ForumsWEPRZoning Law Prevents 13 Year Old From Selling Hot Dogs

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Back in July, a zoning officer shut down Mich's hot dog stand.

Nathan is a 13 year old boy who's parents are both on disability. His mother suffers from epilepsy and his father has multiple sclerosis. Nathan decided he wanted to help his parents out, so his parents allowed him to sell hot dogs. Nathan gained permission from Reliable Sports to sell hot dogs on their property, that way, they could help each other attract customers.

The food cart wasn't open for 10 minutes before a a zoning officer shut his cart down.

Greg Robinson, City of Holland Assistant Manager, explains the reason behind the zoning law. According to Greg Robinson, the only food carts allowed are those connected to "brick-and-mortar"* restaurants. According to this *******, we can't have kids competing with existing businesses!

* I'm assuming 'brick-and-mortar' restaurants refers to restaurants that exist within an actual building.

It's OKAY to compete with a business after buying a building, paying taxes associated with owning a building, having to pay for costly maintenance, and finally bills associated with owning a whole entire building. But if you have a cheap hot dog cart and you're on property that's already being paid for, then APPARENTLY it's not fair to those who have to pay all those extra costs. God forbid we support efficiency.

The kid has his hot dog stand shut down, because it's wrong to compete with other businesses and decrease their profits. But, it's perfectly okay to prevent people, such as the kid, from making money at all!

YouTube Video - Hooray!

Oh, and guess what, Nathan and his family are now HOMELESS.

Homelessness! WOO!

Last week, Nathan and his family made an appeal to the Holland City Council. Mayor Kurt Dykstra defended the cityâs ordinance, saying it was to protect downtown restaurant owners, who asked that the "success of the downtown district not be infringed upon by those who don't share in the costs of maintaining the attractiveness of that space."

They property Nathan was selling his hot dogs on was owned by the retailer who pays those extra costs! It would be a different story if the kid was on his own property where he wasn't paying taxes, but he's already on taxed property! There's no sense in taxing the same property twice, once for the kid and once for the retailer!

Anyone who wants to start a business should be allowed to start said business. It really doesn't matter how old they are or the state their family is in. Nathan is just a prime example of how good people get screwed over.
  • 35 Replies
807 posts

I agree with all of this exept for the last part, if anyone were allowed to start their own business you would be seeing alot more ***** houses and chop shops all over the place

5,043 posts

I agree with all of this exept for the last part, if anyone were allowed to start their own business you would be seeing alot more ***** houses and chop shops all over the place

Prostitution is already illegal, as well as theft and redistribution of stolen goods.

Allowing people to start their own businesses will not increase the number of illegal businesses such as brothels or chop shops, because these businesses would remain as illegal then as they already are.
3,139 posts

This is as stupid as the lmeonade stands.
Most kids open a wee stand in order to et some pocketmoney - it teaches them the value of money and working hard for some money as opposed to always asking their parents. It's as simple as doing chores around the house or mowing neighbours laws for money.

Should parents tax the kids on the chores they do?
Should the kids give a percentage of their law mowing money to the government?

So silly.

Not to mention this kid wasn't doing it for "selfish" reasons such as affording a trip to the movies. He's doing it for his parents who are in need of help. The government won't help but a thirteen year old child is trying? And the put him down for that? Absolute madness.

1,531 posts

What total bull----. These corrupt politicians all through the government make a big show of wailing and gnashing their teeth over the state of the economy and joblessness and small businesses folding up, but when someone takes the initiative to start their own entrepreneurial venture they invent some phony garbage to shut it down and exact retribution against whoever it was that dared to try living the American dream and, heaven forbid, maybe even add a little bit to the economy in the process. One of the people who posted a reply to the linked article suggested a city-wide boycott of the area restaurants that are benefiting from this government scam. I say take it a step further: not only boycott eating at these racketeering food joints, but have everyone boycott paying the taxes that are at the root of this thing. Do that, and see how fast that mayor is on his knees begging for a solution.

