Fushigi: the japanese direct and literal translation for mystery
Story:about 600 miles into the woods you will find a nice yet small school. This is a boarding school for human and creatures. Almost everyone can get along(ALMOST). But be warned! There are spirits that prowl the school at midnight!
We have: ~4 different special classrooms ~Nice cafeteria ~Job boards(for$$$ or volunteer) ~Internet (We have a small computer lab in a room, but you're welcomed to use your own laptop and use our Wi-Fi) ~Lovely Garden ~Basketball court ~Soccer field. ~Dorms(each dorm room has a balcony)
What we have outside of school: ~High class resturant(need $$$) ~Night club(drinking is allowed but you will get scholded if teachers find you). ~More job listings. ~if you can think of anything else ask me! There will be no stores since this is a roleplay.
Rules: ~No god modding!! ~Do not treat the other guests like nothing, you are not royalty here. ~ Fighting is aloud, (Have to spice it up XD) Just don't kill the people, or seriously injure them. (But if you are injured, go to the Nurse!) ~Love is aloud, Keep everything PG-13. If you have "urges" Take it to your messages. ~You cannot post less than 1 sentence or more than 3 paragraphs per post! ~You can have a max of 3 characters. You can make a new one any time. I can make exeptions but you must confirm with me! ~If you have more than 1 character you MUST type in third person to avoid confusion!! ~Your character cannot be 100% perfect!!! Give it some negative traits of flaws! ~You can roam around the place for as much as you like! but by Midnight, you cannot go outside the high school. (If you want to, I warned you)
~We are not responsible for what the ghost may put you through, it's a challenge to stay here
Char sheet:
Name~ Age~ Siblings~ Person(s) you are rooming with~(if more people join you can ask me what person you prefer rooming with. Max person per room:2. Must be of same gender.) What are you~ (Human, Neko, ect.) Appearance ~ (you may post image of character.) Your reason for staying~ Anything else you want to add~ (you might wanna tell us if your smart or not or I'll put you in da regular classes.)
Teahcer/staff char sheet: Name~ Apperance~ Age~(must be over 21! Any exeptions must be confirmed by me!) Occupationif you are a teacher also put down which subject you teach) Why you wanted this job~ Experience~ Can you drive? Why do you want to be a staff here~ Anything else~
Wanna be a Ghost? [limited positions!!!] Name~ Age~ Appearance~ How did you die~ (Give good detail, Gore Give Gory Details -evil smirk-) Why are you haunting the school?~ Anything else~
Attendance1 is for female 2 is for male. A is for regular student B is for specialized or gifted students) Class A-1 - - - - - Class a-2 - - - - - Class B-1 - - - - Class B-2 - - - -
You are allowed to attend any class possible as long as there is a teacher!
Special positions open: Principal(if no one picks I pick. You are not the owner though, I am!) Vice-Principal Assistance desk Nurse(Max is 2)
OOC:ignore that last bit I was just trying to repost what I had said so greenpeople could respond to it.
IC:"That's okay just as long as us shinigamis get to know each other." Storm said without showing one bit of her normal shyness. While Jay was being interrogated by Akari Storm ate her food.
When it came time for dessert all three got the mango pudding without the tapioca. They finished their desserts and then put their dishes to the side. They all wondered what Akari wanted to say to them. Storm figured that it was something that she thought only a few people should know while Dragon King just hoped that it wasn't anything bad about Ritsu.
Akari also got the tapioce pudding after putting her dirty dish away. It was rumored that there are ghosts in place. And building. Some may even transform into humans. I for one thing can sense spirits and I have been having mixed signals.
After Ritsu finished her food she went outside and transformed back into a ghost. Then she went back into the tree and went right instead of left making it to the creature's den. "Kyo it's ok. You will be safe, from all things living, at least for now." She got a giant leaf and placed it on the furry thing. It was hardly a scary creature at all. But it can be fearce when another tresspasser wakes it up.
I stand up quickly accidentally pushing the table a little and I walk out of the room quickly glancing over at Akari and the others every now and then.
"Cool, my old house had a ghost. Hated urban punk. I can't sense spirits right now, I'm too outta tune." Jay says. He can be rather nonreactive when eating tapioca (it a Raosai dragon thing).
Akari looked at Rebecca. Oh you missed dessert. I hope the teachers here will let you eat SOMETHING. I think there is some salads and steak leftover. (read prev posts). We still have some water and there are fruit punch juiceboxes by the snakc bar. And some blueberry muffins.
Maya notices the late student and gets her some food.
Jay stands and says, "It's been lovely meeting you all, but I am heading to explore the grounds. If you lovely ladies and gentlemen would excuse me." He place his dishes into proper receptacle, and walks out.
As soon as he reaches a large enough area, he transforms into a 20 ft long white dragon with black claws, a black back fin, and black stripes. And when he does, he feel the workings of the universe, and the perfect entropy within it. He flies around for about three hours then head to his dorm.
Storm thought about what Akari and Jay said and then for some reason her mind flipped to the neko that had talked to her twin at the pool. "The only spirits I have dealt with so far were some hollows and Gruesome Claw." Storm said she could sense spirits but unless she sensed a hollow she normally didn't say anything about it. "I think the neko I met at the pool was one. Her name was Ritsu and she disappeared without a trace after I asked her why she didn't want anyone except me to follow her to a secret place not too far from the gardens." Dragon King said. Amoon kept an eye on his sister for the only time he couldn't protect her, as their dad had ordered, was when she went sole reaper and dealt with things like hollows and spirits.
"My name is Ms. Thantos," I'm your science and Maths teacher she says, with the slightest hint of an African accent. Blade make another appearance at the dinner hall to get a couple apples
"Your kind has helped me enough. Thanks to you Shinigami my life has been terrible. My parents died because you didn't fulfill your duties. I barely escaped. I have the scars to prove it. After that I have had to go from school to school because either someone died because I got mad and they thought I murdered them or one of those hollows came for me. Out of all the people I despise Your group is on top of the list."