ForumsForum GamesDayZ (Forum Games Version)

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15 posts

Hello everyone! This is KolThePanda, you can call me Kol for short, and This is my first RPG forum game.

I've never done this before, so we'll see how it turns out.

August 10, 2002

You are woken up by the sound of fire near you. You open your eyes, shocked to see your former home in ruins. You take a good long look at the pile of wood and concrete that was your home, still shocked about what has happened. "Is this a dream?" you say to yourself. As you walk outside, you find that your little home by the docks wasn't the only thing affected. Everything looks old and abandoned, as if a massacre had gone on 100 years ago. Behind an old rusty car you see what looks like a dead man; his back resting on the side of the car. You see his diary and pick it up. It reads:

November 2, 2000

Today the Horrid Zombies tried to break open the door and get into my safe-house, but luckily i made them extra strong and hid in the basement hoping if they do get in, they wouldn't find me. I'm trying to find someone else in this dead landscape who is trying to survive like me, but so far i have not had the courage the leave the safe-house. maybe tomorrow i will get my crowbar and head out...

November 3, 2000

I am finally ready to head out, i have food, water, my crowbar, and a torch in case i need it. I am scared, but it's either i stay in here and i die, or have a chance at finding someone out there. I've made my choice. Until next time,

~Gregor Watzchev

You now realize what this is all about. You have decide what to do. You must gear up. and be brave, and find some sort of comfort and new life in this undead civilization.

Character Sheet:
Please read the explanation before filling in the sheet.

Experience: Level 1 0/0
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Nothing
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

Name: anything you choose
Age: anything over 16
Experience: This is your experience, you gain experience from doing almost anything, and with more experience you can do more things such as karate moves, pickpocket, stealth, and much more. Keep this in mind when saying your actions because at level 1 you are very limited.
Health: your health, 100/100 being the most
Hunger: Your hunger, 100/100 being full
Thirst: same as above for thirst
Visibility: how well people or zombies can see you, which can be the
difference between life or death in some situations.
Armor: Your armor, keep in mind that a bulletproof vest may save you from a gun but zombies can tear it up quickly.
Hand item: The item in your hand. Usually a weapon. Later on with more EXP you can get 2 hand items at once.
Inventory: Starts with 3 slots, the inventory can store items, such as food and water, or weapons, and can increase through backpacks, and other mobile storage devices.
Status: your current health status, i.e. healthy, bleeding, sick etc.
Money: money is used to buy weapons, food, water, etc. however shops are scarce.
Tasks: these are your current tasks goals to proceed with the storyline.

Please copy and past your latest character sheet every time you post an action or play the game.

There is a lot more to explain, but instead of wasting your time reading all day, you should just get playing and figure them out on the way.


  • 46 Replies
2,515 posts

Name:Nilous Nitari
Experience: Level 1 4/10
Health: 100/100
Hunger 99/100
Thirst: 99/100
Visibility: 6/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Old Pistol (Ammo (2/8)
Slot 1: Trash Can Lid (durability 8/10)
Slot 2: Can of Tuna
Status: Healthy
Money: $10
Tasks: None
Tuna last longer than salad i say under my breath as i walk to the house, looking for anything inportant and special.

125 posts

Name: Alec Rejrin
Age: 19
Experience: Level 1 8/10
Health: 95/100
Hunger 95/100
Thirst: 95/100
Visibility: 8/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Sawn off shotgun (Durability 9/10)
Inventory (bag):
  Slot 1: Can of spam
  Slot 2: 1/2 water bottle
  Slot 3: cloth
  Slot 4: Kitchen knife (Durability: 2/10)
  Slot 5: Painkillers (uses 3/10)
  Slot 6: Unopened box of crackers
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

I run back into the house and try to find something to sleep under so I won't get cold.

