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The year is 2033. The world has been devolved into the primitive and savage environment that is World War Three. The war has touched everyone. It's only been three years since the first declaration of war.

2020, the oil had dried up. To the Middle Eastern countries, this meant an economy breakdown. Whoever is considered "rich" can barely keep up with the mountain of bills hence to their business' being ruined due to the economic breakdown. Other countries in Europe, some of North America, South America, Eurasia, etc. are relatively unaffected. The private sectors are all struggling though. The US was hit the hardest due to their consumption of oil and stubborn attitude. The reason why America was effected the most was because of the new solar power that was perfected. Micro-sunrays were implemented into European and Asian vehicles. All of them. Military, Civilian, Government, everything. The US only implemented them into military vehicles. They had already made an oil fervor into all other branches of vehicles. Even power was partially dominated by oil. Why didn't they use them? Why else, oil corporations. "Oiligarchies" they were nicknamed by local newspapers and such. CNN and Fox news and such didn't do so because if they did, there goes their next paycheck. Since America was a Capitalism, corporations, crime lords, and other rich nuisances could bribe their way through everything. Unless of course, it went against some politician's goals. Then another politician would go up against them. Blah blah blah. I won't bore you with the details. Entire families were forced onto a breadline.

2027. The American economy has been restored. But now... It's not a president running the show. A former Corporate CEO, Anthony Finnbar, was voted into office, in 2019. In the year 2023, he had restored the American economy, by slowly incorporating micro-sunrays into the private sector and public institutions. Approval ratings were sky-high. But America wasn't enough for him. As soon as it turned to New Year's eve and the year 2024 turned around, as soon as the crowd counted down to Zero, as soon as the fireworks exploded... The White house had barbed wire strewn around it, and military police, CIA agents, guard dogs, and automated turrets gaurding it. Every building that supposedly "belonged" to the Judaical or legislative branch was breached, secured, and strewn with dead Congress and Judaical members. Some of them and their family members simply disappeared. No corpses, no signs of where they might've been taken, only signs of forced entry into their residence. All military officials had been bribed or executed in extremely quick succession.

2025, Civil rights and Humanitarion groups, from over-seas, are demanding to know the status and location of members of Congress and Judaical members. They were released from a starvation camp. Their wills were broken, and they were all gaunt. The world remained was shocked. Tensions were getting higher with other countries around the world.

2026, enough military officials and platoons from all armed branches had decided enough was enough and committed a coup de tadt. They took as many nuclear weapons as they could, and made a run for the Mexican border. When Finbarr had been asked by the World Media, he calmly stated "Don't worry, I'll have ALL of them back and more. Sooner or later." ...

Mexico, had been overrun, by 2027. Half a year later, Canada was turned into another piece of American territory. The UN voted for a trade embargo with the United States of America. The US immediately withdrew from the United Nations. You're probably wondering, "If Mexico was the place where the Coup de Tadt troops took refuge, along with the Nukes, why wasn't Canada turned into a wasteland?" Simple. They weren't there anymore. The CIA chased them to the Brazilian seaboard. The rouge soldiers escaped to Spain. By then, the UN had brought together every militarily competent country from Western Europe, to Russia in a defense pact against America.

2029, the US took South America. All of it. China, North Korea, Kazakhstan and reluctantly, Vietnam, entered their own defense pact: The Red Star Defense Force (RSDF). Both the US and UN saw the RSDF as a possible threat. However, the RSDF, like the US, took up an isolationist attitude. An obvious sign that the US would go to war, would be when conscription doubled. Boy, on that year, Conscription tripled. Other countries hoped to stay out of the conflict that would obviously explode very soon. The world held it's collective breath.

Naught, but one year later, the US took the northern coast of Africa. The UN set it's foot down. It would NOT allow the US to take Africa. Taking Africa would mean giving the US the springboard they need to launch a full-scale invasion! So, on the year 2030, the UN declared war on the US. Ironically, the US was ready. In fact, both nation's Navies and Air forces met in the Mediterranean sea! Due to the British being the driving force in the Naval engagement, they sank a quarter of the American fleet. The US fleet admiral, ordered for the fleet to retreat. The US ground and air forces launched defensive operations. They destroyed all paved roads that previously, they worked so hard on creating. They looted from the same people they helped twenty years ago. Oh, the cruel irony!

