ForumsWEPR"french are coward who always surrender" -_-

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1,773 posts

well, firstly, im not french.

now, why the american public {and alot of other [non-french] western public start to belive that hte french are cowerds who always surrender?
for exmple, i just saw "that 70' show" {preety old, i know, but whatever i love it}. in one episode, red decline to sell there house to a french couple, because "they will give it to the first germans they will see".
and there is more in almost every other USA shows.

does no one remmember Napoleon? in the first world war, they won the war. there army was the one who fought in all the frontiers. in the second world war, the 'surrendered' after them and the british armies as lost.

so why peopels? why?

  • 63 Replies
3,817 posts

You see, many years ago there was this war. It was a big war. We called it "World War Two". Since it just happened right after WWI, many nations where still weakened from it. France was once such nation. France's defenses where weak, and since it has a really close border with Germany, the whole country was taken over in a matter of weak. And the French have been mocked for it ever since.

To be fair, the Italians surrendered basically as much, and where basically considered unnoteworthy even during the fighting as well, and where mocked just the same.

35 posts

I agree with 314d1, france was not the only country weakend from the war.and all because they have one bad leader you can't discriminate against them, just like Hitler and Germany,(by the way Hitler was Austrian)

1,714 posts

As others have said, it has a lot to do with WWII.

However, sites like this don't help. I have no idea how much is accurate, but I do find it hilarious.

787 posts

now, why the american public {and alot of other [non-french] western public start to belive that hte french are cowerds who always surrender?

A lot of Americans don't like Europe in general, and they just use this as one more way to make fun of them.

In Canada, I've met a lot of people who don't really like the French either, mainly because Quebec wants to separate and they use this as one more reason to dislike them.

Instructions on how to make French Flag:
Tools: Stick, Blank Flag, Red & Blue Markers
1. Tie Blank flag to stick
2. Throw away markers, don't use them
3. Wave new French flag is the Germans attack.

^It's just a joke.

(by the way Hitler was Austrian)

Wrong, he was Polish.
3,087 posts

Not only World War 2, but they lost a lot of battles against the English and were supported heavily by English and American forces in World War 1. The reason they lost in WWII was partly because instead of focusing money into mobile forces, like Germany did, they spent all of their money on the Maginot line.

35 posts

sorry ignore the one on top,

Wrong, he was polish

Wrong, he was(prodmenently)austrian,
i should know i can speak German fluently and have been to Germany twice, i am a expert on hitler, his actually was of jewish descent.
3,437 posts

In Canada, I've met a lot of people who don't really like the French either, mainly because Quebec wants to separate and they use this as one more reason to dislike them.

Yay ignorance!

No, the Bloc de Quebecois wants Quebec to separate, most Quebecers have gotten that out of their system. Canadians use this excuse in ignorance simply because people love stereotypes.
2,150 posts

This is a small game in the much larger scheme of "trolling." Every country makes fun of every other country. Like Americans get called fat, France surrenders, Italians love Pasta, and so forth. It's in a human's natural instinct to find reasons to dislike other things.

For a funny anime on the country stereotypes, look up Hetalia: axis Powers.

5,129 posts

his actually was of jewish descent.

doesn't the story go that 1 of the reasons he hated jews was because his father didn't got a job. instead some jew got it. and that his father cursed the jews at home. partualy forming adolf as we know him..

or something along those lines (his father didn't got work because of some jew)

anyway onopic.. the french are also stereotyped is gays. but at the same time it's seen as a romantic country....

it's all just bollocks.
408 posts

Even though I'm British and supposed to hate the French

I've never seen the French as cowardly. In fact France has one of the World's most successful armies in terms of winning and loosing battles.

During WW1, while most British soldiers (and American soldiers when they finally decided to join in 1917 when the tide had turned in our favour) weren't really soldiers but volunteers who signed up for military service in the few years/months before the war, the main force of the French army were professional soldiers who did a lot during the first world war.

But in WW2, no one really saw it coming. The Nazis attacked hard and fast and not even the might colossus (B1) tanks couldn't stop them. France was overrun and couldn't do anything so had to surrender. You could argue that Britain didn't surrender against incredible odds but it's a lot harder to mobilise your forces when Hitler is on top of the Eiffel Tower.

It's just another thing that is used to insult a country. We all have our own stereotypes. I mean, (without being insulting) the Americans have fat, stupid, arrogant, racist and violent. The British have arrogant, rotten teeth, poor athletic ability, posh, fight with muskets, boring and have technology from the 18 hundreds.

Of course none of this is true for every single person, not even a majority. It's just a way to make fun of another country. Yes it's a bit harsh but it's nice to laugh at our selves from time to time. Most people don't really think that the French are cowardly.

1,707 posts

Such ignorance in this thread.

well, firstly, im not french.

now, why the american public {and alot of other [non-french] western public start to belive that hte french are cowerds who always surrender?
for exmple, i just saw "that 70' show" {preety old, i know, but whatever i love it}. in one episode, red decline to sell there house to a french couple, because "they will give it to the first germans they will see".
and there is more in almost every other USA shows.

does no one remmember Napoleon? in the first world war, they won the war. there army was the one who fought in all the frontiers. in the second world war, the 'surrendered' after them and the british armies as lost.

so why peopels? why?

What do you say to people who use American T.V. shows such as "That 70's Show" as the basis for a thread. How does one respond to such stupidity, by the way if you want to be taken seriously try to use a little bit of grammar. The fact that you may not be 100% grammatically correct doesn't matter as long as you try.

in the first world war, they won the war.

Saying the French won WWI is a little bit of an exaggeration considering all the help they got, and the inevitable defeat they would've suffered without the Americans/Brits/Canadians/Aussies etc...

does no one remmember Napoleon?

You mean the man who was exiled and who had to abdicate? The man who had his generals mutiny against him? Do you ever think before you speak?

Wrong, he was Polish.

Face palm
1,714 posts

What do you say to people who use American T.V. shows such as "That 70's Show" as the basis for a thread. How does one respond to such stupidity,

I don't think you understand how society works. The stereotype that the French are cowards who surrender easily has been in America a very long time, and T.V. shows are an excellent way to show that. T.V. shows follow what the public(or at least a large part of it) believe. "That 70's Show" is an even better example in that it includes public opinion from both the 70's and when it was made. The stereotype that the French are cowards who surrender easily has been in America a very long time, and T.V. shows are an excellent way to show that.
1,714 posts

My bad, you can ignore the last sentence in my last post.
Sorry for double posting.

5,852 posts

OOOO!!! a thread for hating on the french, count me in!

~manly man

5,129 posts

Saying the French won WWI is a little bit of an exaggeration considering all the help they got,

doesn't the same happen whit the usa and ww2?
they say "we saved europe" while most of europe was liberated by other countrys then the usa...
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