2,613 posts

Name: Michael S.
Age: 33
Experience: Level 1 2/10
Health: 100/100
Hunger 99/100
Thirst: 99/100
Visibility: 3/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Pocket knife (durability 9/10)
Slot 1: Healing Ointment (uses 10/10)
Slot 2: Small piece of bread
Status: Healthy
Money: $5
Tasks: None

When im done I look over the car for any danger, if none I go search the house, if I do I stay in the cover.

28 posts

Name: Evanas SureWright
Experience: Level 1 0/0
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Nothing
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

ima newb so go easy on me and i LOVE the origainal


28 posts


2,613 posts

hey evan, I see and hear your new. I'd love to help you with any problems and I always post at least up to 10 before yours. feel free to join my forums or enjoy others, I will also help ou as much as I can.

28 posts

thx i would like that

15 posts

Sorry guys i haven't been on lately, i was on vacation :P But now i'm free so expect Updates every few days

[B]Tip:[/B]Books can be found in lots of places, and can increase your Exp level by a lot from reading them, However, reading them requires a safe location, and time. You may also look back on Books for advice. For example, If you read a book about how to bandage yourself, your exp goes up and you also learn how to do that quickly and easily.


Name:Nilous Nitari
Experience: Level 1 6/10
Health: 100/100
Hunger 85/100
Thirst: 85/100
Visibility: 4/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Old Pistol (Ammo (2/8)
Slot 1: Trash Can Lid (durability 8/10)
Slot 2: Can of Tuna
Status: Healthy, Terrified
Money: $10
Tasks: None

You take the tuna, and You look into the house, and then enter slowly as you make your way into the crumbling place. You hear creaking in the old wooden ceiling, and You stop moving. it sounds like someone is on the top floor...

Suddenly The roof above you breaks and a zombie comes crashing down to the floor. You stand there in shock, But realize that now is the perfect time to strike. You take your old pistol and whack The zombie in the head multiple times, and then kick it a few more, just to make sure it's dead...

The sun starts to set... It'll get cold overnight, so Be careful!

Exp Gained: 2/10!


Name: Alec Rejrin
Age: 19
Experience: Level 1 9/10
Health: 65/100
Hunger 65/100
Thirst: 65/100
Visibility: 3/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Sawn off shotgun (Durability 9/10)
Inventory (bag):
Slot 1: Can of spam
Slot 2: 1/2 water bottle
Slot 3: cloth
Slot 4: Kitchen knife (Durability: 2/10)
Slot 5: Painkillers (uses 3/10)
Slot 6: Unopened box of crackers
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

You run back into the house, and find a few torn up pieces of carpet laying on the top floor, so you take them and Hide near a corner of the house and take a few hours of sleep, Which will be much needed for the day to come.

Exp Gained: 1/10


Name: Michael S.
Age: 33
Experience: Level 1 5/10
Health: 100/100
Hunger 90/100
Thirst: 90/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Thick Cargo pants, (sunglasses)
Hand item: Pocket knife (durability 9/10)
Slot 1: Healing Ointment (uses 10/10)
Slot 2: Small piece of bread
Invalid Slot: Wilderness book
Status: Healthy
Money: $5
Tasks: None

You search the car, And find an old pair of sunglasses (+1 for style!). You also find a pair of thick cargo pants and a book on how to survive in the wilderness.

Once finished raiding the car, and had a change of pants, You look around to see if anyone is nearby, and in the faint distance you see a figure running towards you, with a trail of 2-3 zombies behind him. You have a choice of either Helping the man, or waiting for him to get killed and then take his items. The choice is yours.

Warning: you have a full inventory! what would you like to drop?

Exp gained 3/10


Name: Evanas SureWright
Experience: Level 1 0/0
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Nothing
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

Welcome! Glad to see new members

The beginning is the same for everyone, The story is what you decide

You look around around your current area. There is a Gregor Watzchev, leaning next to a broken down and rusty car. Your dormer household is behind you, and to your right there is a trash can. There is also a few cans, newspapers, and other junk lying on the floor.

What shall you do?


Name:Vladimir Kosnitsky
Experience: Level 1 0/0
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Nothing
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

Hey! Sorry about missing your character sheet earlier, I hope you're still up for the game?

