ForumsWEPR[dup]Is Christianity a Waste of Time

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61 posts

Because I am not a Christian I find it hard to believe that everything that the Bible teaches is real. At school all I ever want to be is a scientist of somekind, so my views are in favour of those of science. There is no God in my life. If he really exists then why is there deaths and war??

  • 48 Replies
13 posts


I think that's why we're speaking specifically about Christians, not the other religions, since Christianity is the one pulling this kind of drivel, not others (except to a mild extend, Islamics).

Well, technically, the Bible is only Christian. People erroneously generalize holy books as "bibles" due to Christian bias, like the "Marriage is a Christian thing!" bullcrap. (It was actually a pagan holiday called Yule before Christianity turned it into propaganda for themselves)

This is why I refer to Yhvh by name, not title, when speaking specifically about the Christian god- calling him merely "God" is kind of egotistical. However, Allah is also "God", simply in a different language, so Islamics (Muslims) and Judaists (Jews) are sort of at fault too. They're abrahamic religions.

Judaists are less egotistical or immorally biased (although still a little elitist), thankfully.

Anyway, yes, we're not generalizing religions, don't worry. I'm a Deist myself who likes to study various religions, and I consider it very insulting to claim that other religions can be anywhere near arrogant and backwards as Christianity.

Thankfully not ALL Christians are like this.

9,462 posts

He did

Really? Guess that explains why we are facing issues over over population. Unless you're trying to be pedantic on me and are talking about like Mars or something, in which I will have to specify when I say world I'm using it in a philosophical context of referring to the universe and human civilization specifically.

Define the word nonexistent,

To not exist, To not be,
non-; not
exist; to have being in a specified place or under certain conditions; be found; occur

and explain how could war be nonexistent.

By organized prolonged conflict not to occur ie. war being nonexistent. I really didn't think I would have to spell this one out.

In many historical records, people have given up their spare time, which is not much, to help erect churches and cathedrals. Unless you can convince the main religious community to stop building churches and instead lend their time to, say, cancer cures, then your points can become valid.

I think it's still quite valid. Just because people have given up time to build a church doesn't mean a thing to whether that time could have been used in more productive means. Further more what is donated largely goes into the pockets of a select few rather than charity and you really can't say that religion holds a monopoly on charity. For example,

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church), which touts its charitable work, spent 0.7% of it overall revenue on charitable causes. Compare that figure with the American Red Cross which spends 92.1% of its revenue on the physical needs of those it helps."

"The best of the worst appears to be the United Methodist Church which allocated about 29% of its revenues to charitable causes in 2010."

The Myth Of Religious Charity

The ecard used in this pic is a little off as the link points out the $71 billion is in annual government subsidies, but the way the money could be used is accurate to a degree.
5,340 posts

i find it quite offending that people just act like god is ony the christian one, while we the jews and the muslims are pagans or something.

in short, christianity is the religion that effects life in the west the most. islam has more power in the middle east (which has other problems right now) and judaism usually keeps it low. thats why people usually talk about christianity first.
3,371 posts

The main difference I've found is that only a nonreligious person can truly do a selfless act of kindness for someone and expect absolutely nothing in return. All the Christian folk, whether or not they realize it at the time, do it for brownie points with God in order to obtain a self-centered reward later on.

I disagree with this. A religious person can help someone just to make them happy. It's not always only about pleasing god. When I was a christian I didn't often think much about heaven and if I helped someone I genuinlly wanted to help them. I wanted to see people happy so I would help them, or I didn't want to see them sad, and again would help. Or I would help because I would want help if I was in a situation like that. Besides, some people believe all they need to do to get to heaven is to believe their god exists to get into heaven. So for them they're free to do what they want. (But they usally still use their religion as a guide for morality.)
807 posts

I agree with krill, even einstien thought science and religion could coexist

9,439 posts

Besides, some people believe all they need to do to get to heaven is to believe their god exists to get into heaven. So for them they're free to do what they want. (But they usally still use their religion as a guide for morality.)

James 2:14-17 counters that, but perhaps I should've been more specific. "All the Christian folk that belive in faith+works..."
1,824 posts

With 71 Billion, I could get rid of nearly every aspect of poverty and fix up the state of endangered animals. And we use that money on...?
How to have a world with no war (Mostly)
Step 1. Obliterate religion.

1,094 posts

How to have a world with no war (Mostly)
Step 1. Obliterate religion.

Wars over religion stopped a very, very long time ago. Wars today are fought because of greed, and other aspect I care not talk about. So, no, religion no longer has anything to do with wars.
194 posts

Actually it does - religion is just another good pretext for war, something to point at others and say "they're different, let's kill them". Whether it's christianity or anything else it doesn't matter, people will just select those parts that suit their interests. Christianity is not a waste of time for those who actually follow it with understanding. The basics of Christianity is to help each other, not murder people on the streets, but for many people christianity is just a flag to wave around when they go out to make others feel bad.

Bible? Ask someone who does give a **** to understand and he'll tell you - most of it is not historical truth, tons of it is actually a kind of prayer - marketing and memorisation material you might call it. But try to tell that to a fanatic - "Genesis? a prayer? BLASPHEMY! that's what really happened! Thou shall not kill? Who are you to lecture me? Die unbeliever!" and so on

See what's going on now?

5,340 posts

saying the world would be better without religion is the same as saying the world would be better without blacks/muslims/jews/arabs/germans/whatever.

the problem isnt the difference, the problem is accepting it. of course the above statements arent wrong at all, the world would be much more peacefull if we were all one race and one religion. it will never be that way though.

9,462 posts

With 71 Billion, I could get rid of nearly every aspect of poverty and fix up the state of endangered animals. And we use that money on...?

Can't remember the name off the top of my head but one pastor of a mega church got them self a private plane.

saying the world would be better without religion is the same as saying the world would be better without blacks/muslims/jews/arabs/germans/whatever.

not sure it's really the same. Religions influence has a lot to be guilty for, even if there was just one single religion.
5,129 posts

if we take out the whole god part and it's frills. we have a nice guide for people who have lost track of life. beside that.. yea it's a waste of time.

9,462 posts

we have a nice guide for people who have lost track of life. beside that.. yea it's a waste of time.

Again I have to disagree, while it does contain good guidelines it also contains equally horrific guidelines. As such it loses any claim to being able to properly guide anyone. It can however act to reinforce morals one might already have and through group think get people to do and say things they might not otherwise do, which can be a bad thing.
3,139 posts

Because I am not a Christian I find it hard to believe that everything that the Bible teaches is real. At school all I ever want to be is a scientist of somekind, so my views are in favour of those of science. There is no God in my life. If he really exists then why is there deaths and war??

I'm not Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist, but i do not find their religion a waste of time.

Not understanding or agreeing with something might make it a waste of time to you. But on a wider scale, i can't see how it's possible a waste of time if it gives peace of mind etc to so many.

I understand there's the flipside where it causes persecution and unrest to others, it still doesn't necessarily make it a waste of time with them.
98 posts

"We believe the Bible to be true, as long as it is translated correctly..."

There are many variations of the bible, as well as many different religions in Christianity. Putting it all in the same boat is like saying all white people believe exactly the same.

"Helping hands provide much more than praying hands."

Wasn't there an organization that went and helped out at New Orleans when Katrina struck that went out and helped? wasn't it called Helping Hands? Or maybe it was 'Helping out'. Something like that...

Anyway, this thread is starting to look like a trolling gig...

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