ForumsWEPRAnother shooting

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1,826 posts

First a guy shoots people in a theater, and now this
My Question is are you americans losing it or what?

  • 39 Replies
1,826 posts
1,303 posts

It all because of legal guns. No guns, no shooting.

16,287 posts

It all because of legal guns. No guns, no shooting.

because if there is no legal way to obtain guns, criminals will totally follow that law.

Shouldn't there be a psychological test to get guns?
1,773 posts

because everywher else, you wont get shot for getting into "the wrong streets". criminals are considered "dengeruse" if they have a pistol. not ak-47s and rocket lunchers and the garage. a pocket knife, not a Uzi. and when a man in israel is realy pisset off on someone, he vandalaise his house, not going to his home or gathering place and start shooting. "tag mehir" - 'rice tag' - these stuiped setlers go to mosques and graffiti on them. because they dont have guns. palestinians throw rocks {and when things get realy nasty, molotov cocktails on passing cars}, not just shoot. its ileagal, so they have very hard time getting it.
i know, in USA you there is a large scale growing of guns on trees, but in the rest of the world {exept Switzerland}, when you bann it, people dont have it.

and no, its not normal that you have enough fire power to rebel. aotumatic guns that can resist arrest, unless its supported by SWAT. its normal when the police have guns. not the mass.

1,303 posts

because if there is no legal way to obtain guns, criminals will totally follow that law.

So what you are saying is that police is useless, and cant catch a few uneducated lawbreakers? If that the case, then why have the police in the first place?
5,043 posts

and no, its not normal that you have enough fire power to rebel. aotumatic guns that can resist arrest, unless its supported by SWAT. its normal when the police have guns. not the mass.

SWAT teams are hired thugs. MOST PEOPLE WHO OWN GUNS use morality before they use a firearm. SWAT teams kill for their paycheck. They are trained killers who will point a gun at anyone without question as long as they're getting paid. I'm not saying SWAT teams are bad, I'm just saying that people who are a part of SWAT teams don't give a **** who their gun is pointed at, unlike most gun owning citizens.

The general masses shouldn't own guns? Most gun owners aren't criminals. Most gun owners keep their guns at home. If more citizens carried firearms, there would generally be less crime.

First a guy shoots people in a theater, and now this
My Question is are you americans losing it or what?

The man is a white supremacist. I am pretty **** certain he would have killed those people whether guns were legal or not.

Gun shootings are scary because they come out of nowhere. Nobody expects them and innocent people get hurt. You imagine, "it could happen to me", and you picture it happening. It seems so plausible. Take a step back and remember that we live in a population of 300,000,000 people.

Gun crime rates in America are high compared to countries where there is a total ban on guns. However, this doesn't change the fact that when it comes to gun owners, most of them don't abuse their gun rights. If we want to end gun violence, we must figure out how to put a steak in the heart of gang operations. We should encourage citizens to carry firearms as a means of self defense rather than creating more gun free zones. We should find alternative ways to decrease crime so that we don't punish the innocent.
1,356 posts

Lets just make guns more expencive, then there would be no shooting and killing, no war and murdery. Lets just tell people that to buy guns they will need 1200000$

4,220 posts

It all because of legal guns. No guns, no shooting.

Is this sarcasm? I hope this is sarcasm.

The majority of gun crimes use weapons illegally obtained. Fact.

So what you are saying is that police is useless, and cant catch a few uneducated lawbreakers?

What does that have to do with anything? Let's back up to a very base point: Police do NOT protect individuals, but society as a whole. They cannot stop you from being murdered, they will just catch your killer. They are a deterrent, not a protective force. Police are there for after a crime has been committed, not before. Trust me, you do not want to live in a society where they can stop every crime (unless you like a totalitarian police state, then by all means, love it).

My Question is are you americans losing it or what?

No more than anybody else. You take a few people, three or four, and say Americans as a whole are losing it? Do you see what's wrong with this picture?

and no, its not normal that you have enough fire power to rebel.

Who cares if it's normal? It keeps the power hungry pigs at the top in check.

aotumatic guns that can resist arrest,

Considering how on a year to year basis, there are typically only enough murders involving automatic weapons that I can count on one hand, none of which are legally obtained, I think you need to worry about absolute numbers and not potential for damage. In three days, with just the materials at my house, I can create a bomb powerful enough to kill dozens. Will I? No. It's not potential for damage that's important, or intent of manufacture, but absolute statistical value that gun laws need to be created, and adjusted, on.
4,170 posts

Lets just make guns more expencive, then there would be no shooting and killing, no war and murdery. Lets just tell people that to buy guns they will need 1200000$

Theft, my friend.

Besides, the Constitution does grant free rights towards all, and that would favor the rich. That and gun-merchants and the capitalist ideas of our economy decides how much guns should cost. The gov.t could impose taxes, but that wouldn't go down well.

There's some more that's wrong with that, but I don't think I need to go into further detail.
4,220 posts

Lets just tell people that to buy guns they will need 1200000$

Yes, because allowing guns to only the very top percentage is a GREAT idea.
3,817 posts

It all because of legal guns. No guns, no shooting.

Yes. Instead you have people stabbing about the same amount of people.

And of course not to mention criminals still using guns...

So what you are saying is that police is useless, and cant catch a few uneducated lawbreakers? If that the case, then why have the police in the first place?

No, they are great at catching law breakers. America's cops are especially. They are horrible at stopping crimes, however. They have to be there to stop it. And when seconds count, the police are minutes away...

