People are take offence to pretty much everything these days but I think people can try to be a bit more political correct as, especially the younger generation of gamers, are being a bit too offensive.
5,852 posts

yeah i refer to myself as being almost as white as they come, in fact probably the only thing that could make me whiter would be a comic book collection and world of warcraft, i play minecraft and skyrim got glasses and braces hang out in the forums of a gaming website and like super hero movies

~manly man

1,434 posts

Oh political correctness, such a backwash attempt of social equalization. How to put this; Social Darwinism I believe it's called (don't quote me on the name).

The populace is free to make whatever comments that creep into their dirty little minds whenever they feel like saying something. The thing that stops us from crying out obscenities in public is the fear of reaction from those around us, worst-case scenario being social exile.

I am free to be as racist as I ****-well please, but I must be willing to face the consequences that follow. I should also be able to put whatever stereotypes I want to on my TV show, it's my TV show and the network approved my existence, so that ghetto black man stays with his big lips and fried chicken obsession. If you don't like it, don't watch the show, and I'll get dropped off the air and you'll never have to see my show again. Further, my name will always carry that failure with me, preventing any more un-desired material from eeking onto the airways.

Long-story short? Let the racists be racist. Simply vocalize that their social practices are simply unfit for the evolving human race and expel them. The invisible hand of life will sort out the filth.


276 posts

Political correctness makes me mad. The one thing that makes me the most mad is racial political correctness. I live in an area where white people are the minority and yet you would think we are the vast majority. People get mad if you call them mexican or black yet it's okay to call us white. I don't care, I just hate the double standard. I am honestly not racist at all, the double standards there just piss me off. But as far as being politically correct, if you get offended by something then just man up. Honestly, it is not that hard and there are very few things that should actually offend you.

1,606 posts

yet it's okay to call us white

Somethin' like a ritz bit, I prefer cracker.

Being offended by political incorrectness proves only that you aren't proud of who/what you are.
Most Americans are proud to be called Americans, and revel in the fact that the Army that protects them can kick any other nations' goose-steppin' ***. Not all countries can say the same for their own nationalism. Germany, for instance, has a very poor nationalism. Very few Germans will actually join the German Streitkräfte. They still feel negatively about what happened during WWII. Sad, innit?

So, political correctness only serves to protect people who aren't proud of whatever they are.

i could care less if I'm politically correct because I like to think of myself as apolitical. however, I have no problem using racial slurs in front of anyone.
421 posts

Iz dont likes me none uh dat der politly correctness and whats not.Nah just kidding there should be a limit to it but every one has gone overboard i got called a rascist for saying black guy seriosly to much

421 posts

One more thing Indian american who was the idiot that made that up and who decided african american was good wasnt to wise either people who are actualy african american as in someone who has come from the continent of africa and earned american citizenship often dont like it very much but back to the Indian American thing seriosly most people who are native american will refer to themselves by specific tribes for example my freind calls himself Cherokee not anything else and when i refer to my own heritage i say German British and Cherokee.somthing else sombody earleir said people that get offended by the term black are usualy rascists themselves

5,852 posts

well yeah its stupid because usually the black people who get offended racially like that are the most racist people alive but now everyone is saying that like with the treyvon martin case that because a white guy killed a black guy that it was because he was racist, and if had been the other way around no matter what else happened with that he wouldn't be considered racist

~manly man

38 posts

Midgets, retards and beaners, I love em all

63 posts

Political correctness stands in the way of efficency and fairness to all people. Just say the truth. Its what people deserve.

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