Hello, this is Bob.He is new to this world and is willing to explore it.He is at your command.BobLvl: 1HP: [100/100]Exp: 0/25
I make him jump off a cliff.
[URL=http://www.makeagif.com/Wj2eQR][IMG]http://makeagif.com/media/8-24-2012/Wj2eQR.gif[/IMG][/URL]He jumps off a cliff. What happens next?
He jumps off a cliff. What happens next?
I get him to fly in the air and get a Sword to kill his Evil brother Bab.
I get make him fly in the air, then get a sword and try to kill his evil brother Bab.
(haha funny animations so far. Stick ppl rox!)I teach him how to draw a transmutation circle.
He can fly now. He has no sword so he can't kill his evil brother Bab.He has no drawing utensils so he cannot draw a transmutation circle.BobLvl: 1HP: [100/100]Exp: 5/25
He learns how to make an axe then makes an axe.
Bob gets attacked by a kamkaze zombie thing!!!
How the heck can he make an ax in
I send bob to go fight a person and steal their money.
How the heck can he make an ax in the sky?A wild KAMIKAZE ZOMBIE appears!KAMIKAZE ZOMBIE uses SPONTANEOUS EXPLOSION!It is very effective! -50 HPKAMIKAZE ZOMBIE flees!+10 XPBobLvl: 1HP: [50/100]Exp: 15/25
a wild MAN appears!BOB uses LASER EYES!It is very effective!MAN leaves!+10 XPLEVEL UP!!!BobLVL: 2HP: [100/150]EXP: 0/50
bob lands and finds a drawing utensil
I send Bob to the historical non-fiction isle in the library and tell him to read some simple historical books.(That is if he CAN read)If he can't read I send him to the children's section teaching him how to do basic reading!
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