The RSDF saw the conflict as an opportunity to attack the US from the rear. They threw everything they had at the Western side of America. What they found was a prepared, over-whelming force. The entire battle plan was in shambles. It was a pre-paid ticket to the almighty to be sent onto the landing zones. The fleets were harassed all the way back to their respective countries. So, they overtook the countries between them. Vietnam took up a defensive stance. North Korea took the chance to overtake South Korea. China beat the ever-living CRAP out of the other countries. Kazakhstan took the Middle-East. Once North Korea took over South Korea, creating the Free Korean Republic, they set their sites on assisting China. Then the RSDF started to take American owned islands in the Pacific, leading to a dead-lock for control.

No sooner had China and the FKR taken the final independent country in Asia, and Kazakhstan taken Arabia, had Russian forces poured over the unprepared Chinese Northern border. Meanwhile, the Western European forces assaulted the Middle-East and Kazakhstan. The UN, had classified the RSDF as a serious threat.

2033, the Chinese has beaten the Russians and Eastern Europeans back. The UN and US recovered from the Naval engagement in the Mediterranean. Soon, the Mediterranean sea will once again, become a death-trap.


So's, let me explain. Essentially, America has become a dictatorship, ruled by a former Corporate CEO, Anthony Finbarr. The UN has brought in any country with a military force over 500,000 troops to fight in Africa, while Russia and some Eastern European countries fought in Asia. The RSDF is fighting in a deadly power struggle in the Pacific with the US, and are in a defensive war with the UN.

You are an Air Force pilot for your Alliance. Doesn't matter what kind. You can be a bomber, fighter, or multi-role. Pilots aren't segregated into seperate areas of the barracks so, anyone can socialize with anyone.

Anyways, all planes fly in a flight or formation. Their are never any Lone-wolves unless the mission calls for it. However, due to the Multi-role planes ability to fill in as bombers and fighters, Multi-roles and fighters can be in the same flight.

FINALLY, we get to the bio.

NameMake it appropriate for your alliance)
AgeAt least 17)
BioAt least 5, optional)
RankNothing too out of control)
War front: (American players will be in the Pacific, Mediterranean, and Eastern side of Egypt. UN players will be in aircraft carriors stationed in the Mediterranean and Russia. RSDF players will be in the Pacific and Saudi-Arabia)
Physical descriptionAt least 3)
AircraftFighter, multi-role, bomber)
PersonalityAt least 3)

  • 143 Replies
2,613 posts

Can I be a Transport? if i can I'll join.

2,316 posts

Like a helicopter transport or paratrooper transport? I'll allow you to play as one, however, there might not be as much action as there is as a fighter or bomber.

125 posts

Name: Alec Dimtri
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Bio: A kid with an obsession with avionics, Alec spent his whole life dreaming of being a pilot. Just before the main conflict broke out, he got his wish. He ranked up fast. Now he is ready for anything.
Alliance: UN
Rank: Senior Airmen
War front: Russia
Physical description: Short dirty blonde hair with grey eyes. He stands about 6'3". He's been trained in combat in the plane and basic survival skills if he ejects and lands in enemy territory.
Aircraft: Fighter
Personality: Alec is born for the air. He's quick witted and very fast to respond. Determination and luck aid him.

2,316 posts

Name: Alec Dimtri
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Bio: A kid with an obsession with avionics, Alec spent his whole life dreaming of being a pilot. Just before the main conflict broke out, he got his wish. He ranked up fast. Now he is ready for anything.
Alliance: UN
Rank: Senior Airmen
War front: Russia
Physical description: Short dirty blonde hair with grey eyes. He stands about 6'3". He's been trained in combat in the plane and basic survival skills if he ejects and lands in enemy territory.
Aircraft: Fighter
Personality: Alec is born for the air. He's quick witted and very fast to respond. Determination and luck aid him.

Hey, good to see ya.

You're stationed in Gerno-Altaysk. The city is in close proximity with Kazakhstan and Mongolia, nestled close to the middle of them. The Mongolian government isn't allowing RSDF or UN forces to be stationed inside of it's territory, to avoid being designated on the side of one of these alliances. Your force is in Gerno-Altaysk to keep an eye on both countries. Mongolia could, at any given moment, switch to one alliance or another. So far they declare neutrality. However, Kazakhstan is fighting on the border to your south-west. Your fighter group is responsible for defending bombers and counter-attacking hostile bombing groups, along with some others.

Your fighter is the standard issue European Typhoon. It was manufactured by Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France. (Maybe.) The bombers you will be defending are the Combat Talon II. It's a rival of the AC-130. The enemy fighters will normally be Chenyang-J11's.

