ForumsForum GamesSwords and Crusaders (RPG)

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You are a villager not very far from a castle. In the castle there lives your king with his mighty crusader army. The kings name is the king Lionel IX. The crusader army has a prince too. His name is sir Belgrave II. Belgrave has some great skills of battles and king Lionel leads the soldiers and tells them the strategy how too defend the village. One day a soldier was going up on the castle tower looking if they have any newcomers to their village. Then the crusader saw a massive group of men coming to them. It looked like an armyso he wanted to show it to his friend. The massive army was coming closer and closer and they seem to be running to it. The soldiers quickly reported that to the king and the villagers. Lionel told his son to to bring people down in the sewers for safety. Belgrave agreed and was asking soldiers to bring people to the castle.
Belgrave: "Welcome, villagers of Ettania! We want you to hide in the sewers because there is an army charging into our village!'"
A man from a village: "Where is the proof? You deffinetly want to steal everything from our houses like you did it the last year!"
Another man: "What he says! We are not some fools that listen to everything you say! I rather quit this village before i die from hunger!"
Belgrave: "You are mistaken! I didnt do it and you know it very well! It happened before 2 years and you are still mad? You can quit this village if you want! It will not be my fault when the enemy army finds and kills you!"
The other man: "Ergh! I guess you are right! Lets go and protect ourselves!"
Belgrave: "Thats the spirit! Now go! Before they..."
And the army was already there. They used very modern weapons like pistols, magnums, sniper rifles, shotguns, macine guns, rocket launchers and stuff like that. The army killed massive counts of people. And Belgrave was trying to put as many villagers in there as possible. The crusaders were no match to te power of the modern tecnologies the evil army was using. They killed everyone, only a few people got to the sewers before they got killed.
The survivors:
A soldier
They will count as your teammates and they will assist you in the fight. Each teammate has something special with him. Every player will have a different storyline. There is a possibility that players will meet up and have a teamwork. So you can have teammates. But i will seperate you whenever im gonna want so be careful. You can also play one storyline for 2 players.
Now the teammate special abilities:
You: (well, for now nothing, but soon you will recieve swords and magic skills n stuff)
Belgrave: Uses a magical sword, he uses the magic of light.
A soldier: Has a bow, 30 arrows and an iron sword.
Jake: Is the healer. He is using some pretty weak healing spells and has 5 medipacks.
Sagan: Is the old wisard that lives in an underground cave full of magic.

Character sheet
Allies: (teammates or another player)
Damage: (start with 2)
Health: (start with 10)
Level: (start with 1)
Speed: (start with 2)
Invetory: (start with an empty slot. Max count of items 15)
Magic skills: (start with an empty slot)
Class: (look below)
Elemant: (look below)


Warrior: doesnt use magic very often, good with mental power.
Ranger: Good with a bow and arrow, great aiming power and doesnt use lots of skills.
Magician: has lots of skills, the magic does a great damage, doesnt use bows or swords.
Assassin: Uses a knife-type weapon. Very fast. Magic skills are almost useless for him.


Fire: can burn the enemy
Water: like a magical waterfall that drowns the opponent
Poison: decreases the enemy speed and health
Thunder: has a 50% chance of stunning the enemy
Ice: freezes the opponent and when the opponent has unfrozen, his speed is lower
Bomb: brakes anything except for iron
Earth: can make magical traps and walls
Wind: pushes the enemy back
Light: has a 50% possibility of blinding the opponent
Dark: does a massive damage

You can only start using the power with your element once you get a magic skill that will go together with one of these elements. One element has 3 additional skills and the rest of the skills will be achieved through me. Let this game begin

  • 135 Replies
1,356 posts

You attack and do 50 damage. Jazz uses a skill of his called: legend and does 150 damage, Hannah heals you to your full health, Allegrado simply attacks for 30 dmg, Mike also simply attacks for 30.

Archfiend Zeerzabahl uses a skill of his called: blackness, he heals himself for 300 hp and attacks all of you for 50. You have 150 hp.

Your shadow blast is ready, maybe you wanna charge up, because now you can use dark blast any time.

Archfiend Zeerzabahl has 14320 HP.

