This is a recration of one of my FIRST games, i think is was my FIRST game and it was really fun.
You are a Less Minor God who was given a planet to control, it is either a Frozen Rock, or a Molten Blob. you have to think of a way to make it habitable and create life. ( there will be expansions to this game like, Personal Planet: civilizations Personal planet: Solar, System PersonalPlanet: Galactic Empire
your Planet Sheet is customizable, you will discover new part as you progress. First: Choose a star
Sol: a middle aged star with one planet (early life) you life will Flurish but your planet will have a short life span ( 4 billion years)
Cluster 5: this is not even a star yet, its just a Large cloud of Hydrogen. if you choose your planet will take a long time to have life, but may sister planets or moons ( carful of random impacts)
Dwarf 9: this is a dead star that has been dormant fo a long time. you planet is very close to the star and is the ONLY planet in your system due to the Massive ammounts of Radiated Energy you species will rapidly evolve.
Next: fill out this
Name: Star: Distance from star ( the earth is 92,955,887.6 miles from the sun, that is one AU) -- Typedepends on star distance) Planetary Status: Land molten, frozen, non existance) atmosphere: none water:none
Name:Bluaria Star: Yellow star Distance from star: 1 AU -- Typedepends on star distance) Planetary Status: Land molten, frozen, non existance) atmosphere: none water:none
Name:Kase Star:Sol Distance from star 1 AU i guess lol -- Typedepends on star distance) Planetary Status: Land: Molten atmosphere: none water:none
Ill play. And i know right. It seems like no one wants to play RPG's or anything...... Ive made like two and none of them really got any one to okay !!!!
Don't be a ****. The forum games section isn't entirely for rpg's. Some people just want a simple pass-time game like trying to count to 100, which actually proves to be much more difficult than it should be. But it's kinda dicky to think that if people don't join your game, it's because they only play those kind of word games. Nope. I only play rpg's, but I'm not interested in this one.
Why? Mainly for your lopsided typing, and the fact that this is an overused game. (Maybe it wasn't overused when you first made it, but now it sure as heck is.)
My apologies, but that's my opinion.
Ive made like two and none of them really got any one to okay
To be fair, your first game had a lot of players but you couldn't keep it, and the others were a little so and so, but still like 1/3 beginner rpg's, you shouldn't feel so bad. You'll learn what kind of games people want, soon enough.
Name:fetheryhorse Star:dwarf 9 Distance from star 92,955,887.6 miles Typedepends on star distance)rocky migeit Planetary Status: lots or plants and litlle cretchers Land:frozen atmosphere: big water:lackes
Thats the problem though alot of the games people want to play are over used.
Yeah well.. I highly try to stress to other rpg makers that it would be cool to see a new, exciting and different rpg. Some people don't like change and would rather stick to the basics, but others are just waiting for some breaking ground awesome rpg idea. They come and go on the forum but they never see a great rpg so they don't bother doing anything. (At least so I would imagine)
An example for this one, I'm not saying this is a good idea, it's just an example: What if, from the moment the planet was suitable for life, you could enter the planet yourself as a minor god and then do stuff from there, amongst the residents of your planet? It would add a nice twist to it but still would keep the game similar.
Name:Planet of Bards Starwarf 9 Distance from star: .37 AU Type: Solid Ice and rock Planetary Status: Land: Frozen atmosphere: none water:none you good...
Name:Kase Star:Sol Distance from star 1 AU i guess lol -- Type: habitable Planetary Status: Land: Molten atmosphere: none water:none
you wait a while but the cooling process isnt fast enough. it would take 1000s of Millenia to cool
Name:Xian Star:Sol Distance from star:2 AU Type:Habitable Planetary Status: Land:Frozen Atmosphere: none Water:none
I cause a couple asteroids to hit my planet thus creating land.Also,the temperature in the asteroids are higher than the ice's ICE!Thus,melting some of my frozen wasteland to create water.Is this right?