You wake up in your room. ****, still cold. It is winter in Russia. Not that it matters for the lucky *******s in the Mediterranean. You hear a knock at the door. Then a colonel walks in. "Hey, I am Alexandor Markov. I'm your flight leader." You quickly struggle to get decent and get in your air force fatigues. You start to solute but he raises his hand. "At ease. I'm not into that 'kiss the superior's ***' ****. Not saying your that kind of guy, just don't agree with the system." He motions for you to follow. You both walk down a hallway with other air force pilots walking by at a quicker pace. "I am the leader to your flight. The flight designation is 'Akula'(Shark in Russian). You are Akula 4. Questions?" He asks before continuing.

2,613 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

2,316 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

You are stationed in Omsk. The city's proximity to Kazakhstan, and it's nerf against large numbers due to a river, makes it ideal for launching Russian paratroopers behind enemy lines.

Your plane is the AN-72. A tactical troop transport that can deploy paratroopers and light vehicles, however, any armour is too big and heavy for the plane. Your planes are defended by Tigr squadron. They pilot the standard issue UN fighter, Typhoon.

You are second in command of Molnyia squadron. The Squadron leader is Col. Nikolai Patrov. Molnyia 3 is Captain Ivan Vladimir. Molnyia 4 is Airman Andrei Bogdan. He is the replacement for the previous pilot, who was killed when a missile incinerated him, when it hit the cockpit. Nikolai currently looks to you as a trusted friend. If you're both alive, he'll probably take you to a club to get some Vodka at the end of the war.

You and Nikolai are sharing a drink of Vodka. (Or maybe just him) It is night-time. The grasshoppers are chirpping. The moon and stars shine brightly. It seems as though there was no World War unfolding. You hear Jets fly overhead however, breaking you of the spell. "Aw, I was getting ready to take a nap." Nikolai says, half-drunk. The jets are friendly, you quickly identify as they are Typhoons. The base wasn't loud until now. Tankers are moving to refuel the fighters when they land. The lights come on to guide the planes to their landing point. You hear a POP! You turn around to see Nikolai fall. From your past experiances, you determine he just fell unconcious from the drink. Even though this was his fifth time drinking, he still couldn't take Vodka on his 4th bottle. You return Nikolai and yourself to bed.

The next day, you were called to the briefing room. The CO of the airfield, Boris Arkady, addresses you all. "Good morning men. I trust you all had a good night. Including you, Colonel." He gestures to Nikolai, who smiles slyly, remembering his drunken state. "You know the drill, soldiers. The 57th airborne Special forces are dropping behind Chinese lines. Their mission is to sabotage the new AA weapons that the Chinese have implemented on their northern-most border. Your mission, as always, is simple. Fly in, dodge AA's, drop troops, get out." He takes a breath to continue. "The AA's have already been deployed. However, the paratroopers will be HALO jumping so that they won't have to deal with a large number of PLA soldiers swarming them. Any questions?" The entire time, a map of Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan was on, highlighting movements when they were mentioned.

2,613 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

I say finnaly then say when do we start boss!

2,316 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

Quotes, friend. They help.

Boris looks at you with disdain. "So are we dealing with anything in the air?" Nikolai asks. "If you can drop your load of Paratroopers, then the enemy fighters won't be able to catch up with you, especially with your fighter escort hounding them." At that, he dismisses you, saying something about breifing your fighter escort squadrons. The squadron salutes him, then walks out. "Okay, go get something to eat men, unless you want to eat MRE's on the way again and have diarreah, Ivan." Molnyia 3 looks at him with rage in his eyes. "ONCE, okay? ONCE. Besides, how was I supposed to know the beans were imported from America?" "Uh, they were brown?" Andrei pokes in. "So?" The others chuckle while Ivan shakes a fist at them. But one could see his smirk.

After grabbing a tray full of food you sit down with your flight mates. "Who's flying with us? I forgot to ask." Andrei asks. "We'll be flying with you." A deep voice with a German accent speaks behind you. You turn around to see a pale white guy who's 6'5, buff, has black hair and brown eyes. He sits down beside you. "I'm Boris Yavenski. I'm Kaiser 1, we'll be giving you covering fire while you drop your load." He turns to Ivan. "So, I remember Russia was a Communism before 2010. Are there still Communist outbreaks or did those break down?" The question lingers in the air.

2,613 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

I say "shut up" and then eat.