This is just another example of how the government, which is supposed to uphold liberty, is in fact becoming a foul beast of oppression with tentacles reaching into even the smallest aspects of our everyday lives. In 1960, Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev boasted that "...We [the communists] will take America without firing a shot." I hope you're all ready, because this is how it happens. Big government, from D.C. to Holland, Michigan to your hometown, is tightening its stranglehold on the American people with its ever-increasing taxes, restrictions on everything from how private land can be used to what kind of car you can drive to the ownership of weapons (not just guns), and even whether a business and an enterprising teenager can strike a deal that benefits both of them. And the worst part is, we vote for and applaud the very people who are gutting the essence of what America stands for. If things like what the government is doing to this kid aren't fought and defeated at every turn, pretty soon there won't be a free America anymore - it'll be the United Soviet Socialist States of America.

That saying about how "The Tree of Liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants" doesn't mean just the government in D.C....

807 posts

because these businesses would remain as illegal then as they already are.

so nathan would also be out of business since what he is doing is also illegal?

I'm not saying I agree with what happened but sometimes when you let things slip people take advantage of the situation
5,043 posts

so nathan would also be out of business since what he is doing is also illegal?

I'm not saying I agree with what happened but sometimes when you let things slip people take advantage of the situation

This really doesn't make any sense. If what Nathan was doing was legalized, Nathan's actions wouldn't be illegal.

If what Nathan was doing was legalized, prostitution, theft, and selling stolen goods would remain illegal.

I'm not saying I agree with what happened but sometimes when you let things slip people take advantage of the situation

The only way we can avoid the issue of people taking advantage of certain situations is if we all commit mass suicide, thus preventing anyone from having such opportunities. Then again, some jerk is going to take advantage of that situation and decide not to pull the trigger and have the whole world to himself.
9,462 posts

Big government, from D.C. to Holland, Michigan to your hometown, is tightening its stranglehold on the American people with its ever-increasing taxes, restrictions on everything from how private land can be used to what kind of car you can drive to the ownership of weapons (not just guns), and even whether a business and an enterprising teenager can strike a deal that benefits both of them. And the worst part is, we vote for and applaud the very people who are gutting the essence of what America stands for. If things like what the government is doing to this kid aren't fought and defeated at every turn, pretty soon there won't be a free America anymore - it'll be the United Soviet Socialist States of America.

This really isn't a case of socialism nor is it necessarily a case of big government. It's a case of a stupid law with double standards. I really don't see how this law could be of any real benefit. I fail to see how a vending cart could out compete a brick and mortar restaurant. The reasoning for the law makes no sense since a brick and mortar restaurant, while more costly it operate, can cater to a much larger crowd.

I'm not saying I agree with what happened but sometimes when you let things slip people take advantage of the situation

It seems any sort of slippery slope on this issue could easily be alleviated by just requiring permission from the property owner (which he had). This alone could prevent arbitrary opening of questionable shops all over the place.
807 posts

I'm just saying when i was his age i got a real job scooping crap for minimum wage have you seen how much cash those stands make I bet you he was raking in the dough, compared to most kids his age he got a cushy job.

The only way we can avoid the issue of people taking advantage of certain situations is if we all commit mass suicide, thus preventing anyone from having such opportunities. Then again, some jerk is going to take advantage of that situation and decide not to pull the trigger and have the whole world to himself.

sarcasm doesn't make it better

Onlee of the peop who posted a reply to the linked article suggested a city-wide boycott of the area restaurants that are benefiting from this government scam. I say take it a step further: not only boycott eating at these racketeering food joints, but have everyone boycott paying the taxes that are at the root of this thing.

so your saying don't patronize the small businesses you were trying to save? and not pay taxes on top of that? that really wont help the economy

In 1960, Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev boasted that "...We [the communists] will take America without firing a shot."

it's been over 50 years, and I think the cold war has been over for a while so I dont think the communists will be taking over any time soon.
1,531 posts

@ HaloGunner

One of the people who posted a reply to the linked article suggested a city-wide boycott of the area restaurants that are benefiting from this government scam. I say take it a step further: not only boycott eating at these racketeering food joints, but have everyone boycott paying the taxes that are at the root of this thing. Do that, and see how fast that mayor is on his knees begging for a solution.

[quote]so your saying don't patronize the small businesses you were trying to save? and not pay taxes on top of that? that really wont help the economy

No. What I (and the other responder - you can find him somewhere near the bottom of that second link that NNC68 posted) am saying is to boycott the restaurants that are benefiting from this government favoritism as a means of putting pressure on that local government to allow actual free enterprise, like what the young man in question was attempting. What I added about not paying the taxes is simply a means of exerting a greater pressure on the mayor and his cronies. Without the money from the taxes that they levy, their political machine comes to a halt. In effect, it would be doing to them what they're doing to the local entrepreneur potential.

