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Fushigi: the japanese direct and literal translation for mystery

Story:about 600 miles into the woods you will find a nice yet small school. This is a boarding school for human and creatures. Almost everyone can get along(ALMOST). But be warned! There are spirits that prowl the school at midnight!

We have:
~4 different special classrooms
~Nice cafeteria
~Job boards(for$$$ or volunteer)
~Internet (We have a small computer lab in a room, but you're welcomed to use your own laptop and use our Wi-Fi)
~Lovely Garden
~Basketball court
~Soccer field.
~Dorms(each dorm room has a balcony)

What we have outside of school:
~High class resturant(need $$$)
~Night club(drinking is allowed but you will get scholded if teachers find you).
~More job listings.
~if you can think of anything else ask me! There will be no stores since this is a roleplay.

~No god modding!!
~Do not treat the other guests like nothing, you are not royalty here.
~ Fighting is aloud, (Have to spice it up XD) Just don't kill the people, or seriously injure them. (But if you are injured, go to the Nurse!)
~Love is aloud, Keep everything PG-13. If you have "urges" Take it to your messages.
~You cannot post less than 1 sentence or more than 3 paragraphs per post!
~You can have a max of 3 characters. You can make a new one any time. I can make exeptions but you must confirm with me!
~If you have more than 1 character you MUST type in third person to avoid confusion!!
~Your character cannot be 100% perfect!!! Give it some negative traits of flaws!
~You can roam around the place for as much as you like! but by Midnight, you cannot go outside the high school. (If you want to, I warned you)

~We are not responsible for what the ghost may put you through, it's a challenge to stay here

Char sheet:

Person(s) you are rooming with~(if more people join you can ask me what person you prefer rooming with. Max person per room:2. Must be of same gender.)
What are you~ (Human, Neko, ect.)
Appearance ~ (you may post image of character.)
Your reason for staying~
Anything else you want to add~ (you might wanna tell us if your smart or not or I'll put you in da regular classes.)

Teahcer/staff char sheet:
Age~(must be over 21! Any exeptions must be confirmed by me!)
Occupationif you are a teacher also put down which subject you teach)
Why you wanted this job~
Can you drive?
Why do you want to be a staff here~
Anything else~

Wanna be a Ghost? [limited positions!!!]
How did you die~ (Give good detail, Gore Give Gory Details -evil smirk-)
Why are you haunting the school?~
Anything else~

Attendance1 is for female 2 is for male. A is for regular student B is for specialized or gifted students)
Class A-1
Class a-2
Class B-1
Class B-2

You are allowed to attend any class possible as long as there is a teacher!

Special positions open:
Principal(if no one picks I pick. You are not the owner though, I am!)
Assistance desk
Nurse(Max is 2)

I will post my char sheets in da next post!

  • 463 Replies
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Name~Akari Tsubaki
Siblings~I have an 11 year old sister
Person(s) you are rooming with~ No desired roomate
What are you~ Human. Has the ability to transform into a shinigami.
Appearance ~
I'm pretty short for a 16 year old.
Your reason for staying~ I need to achieve a higher learning quotient because my parents constantly nag about why I can't get over 90% on my exams. I also took a dare from my friends to see if I could last for more than a semester. It was rumored that there were ghosts here chasing away students but I don't really care, it seems like a good place.
Anything else you want to add~I can see SPIRITS!

I might make a teacher or chef(for the cafeteria). Depending of is theres enough staff.

