Tis a simple game. I give you various challenges (i.e. quest bosses) and you must create spells which meet certain requirements and restrictions to defeat them. Here's the first:
A 7 feet tall, leather cladded barbarian is charging towards you, less than 50 feet away. His skin has been magically toughened to be impervious to most projectiles, and the enchanted two-handed axe he is swinging delivers enough kinetic energy to shatter stone.
Spell requirements: must not be mind-affecting, must not involve fire or electricity, must not create something out of nothing
Remember that the idea is to DEFEAT the boss. Teleporting away won't cut it.
After a really creative response I will reset it with a new, stronger boss and new requirements.
I would magically tear some of the leather off and than make it into a rope. I would tie the rope to two rocks I create. The barbarian then trips and falls into a ditch. Once in, I fill the large ditch with water. Because of his lack of knowledge, he will not know how to swim. He will inevitably swallow some of the water. Before that happens, I infect the water with botulism poison. Along with the botulism, I also mix in a large amount of lye into the water which will corrode his leather and burn his skin off. Now he is dead.
Cardibard actually killed him, you guys didn't because it should be a single spell. Omni and mooncity technically used two spells each, and razer technically used...20 )