In 1960, Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev boasted that "...We [the communists] will take America without firing a shot."

it's been over 50 years, and I think the cold war has been over for a while so I dont think the communists will be taking over any time soon.

You're thinking too narrowly. Khrushchev (and also Vladimir Lenin, who made a similar statement) wasn't talking about conquest by force of arms; he was talking about ideological warfare. What he was saying is that the socialist/communist ideology will take over America slowly and stealthily by infiltrating our government and education. And if you take a close look at what the government is decreeing and the schools are teaching today, you'll see he was right. One of the most glaring examples being played out right now is Obama's plan to "spread the wealth around." In other words, take from those that have earned what they have and give it to worthless slobs who are too lazy to work for their own livelihood. That's socialism, pure and simple. It also goes by a different moniker - Communism. Want another example? How about a hard-working, well-motivated teenager being told he can't operate a hot dog stand because it might provide some competition to businesses that are in bed with the government? In communism, you work where and how the government tells you to. It doesn't matter if you are good at science or welding for example, if they tell you to be a street sweeper then that's what you do. There is no place for free enterprise. And even in the pseudo-capitalism the Russia is being forced to grudgingly accept out of necessity today, there is still precious little room for free enterprise or entrepreneurship.

You might say I'm rambling off down a different path than the thread here, but the fact is it's all connected. Whether by small incident or national ruling, socialism is taking hold at an increasing rate, and it must be stopped before it's too late for all of us.

[BTW, cool username.]
1,824 posts

I'm just saying when i was his age i got a real job scooping crap for minimum wage have you seen how much cash those stands make I bet you he was raking in the dough, compared to most kids his age he got a cushy job.

His business was open for less then ten minutes.
And this is why, folks, I live in Sweden and once I've studied what I want to I'm hippity-hopping back to the island nation of New Zealand. Let's hope the government will be better when I get back.
807 posts

His business was open for less then ten minutes.
And this is why, folks, I live in Sweden and once I've studied what I want to I'm hippity-hopping back to the island nation of New Zealand. Let's hope the government will be better when I get back.

this makes no sense, it sounds like your saying his buisiness was open for 10 minutes because your going back to sweden?

You're thinking too narrowly. Khrushchev (and also Vladimir Lenin, who made a similar statement) wasn't talking about conquest by force of arms; he was talking about ideological warfare. What he was saying is that the socialist/communist ideology will take over America slowly and stealthily by infiltrating our government and education. And if you take a close look at what the government is decreeing and the schools are teaching today, you'll see he was right. One of the most glaring examples being played out right now is Obama's plan to "spread the wealth around." In other words, take from those that have earned what they have and give it to worthless slobs who are too lazy to work for their own livelihood. That's socialism, pure and simple. It also goes by a different moniker - Communism. Want another example? How about a hard-working, well-motivated teenager being told he can't operate a hot dog stand because it might provide some competition to businesses that are in bed with the government? In communism, you work where and how the government tells you to. It doesn't matter if you are good at science or welding for example, if they tell you to be a street sweeper then that's what you do. There is no place for free enterprise. And even in the pseudo-capitalism the Russia is being forced to grudgingly accept out of necessity today, there is still precious little room for free enterprise or entrepreneurship.

I think your thinking a little to big, your blaming the mayor and even the president (who by the way is doing quite nicely at slowly creating jobs for what is happening here? this all could have been avoided if one jackoff looked the other way for once in his life.

[BTW, cool username.]

Thanks not very often I see people give compliments around here
807 posts

sorry not sweden new zealand

1,824 posts

This is where I introduce the magic of the paragraph, which lets the user switch between sub-topics. First paragraph addresses someone's lack of ability to read or listen, second paragraph portrayed why my family left America and lives abroad.

807 posts

there was no second paragraph, just a jumbled mess of meaningless info

1,707 posts

I think your thinking a little to big, your blaming the mayor and even the president (who by the way is doing quite nicely at slowly creating jobs for what is happening here? this all could have been avoided if one jackoff looked the other way for once in his life.

I think you are still looking at it to small.

What Paladin is pointing out is that life as you know it is slowly being turned into a communist life style. Even if it's just a hot dog stand here or raiding peoples homes and killing dogs because they own illegal doses of narcotics or even because someone is watching movies online without the directors permission, like that megauplaupload guy.
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