4,584 posts

Name~Storm Dragon
Age~15(180 in Grtarian)
Siblings~Thunder Dragon(older sister), Jason(older brother), Dragon King(twin brother), Vallen(older adopted brother), Amoon(older adopted brother)
Person(s) you are rooming with~No desired roommate at the moment
What are you~ Grtarian(7th generation)
Appearance ~ This is Storm with the way Gruesome Claw looked when she was trying to find her sword's name in the background[IMG][/IMG]
This is Storm's bunki.[IMG][/IMG]
Your reason for staying~Normal schools are boring due to the fact that they only have the classes that the government of that place requires the kids to learn. This school however has ghost and accepts more then one race so it should be fun.
Anything else you want to add~ Grtarians are part dragon and part of another race but unlike half dragons they aren't part human. First generation Grtarians have a dragon for a parent. Second generation has a grand parent who is a dragon and after that you add one great per generation on to the grand parent. All Grtarians can turn into at least one animal. Storm is a part of the royal Grtarian family but acts more like a shy tomboy who is a bookworm and loves to adventure then a princess. Storm is a shinigami and can turn into a white wolf. Storm's shinigami blade is known as Gruesome Claw and looks like two daggers made out of the fangs of a giant wolf. Gruesome Claw is known as the king as the shadow wolves for who ever can use him can command a pack of wolves made from shadows. The pack that Gruesome Claw's user can command only has ten wolves but only Gruesome Claw and his user know that.

If the pics don't show up then I will try another one of the codes that Photobucket gave me.

4,584 posts




Did one of those work?

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4,584 posts

Sorry that it took me three post to get the pics up. Here is the sheet with the pics.

Name~Storm Dragon
Age~15(180 in Grtarian)
Siblings~Thunder Dragon(older sister), Jason(older brother), Dragon King(twin brother), Vallen(older adopted brother), Amoon(older adopted brother)
Person(s) you are rooming with~No desired roommate at the moment
What are you~ Grtarian(7th generation)
Appearance ~ This is Storm with the way Gruesome Claw looked when she was trying to find her sword's name in the background.
This is Storm's bunki.
Your reason for staying~Normal schools are boring due to the fact that they only have the classes that the government of that place requires the kids to learn. This school however has ghost and accepts more then one race so it should be fun.
Anything else you want to add~ Grtarians are part dragon and part of another race but unlike half dragons they aren't part human. First generation Grtarians have a dragon for a parent. Second generation has a grand parent who is a dragon and after that you add one great per generation on to the grand parent. All Grtarians can turn into at least one animal. Storm is a part of the royal Grtarian family but acts more like a shy tomboy who is a bookworm and loves to adventure then a princess. Storm is a shinigami and can turn into a white wolf. Storm's shinigami blade is known as Gruesome Claw and looks like two daggers made out of the fangs of a giant wolf. Gruesome Claw is known as the king as the shadow wolves for who ever can use him can command a pack of wolves made from shadows. The pack that Gruesome Claw's user can command only has ten wolves but only Gruesome Claw and his user know that.

2,515 posts

Name~ Nilous Nitari
Age~ 14
Siblings~ None
Person(s) you are rooming with~ Storm Dragon
What are you~ (imma go out on a limb and say) Cyborg (on the out side, no, but on the inside)
Appearance ~ 5'8 1l5 lbs. Dark Brown hair, changeable Eye color, white teeth.
Your reason for staying~ My parents wanted me out of the house before i disassembeled everything and made a robot.
Anything else you want to add~Im a Genius, i have an I.Q. of 179 and my implants are in my brain, i have Perfect vision, perfect hearing, no allergies immune to sickness(not vomiting though)
(storm dragon, you stole my name, its my Real name too, like in real life)

336 posts

Name rebecca balsan
Age~ 12
Siblings~ Jason (twin)
Person(s) you are rooming with~ none yet
What are you~ Human
Appearance ~ red hair, pale skin, brown eyes, short.
Your reason for staying~ I am smart and wanted some harder classes.
Anything else you want to add~ can turn invisible

4,584 posts

(storm dragon, you stole my name, its my Real name too, like in real life)

Really? When it comes to my charter's name I just came up with the name the first time I played Neverwinter Nights and have loved it ever since. Unless you are talking about one of the sibling names.
2,779 posts

haha nice character sheets everyone! ^^

Storm dragon, if you ever need a room switch you can come to the principals office when the game starts.

Anyone here wanna be an employee?

I'll make the principal/owner since no one else bothered.

Age~ 42
Occupation:Principal/Founder of the school.
Why you wanted this job~I have my reasons
Experience~ I used to be a teacher when I was in my mid-20s. I taught the school for about 5 years before I got transfered to a different school to teach. In the end I taught 5 in different schools.
Can you drive? Yes
Anything else~ Don't be afraid to talk to me(though I'm a bit creepy). I'm very kind and I also like to have some fun once in a while.