The beginning is the same for everyone, The story is what you decide

You look around around your current area. There is a Gregor Watzchev, leaning next to a broken down and rusty car. Your dormer household is behind you, and to your right there is a trash can. There is also a few cans, newspapers, and other junk lying on the floor.

What shall you do?


Hey! How do you guys like the RPG so far? Has it met your standards? Is there anything you's like me to change? Just tell me and i'll see what i can do!

125 posts

Name: Alec Rejrin
Age: 19
Experience: Level 1 9/10
Health: 65/100
Hunger 65/100
Thirst: 65/100
Visibility: 3/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Sawn off shotgun (Durability 9/10)
Inventory (bag):
Slot 1: Can of spam
Slot 2: 1/2 water bottle
Slot 3: cloth
Slot 4: Kitchen knife (Durability: 2/10)
Slot 5: Painkillers (uses 3/10)
Slot 6: Unopened box of crackers
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

I try to sleep until morning with a few locked doors between me and the outside world. When I wake up I will look through a window to make sure the coast is clear.

62 posts

Name: Alex Torm
Experience: Level 1 0/0
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Nothing
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

15 posts


Name: Alec Rejrin
Age: 19
Experience: Level 2 0/10
Health: 65/100
Hunger 65/100
Thirst: 65/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Sawn off shotgun (Durability 9/10)
Inventory (bag):
Slot 1: Can of spam
Slot 2: 1/2 water bottle
Slot 3: cloth
Slot 4: Kitchen knife (Durability: 2/10)
Slot 5: Painkillers (uses 3/10)
Slot 6: Unopened box of crackers
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

You are able to fall asleep, and lock the outside door, But while sleeping you have terrible dreams of Zombies ripping out a poor man's Shirt, eating his flesh and brains, and his head falls to the side and you recognize his face... you see yourself being eaten alive, with a shocked look on your face. You wake up startled, and look out the window of the top floor. It's daytime, which means time to go out and scavenge. You first check if the coast is clear, which it is, and You head unlock the door and Head out. You take a last look at the door, And see it has scratch marks and blood on it. It seems you were lucky to have locked it, because if not you probably would have had a sketchy night...

Exp gained: 1/10 Level Up!


Name: Alex Torm
Experience: Level 1 0/0
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Nothing
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

The beginning is the same for everyone, The story is what you decide

You look around around your current area. There is a Gregor Watzchev, leaning next to a broken down and rusty car. Your dormer household is behind you, and to your right there is a trash can. There is also a few cans, newspapers, and other junk lying on the floor.

What shall you do?


125 posts

Name: Alec Rejrin
Age: 19
Experience: Level 2 0/10
Health: 65/100
Hunger 65/100
Thirst: 65/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Sawn off shotgun (Durability 9/10)
Inventory (bag):
Slot 1: Can of spam
Slot 2: 1/2 water bottle
Slot 3: cloth
Slot 4: Kitchen knife (Durability: 2/10)
Slot 5: Painkillers (uses 3/10)
Slot 6: Unopened box of crackers
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

It's time to head out. I look for the direction that appears to be of least resistance, one that will offer much shelter and supplies with little chance of engagement...If there is such a direction. If not, I'll go with my gut.

62 posts

Name: Alex Torm
Experience: Level 1 0/0
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Nothing
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

i ask to him what happen because i dont have any memory

15 posts


Tip: Never forget to look at your stats to tell if you are hungry, thirsty, or low on health. I'm not going to remind you every time, i'm just going to put it on the sheet, and you can figure it out yourself

Info: If you are the curious type, and want to know everything about the story, i'm the creative type, and can tell the whole story! Talk to people and ask them questions about the story to see how it unfolded. For example: You can always ask someone a question about their life or the story how they see it. Have fun