343 posts

Chuck Norris:
Name: Chuck Norris
Allies: Polka, Jeff
Damage: 7
Health: 30
Level: 3
Speed: 5
Inventory: magnum gun, rocket launcher
Magic skills: groundquake, charge up
Class: magician
Element: earth

use charge up
what does the rocket laucher do?

2,025 posts

Name: Bart
Allies: Jazz, Hannah, Allegrado, Mike
Damage: 50
Health: 200
Level: 10
Speed: 30
Weapon: staff of the magi
Invetory: timber, sniper rifle
Magic skills: pulse, dark strike, black hole, charge up, shadow blast, evil rain
Class: magician
Element: dark

I use charge up

1,356 posts

Ok guys first of all im going to send pictures of your looks in the game.


So anyway back to the game.
Chuck Norris:
The rocket launcher has also one bullet, it will shoot a rocket and do a bomb elemental damage.
You have charged up. You will now do 400% more damage to the opponent. Jeff uses a skill and does 12 damage. Polka casts a shield on you. You will recieve 10% less damage.

You charge up. You will now do 400% more damage. Jazz attacks the Zeerzabahl for 60 dmg. Allegrado spams bullets for 60 dmg. Hannah uses a spell judgement and it does 200 damage cuz it has a light element. Mike shoots the magical arrow and does 80 dmg.

Archfiend Zeerzabahl uses the last one of his skills and kills Allegrado with it. Your allies are now: Jazz, Hannah, Mike oh yes by the way Archfiend Zeerzabahl has 13920 health now.

You will do 400% more damage.

2,025 posts

Name: Bart
Allies: Jazz, Hannah, Mike
Damage: 50
Health: 200
Level: 10
Speed: 30
Weapon: staff of the magi
Invetory: timber, sniper rifle
Magic skills: pulse, dark strike, black hole, charge up, shadow blast, evil rain
Class: magician
Element: dark

I use shadow blast

343 posts

Chuck Norris:
Name: Chuck Norris
Allies: Polka, Jeff
Damage: 7
Health: 30
Level: 3
Speed: 5
Inventory: magnum gun, rocket launcher
Magic skills: groundquake, charge up
Class: magician
Element: earth

I use groundquake

1,356 posts

So guys what do you think about your looks?

Your shadow blast did 2000 dmg to Zeerzabahl. Jazz does another one of his special skills called: ghrono zaich (hehe some random letters make cool magical words xD) and did 100 dmg. Hannah casts a shield on you and the teammates, you will receive 50% less damage. Mike shoots a magical arrow and does 200 damage to him.

Zeerzabahl heals himself for 300 HP. He has 11920 HP now.

Chuck Norris:
Oh wait, the poison plant didn't have his turn yet. He uses nettle on Jeff. Polka will now need to heal him every turn. Jeff will be losing 5 HP every turn.

Now you do groundquake and do a complete 40 damage, Jeff simply attacks for 5.

The plant summons his mini-minions and here they are:

Name: mini plant
Allies: three more just like it
Damage: 2 (they poison)
Health: 5
Level: 1
Speed: 0
Class: boss minion
Element: poison

So basically the plant boss guy has 20 HP... i think.

343 posts

Chuck Norris:
Name: Chuck Norris
Allies: Polka, Jeff
Damage: 7
Health: 30
Level: 3
Speed: 5
Inventory: magnum gun, rocket launcher
Magic skills: groundquake, charge up
Class: magician
Element: earth

i use groundquake. (sorry if this a double post)

343 posts

crap, sorry!
Name: Chuck Norris
Allies: Polka, Jeff
Damage: 7
Health: 30
Level: 3
Speed: 5
Inventory: magnum gun, rocket launcher
Magic skills: groundquake, charge up
Class: magician
Element: earth


1,356 posts

Chuck Norris:
Refresh the page if you have submitted a post and can't see it. By the way you cannot use your groundquake skill because it needs to refresh.

2,025 posts

Name: Bart
Allies: Jazz, Hannah, Mike
Damage: 50
Health: 200
Level: 10
Speed: 30
Weapon: staff of the magi
Invetory: timber, sniper rifle
Magic skills: pulse, dark strike, black hole, charge up, shadow blast, evil rain
Class: magician
Element: dark

I then use black hole

343 posts

sorry there is this glitch so i have to submit something to see the last post.

