you are an animal who is now part of project adapt basicly when your in battles parts of your body change into somthing else sometimes also no flying animals or t-rex or other huge things some dinosaurs are ok though animal: name: apperence: any other advanteges that you animals species has:
animal:Tasmanian wolf(aka Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine) name:Lyaic apperence:Lyaic looks like a large, short-haired dog with a stiff tail which smoothly extends from the body. She has a yellow-brown coat with 15 distinctive dark stripes across her back, rump and the base of her tail. any other advanteges that you animals species has:a pouch for the joey, the ability to stand for brief periods of time and hop on her hind legs, the camoflage of her dark stripes
If you need a better discription then you can find pictures on Wikipedia if you use one of the animal names I gave.
animal: Zed name: Epicnes apperence: 6 feet tall (and no hand me down) Tattered clothing. any other advanteges that you animals species has: Infection: Turns other creatures into more Zed but in the form of that species. Takes at least 5 turns assuming its turn based.
@storm cool @please pick an animal that is real i know its not but i dont know if storms is but his is atlest imaginable and not one that can turn things into it please
animal:Tasmanian wolf(aka Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine) name:Lyaic apperence:Lyaic looks like a large, short-haired dog with a stiff tail which smoothly extends from the body. She has a yellow-brown coat with 15 distinctive dark stripes across her back, rump and the base of her tail. any other advanteges that you animals species has:a pouch for the joey, the ability to stand for brief periods of time and hop on her hind legs, the camoflage of her dark stripes
OOC:Thanks. The Tasmanian tiger is exstinc. They have a couple of vids of the last ones seen in a zoo on Wikipidea.
@storm oh yah i remember them theirs a pat about them in dinosuar encyclopedia from dinosuars to the dawn of man but mines an older one it lost its cover once so we duck tapped it back on but as of now ive noticed some of the pages are gone
animal:Tasmanian wolf(aka Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine) name:Lyaic apperence:Lyaic looks like a large, short-haired dog with a stiff tail which smoothly extends from the body. She has a yellow-brown coat with 15 distinctive dark stripes across her back, rump and the base of her tail. any other advanteges that you animals species has:a pouch for the joey, the ability to stand for brief periods of time and hop on her hind legs, the camoflage of her dark stripes
OOC:If it is a red hardback book with wollymanoths on it and some other pictures then it is probly the same one I used back when I was in school.
no its brown green and white with a small mamoth a skull some skeletones a primitive man and a large styracosaur on the cover but we might have the same one how many pages does it have
animal:Tasmanian wolf(aka Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine) name:Lyaic apperence:Lyaic looks like a large, short-haired dog with a stiff tail which smoothly extends from the body. She has a yellow-brown coat with 15 distinctive dark stripes across her back, rump and the base of her tail. any other advanteges that you animals species has:a pouch for the joey, the ability to stand for brief periods of time and hop on her hind legs, the camoflage of her dark stripes
I have no idea cause I haven't sean it in years and I think it got lost durring a move.
animal:small dragon name:fethery appearance: green scales lost the ability to fly during a battle any other advantages that you animals species has:can breathe fire
animal:small dragon name:fethery appearance: green scales lost the ability to fly during a battle any other advantages that you animals species has:can breathe fire