Name: Alec Rejrin
Age: 19
Experience: Level 2 4/10
Health: 95/100
Hunger 45/100
Thirst: 45/100
Visibility: 6/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Sawn off shotgun (Durability 9/10)
Inventory (bag):
Slot 1: Can of spam
Slot 2: 1/2 water bottle
Slot 3: cloth
Slot 4: Kitchen knife(Durability: 2/10)
Slot 5: Painkillers (uses 3/10)
Slot 6: Unopened box of crackers
Slot 7:
Slot 8:
Slot 9:
Slot 10:
Slot 11:
Status: Healthy (Hungry)
Money: $10
Tasks: None

You look down both ways of the street, One way seems to go on forever, until it finally stops at an abandoned barricade. You look the other way, and see that there is what looks like a man setting off a flare on the curb of a street a few blocks in front of you. You think: He may be hostile, Or friendly, If he's hostile, I'm in trouble, if he's friendly, i'm in luck. It's a gamble. Your guts tells you to try your luck, and you head forward, trying not to be too visible. You reach the man, and he turns around, startled, aiming a gun toward you. He is wearing military grade bulletproof armor, and you guess that he is a pretty skilled military official.

Info: Sometimes when talking, If your EXP level is high enough, You can talk Your way out of someone shooting you, or other pressure situations, unless they shoot first and ask questions later, of course.

"Don't get any closer, Or your head comes off."

"I don't want any trouble, I just want to survive."

"why should I trust you?"

"Because With me, There's a much better chance of us both surviving."

"I don't have any time to waste with civilians like you. I am on duty to kill these zombies."

"So you're just going to leave me here?"

"I don't have any other choice. It's protocol."

Just then a Military helicopter flies overhead and a rope ladder is dropped from atop it. The military person starts climbing, and you yell out, over the loud noise of the Helicopter, "Can I come with you?" The military man turned around on the ladder, and by the look on his face, you could tell what his answer was. there was nothing you could do. You look at what he left behind and see the flare launcher, It has 2 rounds in it. There's no use firing, Chances are no one's going to come. You also pick up a small backpack, with 5 inventory slots in it, and a $10 bill on the floor.

Exp Gained: 4/10!


Name: Alex Torm
Experience: Level 1 0/0
Health: 100/100
Hunger 100/100
Thirst: 100/100
Visibility: 5/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Nothing
Slot 1: Nothing
Slot 2: Nothing
Status: Healthy
Money: $0
Tasks: None

Just in case you haven't read, here's an excerpt of the main story, on the 1st post:

Behind an old rusty car you see what looks like a dead man; his back resting on the side of the car. You see his diary and pick it up. It reads:

November 2, 2000

Today the Horrid Zombies tried to break open the door and get into my safe-house, but luckily i made them extra strong and hid in the basement hoping if they do get in, they wouldn't find me. I'm trying to find someone else in this dead landscape who is trying to survive like me, but so far i have not had the courage the leave the safe-house. maybe tomorrow i will get my crowbar and head out...

November 3, 2000

I am finally ready to head out, i have food, water, my crowbar, and a torch in case i need it. I am scared, but it's either i stay in here and i die, or have a chance at finding someone out there. I've made my choice. Until next time,

~Gregor Watzchev

No problem, Read that and then start your story


125 posts

Name: Alec Rejrin
Age: 19
Experience: Level 2 4/10
Health: 95/100
Hunger 45/100
Thirst: 45/100
Visibility: 6/10
Armor: Sweater, Jeans
Hand item: Sawn off shotgun (Durability 9/10)
Inventory (bag):
Slot 1: Can of spam
Slot 2: 1/2 water bottle
Slot 3: cloth
Slot 4: Kitchen knife(Durability: 2/10)
Slot 5: Painkillers (uses 3/10)
Slot 6: Unopened box of crackers
Slot 7:
Slot 8:
Slot 9:
Slot 10:
Slot 11:
Status: Healthy (Hungry)
Money: $10
Tasks: None

I readjust my gear and take out the water and crackers. I make a short meal while I walk on. I try to keep a level head because I'm pissed, but I can't do anything about it. I search for buildings that look free of zombies.

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