1,356 posts

OK sorry for not being online here, didn't feel like playing RPGs. Now I'm back. So you both will now meet up in one battle.

Chuck Norris:
You feel power going inside your body and then you rage and after that you have gained a magnifecent power. Your new stats:
Name: Chuck Norris
Allies: Polka, Jeff, Bart, Jazz, Mike, Hannah
Damage: 125
Health: 750
Level: 30
Speed: 100
Weapon: earths rob
Invetory: potion of power
Magic skills: charge up, rock hole, earthquake, stone sword
Class: earth magician
Element: ultimate earth

Your skills do enormous damage now.
Charge up: 10x more damage
Rock hole: 500 damage
Earthquake: 750 damage
Stone sword: 1000 damage

You and your teammates are now so fast, you run through everything in 100 miles an hour and quickly get to the final boss battle.
Bart: "Who are you?"
You: "Someone whos on the same mission as you."
Jazz: "If you are on the same mission as we, help us!"
Jeff: "Hey dont worry. We will help."
Bart: "Good!"
Archfiend Zeerzabahl: "Looks like someone needs reinforcements."
You: "And even if they do need us, you are still going down!"
Archfiend Zeerzabahl: "Strong words from such a foolish being!"
Bart: "Be quiet!"

Archfiend Zeerzabahl is the final boss and he has now absorbed the same power you did.

Final boss:
Name: Archfiend Zeerzabahl
Allies: none
Damage: 100
Health: 100000 (a hundred thousand)
Level: 100
Speed: 5000
Weapon: dragons breath (sword)
Invetory: nothing
Magic skills: black meteor, volcano night
Class: warrior
Element: fire, dark, earth
Weakness: light, water, ice, wind, thunder


Before you do black hole, you feel timgling all over you and feel more powerful, you rage and after that you are super powerful.
Your new stats:
Name: Bart
Allies: Jazz, Mike, Hannah, Chuck Norris, Polka, Jeff
Damage: 150
Health: 500
Level: 30
Speed: 125
Weapon: dark staff
Invetory: destroyer
Magic skills: charge up, shadow blast, magis night, pulse, dark strike, black hole, evil rain
Class: magician
Element: dark

You see three people coming inside the battle, Chuck Norris, Polka, Jeff
You: "Who are you?"
Chuck Norris: "Someone whos on the same mission as you!"
Jazz: "If you are on the same mission as we, help us!"
Jeff: "Hey dont worry! We will help."
You: "Good!"
Archfiend Zeerzabahl: "Looks like someone needs reinforcements!"
Chuck Norris: "And even if they do need us, youre still going down!"
Archfiend Zeerzabahl: "Strong words from such a foolish being!"
You: "Be quiet!"

Archfiend Zeerzabahl absorbs a new power:
Name: Archfiend Zeerzabahl
Allies: none
Damage: 100
Health 100000 (one hundred thousand)
Level: 100
Speed: 5000
Weapon: dragons breath (sword)
Invetory: nothing
Magic skills: black meteor, volcano night
Class: warrior
Element: fire, earth, dark
Weakness: water, ice, light, thunder, wind

So you and Chuck Norris (the other player) will be havin one storyline.

So now all your skills have refreshed and you can do them agian.


2,025 posts

Name: Bart
Allies: Jazz, Mike, Hannah, Chuck Norris, Polka, Jeff
Damage: 150
Health: 500
Level: 30
Speed: 125
Weapon: dark staff
Invetory: destroyer
Magic skills: charge up, shadow blast, magis night, pulse, dark strike, black hole, evil rain
Class: magician
Element: dark

I attack (what is destroyer)

343 posts

Name: Chuck Norris
Allies: Polka, Jeff, Bart, Jazz, Mike, Hannah
Damage: 125
Health: 750
Level: 30
Speed: 100
Weapon: earths rob
Invetory: potion of power
Magic skills: charge up, rock hole, earthquake, stone sword
Class: earth magician
Element: ultimate earth

i use charge up. ( what about my magnum gun and rocket launcher? and what does my potion of power do?

Showing 121-135 of 135