How would I go about doing one of those properly on flash. I presume I will need a server and such but not sure where to start. I have a website so I can use it's server, but not sure how to do it! Thanks
Well, i think armor games actually has one. ArmorBot i believe it is called.
i got some info from a reliable source and found this:
Let's see its actionscript: PLAIN TEXT ACTIONSCRIPT:
1. var send_score:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection(); 2. onMouseDown = function () { 3. points = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000); 4. _root.score.text = "Your last score: "+points; 5. send_score.send("hall_of_fame", "compare_scores", points); 6. };
Line 1: Creation of the LocalConnection variable called send_score
Lines 2-4: Your game script here... score is saved in a variable called points
Line 5: Sending the score. How?
send calls the compare_scores method (the second parameter) on a connection opened with the LocalConnection.connect command we will insert into our leaderboard file. The name of the connection is the first parameter (hall_of_fame) while the score is passed as 3rd parameter, where I pass the points variable
That's all. This means I only have to add 2 lines to my game: line 1 with for the connection, and line 5 to send the score
The leaderboard
This is a very very complex leaderboard that will save only the highest score. Come on, what's the meaning of being 42,455th... PLAIN TEXT ACTIONSCRIPT:
Why not be clever and earn some money off your scoreboard. Read Mochilands and learn how it integrate a high score board AND EARN money at the same time.