The rules are the same, the charector sheet is the same, here is an example off another player Name:Jace Shaden District:2 Health: 100 Sponcer points: 10 Status: Healthy, Ok Game Status: Currently waiting on train. Inventory: Age: 17 Kills: 0 AGI.: 0 STR.: 0 Days Alive: 0 Games Alive: 0
You sleep, but get rudly awaken by load speaker, saying that all the food, water and other things have dissapeared but what you have. I suggest you go to the cornopia and finish this.
I head toward the cornopia slowly watching for any attack with the bow ready.(first off am i still losing life somehow. and second why am i still tired. I slept.)
Name:Jace Shaden District: 2 Health: 110/110 ( -0 per post) Sponcer points: 10 Status: Normal, Allys: Inventory: 1x Water Bottle Animal skin, Weapons: 1x sword 1x Bow 15x Arrows (normal) 4x Arrows (poisoned), Trophy of Bow. Age: 17 Gender:male Kills: 4 You Have 1 atribute point. Herbalism: 0 Stealth: 1 AGI.: 1 STR.: 0 You have 1 skill points Swordsmanship: 3 Accuracy: 0 Axe cutting: 0 Knife throwing: 1 Mace: 0 Days Alive: 2 Games Alive: 1
You hit him in the thigh, but the poison was very strong nd he died almost instantly.
Congradulations! You are the winner of the 1st Annual Hungr Games! Please pick one item (or item Stack) To keep for the next years game. (if you compete, that is) Thats not including the trophy, pick any item but the trophy
If anyone would like to play in the second annual hunger games, Please step forth now.
(Note: Winners get trophys, but these trophys ae special. They can be Sold for Mega Armour, Mega Weapon, Food, Or Sponcer points. They can also be used as a trophy to just show off.
The trophy is ussaly named after the weapon you kill the last guy with (Yes there is Starve trophy, its really good) Did I mention you can also turn it into skill points?
Name:Jace Shaden District: 2 Health: 110/110 ( -0 per post) Sponcer points: 10 Status: Normal, Allys: Inventory: 1x Water Bottle Weapons: Trophys: Trophy of Bow Age: 17 Gender:male Kills: 4 You Have 1 atribute point. Herbalism: 0 Stealth: 1 AGI.: 1 STR.: 0 You have 1 skill points Swordsmanship: 3 Accuracy: 0 Axe cutting: 0 Knife throwing: 1 Mace: 0 Days Alive: 2 Games Alive: 1
What? No it ives the skill of the trophy Ex. It will give you +2 accuracy. And i said you only get to keep ONE, im auto selecting water bottle, choose a different one if you want.