It really depends how you define 'worst' dictator. I would say that the closest interpretation is about how he rules his country, and in this case I agree Hitler wasn't the worst. His crimes against Jews, disabled etc. were of course some of the biggest crimes in history. But he did not merely seek power for himself, he wanted to achieve greatness for Germany, and in the beginning he managed to share the people around him, since he was a great orator as already mentioned.
I'd say one very bad dictator is Assad, as he kills his own people only to fortify his position. He seems only to care about his dynasty and not his country.
All I know is that if I were a dictator, I'd definitely be an applicable participant.
We've had our share of bad dictators, but as HahiHa said, it depends on what you define 'bad' is. Even then, there are to many to chose from. One of the rulers of he Aztecs went insane and took up cannibalism, which resulted in thousands of his most devoted followers being consumed by him personally. I think he was from the Ryan bloodline. I can't remember.
Which is worse, a man who harshly tortures his child in an attempt to help him, or a man who largely ignores his child, but still provides all their needs? I would say the person who is torturing their child is the worse father...
the 20.000 people in Amlas (including woman and children) sure will agree whit that. and so will all the poor and sick from Wallachia.
i think Ivan the Terrible is can be a good, bad dictator ever.
this ruler is one of the most vicious mass murderers ever to live. In 1570, strongly believing that the elite of the city of Novgorod was planning to defect to Poland. he led an army and built walls around the city so that people could not escape. He would release his wrath by forcing 500 to 1000 people to be gathered and had them tortured and massacred in front of him and his son. This would happen every single day. In 1581.
or what about pol pot?
Pol Pot almost completely ruined Cambodiaâs culture by murdering the intellectuals in the country. Those who were just wearing glasses would be murdered. He had his own people massacred at a rate twice as fast as Hitlerâs Nazi killed Jews. And it wasnât just simple murders. He allotted and set up killing fields were people would be tortured then murdered. During his reign, disease spread and starvation continued to send people to their agonizing death. Cambodians were living in absolute horror day and night. All these killed two million Cambodians. Thatâs one-third of the countryâs population. Yes, Stalin, Mao and Hitler ordered the killings of much more people but given a longer term, Pol Pot would have exceeded their records.
Well, after studying this subject for quite some time, and referring to several statistics concerning those killed during their respective reigns, etc., I have come to the conclusion that the worst dictator ever was, indeed, Cormyn.
**** IT! You fools have crumbled before Godwin's Law! I am ashamed to even look upon your usernames! What part of enemies and friends do you not understand? Killing millions of people on your side, the loyal ones, is evil dictatorship. Killing millions everywhere is just evil.
You fools have crumbled before Godwin's Law! I am ashamed to even look upon your usernames! What part of enemies and friends do you not understand? Killing millions of people on your side, the loyal ones, is evil dictatorship. Killing millions everywhere is just evil.
I am confused. Are you drunk? HITLER KILLED MILLIONS ON HIS SIDE. HIS OWN PEOPLE. Was this not clear? Was this not stated in that special school your mommy put you in after she dropped you? Hitler killed millions of his own people, Jews, communists, homosexuals, the disabled. He took his OWN People and threw them into an oven. He burned loyal citizens. That is evil dictatorship, even by your own definition....
I was going to post an argument, but seeing as I just spent some time writing in my AMW thread, I cannot be stuffed arguing over what has been repeated thousands of times. Sorry to deprive thee of a good time, but my AMW thread is always open.
I was going to post an argument, but seeing as I just spent some time writing in my AMW thread, I cannot be stuffed arguing over what has been repeated thousands of times. Sorry to deprive thee of a good time, but my AMW thread is always open.
Repeated thousands of times? What? Basically the only argument anyone has brought up for Hitler has been "Well he may have killed millions of his own people, but that is OK because he wanted to make his country better". Which is stupid, and does not fit here...