Not to mention that that works so well for drugs, now does it not?

Lets just make guns more expencive, then there would be no shooting and killing, no war and murdery. Lets just tell people that to buy guns they will need 1200000$

That would do the exact same thing as making them illegal...
1,707 posts

SWAT teams are hired thugs. MOST PEOPLE WHO OWN GUNS use morality before they use a firearm. SWAT teams kill for their paycheck. They are trained killers who will point a gun at anyone without question as long as they're getting paid. I'm not saying SWAT teams are bad, I'm just saying that people who are a part of SWAT teams don't give a **** who their gun is pointed at, unlike most gun owning citizens.

Arrrgh despicable. You are calling your own SWAT officers hired thugs?

Just disgusting to show such little respect to law enforcement officers. You wonder why no one except Americans like America,perhaps it is because of your ignorance and rudeness to people who serve and protect you. People who put their lives on the line for you.

This is how you should describe cops and SWAT teams: Good, hardworking people who reluctantly enforce stupid laws as little as possible while taking true violent offenders off the street. Usually pretty nice to ordinary people and good at diffusing situations.

Who cares if it's normal? It keeps the power hungry pigs at the top in check.

Of course, because we all know that the people at the top are perfect angels who never commit a crime and don't destroy our environment, we know that these people are kept in check by the fact that regular citizens have the power to rebel.

Yes, because allowing guns to only the very top percentage is a GREAT idea.

Why isn't it a great idea? Have you ever heard of a millionaire go on a killing streak dressed as the joker or going inside a religious establishment murdering people or perhaps going into a school and shooting people? No you do not hear of the top percentage doing this.

That would do the exact same thing as making them illegal...

To bad they aren't illegal, making it illegal is certainly better than legal, it is very proven that when guns are banned in countries gun crimes are far below than when it is legal.

My God you and MageGrayWolf are amazing in how you can argue so frivolously and redundantly. As someone has pointed out you should look at the statistics. Statistics show that gun crimes don't occur as much in other countries where guns are illegal. Fact. America should follow suit, but no, Americans are to ignorant, obnoxious and stubborn to do what is proven to be more effective.

Jesus Christ your country is going to hell, your economy is horrible and you Americans barely have any good point to your name you insist on carrying out on your failing ways.
1,627 posts

This is how you should describe cops and SWAT teams: Good, hardworking people who reluctantly enforce stupid laws as little as possible while taking true violent offenders off the street. Usually pretty nice to ordinary people and good at diffusing situations.

I know you can't tell, but I'm applauding you.

Fact. America should follow suit, but no, Americans are to ignorant, obnoxious and stubborn to do what is proven to be more effective.

It is a guaranteed right in our Constitution, but there should be more limits.
1,017 posts

Just disgusting to show such little respect to law enforcement officers. You wonder why no one except Americans like America,perhaps it is because of your ignorance and rudeness to people who serve and protect you. People who put their lives on the line for you.

Easy there, slick. You sure are making a ton of conclusions on the entire American population while you don't even live here.

You obviously never see any sporting event where the national anthem is played with a color guard of army, marines and/or police.

You clearly never have been to New York City where the police and firefighters are regarded with upmost respect, especially for the heroics displayed on September 11th, 2001.

You never have been to a parade on Memorial Day or Veterans Day, both of which are national holidays to honor those who sacrificed for our country.

And finally, you never have heard of any of the thousands of 'Tribute to the Troops' type events.

Jesus Christ your country is going to hell, your economy is horrible and you Americans barely have any good point to your name you insist on carrying out on your failing ways.

Im not going to feed the troll but the irony of post is incredible. You base your entire argument around respect in the beginning, but clearly respect doesn't mean much to you.
1,714 posts

Just disgusting to show such little respect to law enforcement officers. You wonder why no one except Americans like America,perhaps it is because of your ignorance and rudeness to people who serve and protect you. People who put their lives on the line for you.

Except large numbers of cops are corrupt and are cops because they like the power. And you should never apply respect to a station, you should only apply respect to an individual who has earned it.

This is how you should describe cops and SWAT teams: Good, hardworking people who reluctantly enforce stupid laws as little as possible while taking true violent offenders off the street. Usually pretty nice to ordinary people and good at diffusing situations.

In an ideal world, yes. This isn't an ideal world. Cops and swat teams are often corrupt and have made many, many mistakes in deciding who to shoot. I'm not saying there aren't good cops, but they get overshadowed by the bad ones.

Why isn't it a great idea? Have you ever heard of a millionaire go on a killing streak dressed as the joker or going inside a religious establishment murdering people or perhaps going into a school and shooting people? No you do not hear of the top percentage doing this.

You also never hear of a normal law abiding middle class citizen doing this. Its always people who are unstable or already criminals. All expensive guns would do is remove guns from the homes of people who get robbed at gunpoint.

To bad they aren't illegal, making it illegal is certainly better than legal, it is very proven that when guns are banned in countries gun crimes are far below than when it is legal.

The problem is getting rid of the ILLEGAL guns, you know the ones involved in most crimes. Even in the UK where guns are banned there are gun crimes, among other violent crimes.

Statistics show that gun crimes don't occur as much in other countries where guns are illegal. Fact.

*Once guns are removed* You forgot that part. America's entire history and existence is riddled with guns and war. It would take multiple generations to remove the LEGAL guns. We have already been trying for a long time to remove the ILLEGAL ones. When you can figure out how to remove the illegal ones you can remove the legal ones.
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