on this rpg you can start out as your other dragon from dragon egg but the two things will not interact and this time you can tell me the desc of the egg or the type of dragon
back story
you are just an egg abandoned at birth a humane walks in just as you hatch they name you and care for you help them in battle help them bring the wold to peace
char sheet
name: gender: desc of egg: you can choose one of these or make up your own or type of dragon: gold: inventory: armor: weapons: heath: mp: xp: humans name: humans gender: humans super power: your abilities natural or not:
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
I wait to see what he does next hoping he takes me with him
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
he puts you in the egg and swings you like its a ride then takes you with him
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
Name:Keket Gender:F Desc. of egg:Black, with red stars and a white wolf that is setting and howling. The whole thing almost looks like it was made out of precess stones but the way each part fits is beyond what anyone can do without the help of very powerful magic. Type of dragon:Elemental wolf dragon Gold: Inventory: Armor: Weapons: Heath: Mp: Xp: Human's name:Ela Human's gender:F Human's super power:Can wield darkness Your abilities natural or not:Can fly, breath fire, use healing fire(It's used the same way as breathing fire but it normally doesn't burn what it touches. Instead the fire heals it, as long as it is living and is a friend. If it is an enemy then the fire will make any wound it has deadly.) , control the elements fire and darkness, turn into a wolf that has black fur that is dusted with red specks
I do some of the tricks but if I knew how to hunt I wouldn't do any of the tricks unless it was to communicate with Ela or another human.
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
he starts wandering to the forest saying now witch way was it ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Name:Keket Gender:F Desc. of egg:Black, with red stars and a white wolf that is setting and howling. The whole thing almost looks like it was made out of precess stones but the way each part fits is beyond what anyone can do without the help of very powerful magic. Type of dragon:Elemental wolf dragon Gold: Inventory: Armor: Weapons: Heath: Mp: Xp: Human's name:Ela Human's gender:F Human's super power:Can wield darkness Your abilities natural or not:Can fly, breath fire, use healing fire(It's used the same way as breathing fire but it normally doesn't burn what it touches. Instead the fire heals it, as long as it is living and is a friend. If it is an enemy then the fire will make any wound it has deadly.) , control the elements fire and darkness, turn into a wolf that has black fur that is dusted with red specks
they say now where did that dragon go when the food is gone
Name:Keket Gender:F Desc. of egg:Black, with red stars and a white wolf that is setting and howling. The whole thing almost looks like it was made out of precess stones but the way each part fits is beyond what anyone can do without the help of very powerful magic. Type of dragon:Elemental wolf dragon Gold: Inventory: Armor: Weapons: Heath: Mp: Xp: Human's name:Ela Human's gender:F Human's super power:Can wield darkness Your abilities natural or not:Can fly, breath fire, use healing fire(It's used the same way as breathing fire but it normally doesn't burn what it touches. Instead the fire heals it, as long as it is living and is a friend. If it is an enemy then the fire will make any wound it has deadly.) , control the elements fire and darkness, turn into a wolf that has black fur that is dusted with red specks
I turn back into my dragon form seeing that they are looking for a dragon.
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
Name:Keket Gender:F Desc. of egg:Black, with red stars and a white wolf that is setting and howling. The whole thing almost looks like it was made out of precess stones but the way each part fits is beyond what anyone can do without the help of very powerful magic. Type of dragon:Elemental wolf dragon Gold: Inventory: Armor: Weapons: Heath: Mp: Xp: Human's name:Ela Human's gender:F Human's super power:Can wield darkness Your abilities natural or not:Can fly, breath fire, use healing fire(It's used the same way as breathing fire but it normally doesn't burn what it touches. Instead the fire heals it, as long as it is living and is a friend. If it is an enemy then the fire will make any wound it has deadly.) , control the elements fire and darkness, turn into a wolf that has black fur that is dusted with red specks
they say wow the wolf was the dragon now where was the village and they start climing a rock ---------------------------------------------------------------------
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
you fly up and see a village and jace lookes through your eyes and sees
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
I fly back down landing on his shoulder thinking to myself"yay we have a perfect connection"
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
you get there and every one is trying to take you from him
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
Whenever someone reaches for me I breath fire at them or I try to scratch them
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
soon every one stays away from you and jace so he cat get any quests
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw
no his chanses of getting a quest is low but he asks some one if any one had a queast he could have and he gets it its easy just to show him a trick and he'll give him 100 gold
name:Shaden gender:Male desc of egg:Black type of dragon:rare dark gold: inventory: armor: weapons: health: mp: xp: humans name:Jace humans gender:Male humans super power:telekinesis your abilities natural or not:flying, black fire, shadow claw