ForumsWEPRFederal Government's War On Pot Disregards Local Law

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5,043 posts

It is legal under California law to sell medical marijuana. However, it's still a federal offense. This means state police can not bust medical marijuana dispensaries, while federal police can.

This doesn't make any sense.

The Federal Government shut down Aaron Sandusky's medical marijuana dispensary. He is currently awaiting his trial.

There's not much more to say here. This video was uploaded today and I felt we could use another good Drug War thread.

  • 16 Replies
807 posts

sure it makes sense, federal government has had more power than state government since the articles of confederation fell through. It is pretty stupid that they would only allow federal police to do this though. Heck if I were in charge I would have let county police shut them down.

5,043 posts

sure it makes sense, federal government has had more power than state government since the articles of confederation fell through. It is pretty stupid that they would only allow federal police to do this though. Heck if I were in charge I would have let county police shut them down.

Again, this makes no sense. As I said before, it's legal in California, but it's illegal at a federal level. You can't allow county cops to bust LEGAL marijuana dispensaries.

And why would you want to shut down medical marijuana dispensaries? That's just heartless and inefficient.
3,817 posts

Ah, a similar thing happened in Montana a few months back. I remember reading about it in the newspaper for a few days, I will have to look it up.

Here is something about the sentencing, which was light for most and far under the minimum.

Here is a little something on the raids.

I am just surprised you did not see this coming.

807 posts

Again, this makes no sense.

I was pointing out that no matter how the state government feels about it the federal government overrides the state in every way.

And why would you want to shut down medical marijuana dispensaries? That's just heartless and inefficient.

everyone I know that uses the drug is a useless waste of space that contributes nothing to the community
4,220 posts

everyone I know that uses the drug is a useless waste of space that contributes nothing to the community

Because you totally just didn't stereotype half of Americans, right?

The Federal Government shut down Aaron Sandusky's medical marijuana dispensary. He is currently awaiting his trial.

His trial should last five minutes. All his lawyers have to do is give the jury the legal definition of entrapment and he'll be on his way.

Assuming entrapment is still a legal defense... oh dear....
8,256 posts

So it is legal but it's not? Clever, guys, clever!

Seriously, either way, laws on two different levels have to be the same; one cannot say yes while the other says no. This is nonsense. (Nonsense? This. Is. Americaaaaaaaaa!!!).

I'd prefer both to allow medical marijhuana, it can help so many people. I recently saw a report on TV from a guy who is hit by a serious case of Tourette syndrome. Without medications, he is a twitchy wreckage unable to live by himself. With regular intake of his medication (a joint), he gets calm for a certain amount of time. Right after his joint, he seemed almost completely normal. And he didn't even get stoned, probably a side-effect of Tourette. He can get his cannabis legally, but it is so expensive he barely makes it out of the month. Making it more affordable and more legal would definitely help him. And since you need a medical certificate, I don't see many ways to take advantage of it.

807 posts

Because you totally just didn't stereotype half of Americans, right?

I didn't say half of america I said everyone I know, which is plenty enough to keep me away from the stuff.
5,043 posts

Ah, a similar thing happened in Montana a few months back. I remember reading about it in the newspaper for a few days, I will have to look it up.

The government cares not for the lives that are ruined. It's enough that these people lost their jobs, but to have their lives ruined is such a redicilous punishment.

I recently saw a report on TV from a guy who is hit by a serious case of Tourette syndrome. Without medications, he is a twitchy wreckage unable to live by himself. With regular intake of his medication (a joint), he gets calm for a certain amount of time. Right after his joint, he seemed almost completely normal.

You might be referring to this guy, who has multiple sclerosis.

everyone I know that uses the drug is a useless waste of space that contributes nothing to the community

Now just imagine all the people you don't know who smokes pot. People who don't apply themselves in life may tend to be more open with their marijuana use, or more attracted to it. All the highschool kids who don't pay attention in class that drink and smoke pot, aren't doing poor in school because they do those drugs, but because they're just too busy looking for fun to the point where they neglect their studies. Pot is not the cause, it's the result. Some people may grow too obsessed with marijuana, but this is more of a personal issue, a mental addiction. You see the same thing with people who play too many video games or those who focus primarily on working out.
5,129 posts

i'm so glad we don't have a EU police force. then we would get this kinda **** here aswell.

everyone I know that uses the drug is a useless waste of space that contributes nothing to the community

like half of the hollywood stars =P
807 posts

Some people may grow too obsessed with marijuana

these are the people I'm talking about
5,129 posts

these are the people I'm talking about

those are a very small amount of the total consumers.
5,043 posts

these are the people I'm talking about

I know the kind of people you're talking about. I remember hearing a girl say "I need some poooot" and I was thinking to myself, "you're a moron." People like this are just dumb.
807 posts

I know the kind of people you're talking about. I remember hearing a girl say "I need some poooot" and I was thinking to myself, "you're a moron." People like this are just dumb.

yeah I know quite a large group of people who are just like this

those are a very small amount of the total consumers.

care to back that with factual information?
8,256 posts

You might be referring to this guy, who has multiple sclerosis.

It's exactly the same, yes! Though it was another guy, explicitely diagnosed to having Tourette. But apparently joints help both guys.

In the comment section of the vid I saw this one:
"its ****ing sickening that the drug companies will give children rittalin and prozac but they are against giving people who need marijuana there medicine"
and it's kinda true. Even in my country there are just too many cases where slightly above-average-active children are given ritalin by their parents even though they don't have ADHD. It's a drug too, and shouldn't be given to children, just as much as pot shouldn't be ginve to children. Drug regulation needs to be more consistent and reasonable; right now we kinda have different extremes.
807 posts

and it's kinda true. Even in my country there are just too many cases where slightly above-average-active children are given ritalin by their parents even though they don't have ADHD. It's a drug too, and shouldn't be given to children, just as much as pot shouldn't be ginve to children. Drug regulation needs to be more consistent and reasonable; right now we kinda have different extremes.

yeah I also new a guy in high school that would crush his pills up and snort them like cocaine (he was also part of the last group) even though he did have ADHD I don't think the pills helped him focus in class.
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