Nameax Burntwood
Secret Name: None{yet}
Biography:Was handling rare radioactive crystals,then got shot with a laser beam by one of the crystals,then everything went black....
Outfit:White shirt, black pants
Super Power:Aura-related powers(Can create new aura relted powers anytime,maximum of 5)Aura vision.
Weakness: head ache (Powers my work in away that don't want them to.)
You make sword, but it fails to cut the tree in half, with the first try, but finishes the cut on the second.
Name: Thorik Anskuld
Secret Name: None{yet}
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Biography: When i died, i was sent to hell. I looked Satan straight in the eyes and spit in his face. In reward for my bravery, he sent me back to life and granted me my powers.
Inventory: None
Outfit: Patient Scrubs
Super Power: Manipulation/Creation of fire and darkness
Weakness: The Oceans (weakens your fire powers) , sedated (You react slower).
No you don't you have powers yet.
"Now Mr. Anskuld, if you try to leave, you may hurt your self more than you are now." she tell you, giving the professional version of 'because you gave me the one finger salute, your not leaving anytime soon.'
Name: blue wings
Secret Name: None{yet}
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Biography: fell down the stairs and landed on his head. after waking up he could use the powers. probably the shock awakened the sleeping powers.
Inventory: None
Outfit: White shirt, bluejeans
Super Power: animal communication, water control
Weakness: None.
You walking up, and you are full of energy, you she fang sleeping on the foot of your bed.
Name: Fethery Horse
Secret Name: None
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Biography: as i crashed a toxic gas was relesed and i inhaled the worst of it ganing my power
Inventory: None
Outfit: jeans, white long sleeved shirt.
Super Power: Super brains im able to move stuff whith my mind and am x10 smarter then enstin
Weakness: none
"Wow, were you driving when you called me, and what a pretty necklace, where did you get it?"
Name: Krista Ela
Secret Name: None{yet}
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Biography: I was in the audience of one of those cooking shows when the set caught on fire. Don't ask what started it cause I don't know but what ever it was it sure did start a big old wildfire that burned down the entire building. Not to mention there was a basement to the place that had who knows what in it due to the fact that the set was built over a demolished chemical plant. I could had easily gotten out but I just had to be the good person and try to help everyone who was in trouble.
Inventory: None
Outfit: Jeans, Tee-shirt with a wolf design on it.
Super Power: I can turn into my favorite bird, land animal, and water animal. For me that is an American Bald Eagle, an Arctic wolf, and a goblin shark. can also use the elements ice, darkness, and wind. My senses have been heightened thanks to the new forms and I can grow gills when I need them but don't want to became a shark. I can only fly in my eagle form and I'm still can only stand the same amount of water pressure as the form I am in. All three forms have their own personalities but the most distinct of the three is the wolf. If I anger the personalities they won't let me take the different forms even partly and I won't be able to use the elemental gifts I got from the personalities.
Weakness: none
You manage to keep her on the ropes, then you something wolverine do in the X-man comic books, the mans hands suddenly had metal claws coming out of them.
Name: Lloyd Luciola
Secret Name: None{yet}
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Biography: I have always had my power, just never used it before. After getting attack by a energy blast from a super villain, which threw me into a road, and hit by two cars, I used my power to defend myself, and overexerted myself and put myself into a coma.
Inventory: None
Outfit: White shirt, blue jeans.
Super Power: I can create anything with my imagination to life, but the stronger or bigger they are, the more energy it takes to make the item/creature/building/etc. Since its my imagination, the item does not have to follow the laws of physic and other ways the universe works like that.
Weakness: (Overusing my power causes me to faint, I get more drowsy the more of my energy I use, I can replenish it by eating.) Broken leg in a robotic leg brace
Map, "Well I can tell you where you are, your in New-York city, but I don't know any one to help you with you powers. Might I suggest talking to a phone-book."
Name: Alec Demorrow
Secret Name: None{yet}
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Biography: With no memory of my past life other than an explosion and my name, I wake up.
Inventory: None
Outfit: Patient Scrubs
Super Power: Can manipulate objects with my mind- Telekinesis
Weakness: Unknown
Your in a hospital, and there is a doctor in the room who see that your awake, "My word John Doe is wake, might you telling me your name."