Crap this means I have to talk in third person XD. Even worse: I will be the only on who WILL unless you guys srsly wanna talk in third person regardless of your character quantity.

Meanwhile: everyone still has 2 extra spaces so feel free to make a new character at any time. But I must confirm him

4,584 posts

I'm thinking about making two more characters but I don't know if I want to make two of Storm's siblings or someone else. Also I think I will accept Nilous Nitari's offer to have me as a roommate.

2,779 posts

Everyone's character is accepted!

And you can also reserve a character if you want. But the reserve time is 3 days MAX. No exeptions, because it's your fault if you are going on vacation for 1 week or more and you didn't think this through when you're all like "oh lemme reserve a character. He will be in class B-1. Sorry I have a 14 day vacation starting tomorrow so plz extend the reservation time." Because you should have made your character before or after your vacation. In fact, it's best you DONT play at all if you can't look at your calender and say "oh I have a vacation tomorrow. I will make my character now."

This rule is also a follow-up the the previous one. You must be active within 5 days. If you don't I will remove your player from the attendance. This time I can make exeptions especially for vacation's n' stuff. But if your laptop/desktop suddenly crashes into the water and it took you several weeks to repair or you suddenly forgot about this game, there is nothing I can do about it.

if you didn't get your desired class, you cn always switch depending on your actions and teacher's opinion. If i accidentally put you in the wrong gender class let me know right away.

Class A-1
-Storm Dragon(rooming with Nilous Nitari)
-Akari Tsubaki(Rooming Alone/No roommate desired )
Class a-2
Class B-1
-rebecca balsan(Rooming Alone/No roommate desired)
Class B-2
-Nilous Nitari(rooming with:Storm Dragon)

Speeking of which

BeckKitten, can your character rebecca balsan and mine Akari Tsubaki be roomates? You can always feel free to change if you don't like your character's roomate.

We can start the game as soon as 2 characters who are teacher are in this thread.

We can start classes when there are about 4 teachers in the rp. And that means someone has to make a teacher unless we want this place to be crowded with players.

399 posts

Name~ Blade Raosi
Apperance~ Is an albno, but has dragon tatoos winding all over his body. Dragon form- white japapese style with black claws, eyes and stripes.
Age~ 26
Occupation: Teacher- I teach English, French, and Phys-ed, but will teach anything else, too.
Why you wanted this job~ I love to teach, and when you can transform into a giant white dragon at will, you fit in really well.
Experience~ 2yrs
Can you drive- yes, but I don't very often.
Why do you want to be a staff here~
Anything else~ Can transform into a giant white dragon

Is this good?

2,779 posts


please put more details into your experience.(and delete the Why you wanted to be a staff here.)

2,779 posts

I edited the teacher's sheet.

Age~(must be over 21! Any exeptions must be confirmed by me!)
Occupationif you are a teacher also put down which subject you teach)
Why you wanted this job~
Can you drive?
Anything else~

Anybody wanna be a ghost? You get to haunt the outside of the school at midnight and creep out da people who go outside school at that time. If not I will make one.

2,515 posts

Well, we dont need a teacher, you can just play them with out a charater sheet. i mean when your a student, teachers dont have lives they just sit in there Desks and teach, same for the luch lady so heres an example

Me: i walk into class looking EXTREMELY bored and take my seat i get out my pencil and begin to draw a robotic schematic.
You: The teacher gets up and begins to start teaching but see's you lack of attentention.
"NILOUS! TAKE NOTES" the teacher yelled with an angry tone as the announcement bell rings and and calls for "Nilous Nitari, please come to the office, Nilous Nitari , Please come to the office.
Me: i get up and leave the class and take my stuff with me i take the route i usually take to avoid the Cmaera beacuse i dont like being recorded IN ANY WAY!. when i reach the office i look the Receptionist in the eyes and say"What? in monotone.

(kinda like that, idk if you knoww but im a REALLY good game host, if you want i could host it for you when your charater plays, likegives you YOUR charaters outcomes while you give me mine and storm dragons.

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