A mix between an RPG and a Boss Battle game. Genius.
Story: You are an elven summoner in the world of Olarnith. You summon things from other dimensions to fight for you, which is a great advantage in battle. However, an Orcish summoner named Vierik is attempting to use summoning to take over the world. Unfortunately, he's a much, much more powerful summoner than you are. In order to stop him you will need to become more powerful and team up with other summoners.
This game is half Defeat the Boss. Here's how it's going to work.
I will post a picture from Google or Bing images, and you must also post a picture from a picture searching thing. Each time you enter battle, I will post this sheet for the enemy:
(Do NOT fill in this sheet) Boss Name: Desc: HP: Status: Resistances: Weaknesses: EraYou can only post pictures of things in this era, i.e. Fantasy, sci-fi, ect.)
Whatever you summon will keep attacking until you say otherwise or if it dies. I will determine it's HP, resistances and weaknesses. You can put it in Attack mode, in which it will attack until death, or Defence mode, in which it will do less damage but try to prevent the enemy from attacking you.