2,316 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

Yavenski looks at you with suprise. So does your flight mates. "Michael, don't be so sensitive, man. It's not a secret, he was just asking." Nikolai says. "Sorry, Michael. I didn't think you were easily offended. Back home, alot of people believe there are still Communist Sentiment. I was just asking if it was true." Andrei shifts uncomfortably. Ivan looks at Yavenski. "Da, we're still dealing with that. It's pretty obvious that there are other UN forces on our western border, ready to come in, in case of an uprising."

There were indeed still Communist problems in Russia. With the rise of the RSDF, a Communist alliance, the sentiment grew. As a pre-caution, reinforcements were placed on the western border to reinforce the Russian government, if needed.

2,613 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

Im not easily offended, I just dont care at the least, and if you wont shut up, im moving. Then i move to another table.

125 posts

Name: Alec Dimtri
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Bio: A kid with an obsession with avionics, Alec spent his whole life dreaming of being a pilot. Just before the main conflict broke out, he got his wish. He ranked up fast. Now he is ready for anything.
Alliance: UN
Rank: Senior Airmen
War front: Russia
Physical description: Short dirty blonde hair with grey eyes. He stands about 6'3". He's been trained in combat in the plane and basic survival skills if he ejects and lands in enemy territory.
Aircraft: Fighter
Personality: Alec is born for the air. He's quick witted and very fast to respond. Determination and luck aid him.

I look at him and keep pace, "What's our mission sir?"

2,316 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

The others watch you in confusion as you walk away. Then they start to talk about sports, women, and Ivan tells Yavenski about Ivan's diarreah trip.

You're the last plane to take off the runway. The tower controls is checking off mechanical situations. "Wheels. Check. Left flaps. Check. Right flaps. Check. You're good to go Warrent Officer. Go make Russia proud!"

You fall into formation with the others. Then you notice two Typhoon squadrons above and below you. "All Pilots check in. Kaiser 1." "Kaiser 2." "Kaiser 3." "Kaiser 4." "Molnyia 1." You check in. "Molnyia 2." "Molnyia 3." "Molnyia 4." Then you hear British voices. "Buckingham 1." "Buckingham 2." "Buckingham 3." "Buckingham 4." You wait for more, but then you realize that accounts for everyone. (Don't worry only this pre-scenarios scene will pop up. No more mechanical checks.)

You have to wait an hour before you are at your designation. You can strike up a conversation with your flight-mates, Kaiser Squadron, Buckingham squadron, or the 57th airborne.

2,613 posts

Name: Michael
Age: 47
Gender: M
Alliance: UN
Rank: Warrant officer.
War front: Russia
Physical description: a blonde mohawk, 6'9" Has a sad look
Aircraft: Troop transport
Personality: Impatant, Chatty, agressive

I turn the radio comm off, turn the helicopter to auto-pilot, Look around to see if anyone is watching, then kick my feet up and play on a PSP i snuck in.

2,316 posts

Name: Alec Dimtri
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Bio: A kid with an obsession with avionics, Alec spent his whole life dreaming of being a pilot. Just before the main conflict broke out, he got his wish. He ranked up fast. Now he is ready for anything.
Alliance: UN
Rank: Senior Airmen
War front: Russia
Physical description: Short dirty blonde hair with grey eyes. He stands about 6'3". He's been trained in combat in the plane and basic survival skills if he ejects and lands in enemy territory.
Aircraft: Fighter
Personality: Alec is born for the air. He's quick witted and very fast to respond. Determination and luck aid him.

"Woke up and already rarin' to go. Don't worry Alec, we'll get to fight soon enough. Right now, I just want you to meet your other flight members." It's night out. You get to the mess hall, the social part of the base, when you have no one to talk to. The others are hanging out near the entrance. Alexandor gestures to them. "Alec, these two are Warrant Officer Josef Vesserinariach and senior Airman Andrei Illich." One of the pilots, Illich, points mock guns at you. "Heeeeeey." He goes. Josef just stares at you. "Oh, who's this?" An obviously American voice calls. The guy is 6'4, he's got brown hair, green eyes, and olive skin. "Ah, Colonel Bishop, this is our newest member, Senior Airman Alec Dimitri." Bishop gestures to shake your hand. "I'm Colonel Bishop, I'm Warwolf 1. I'm the squadron leader of your accompanying fighter squadron. Then you notice F22-A Raptors in the hangers next to the Cafe. Illich, obviously the most hyper one, starts talking. "Colonel Bishop is one of the guys involved with the Coup de tadt in America." He explains. Don't forget the handshake.

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