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Fushigi: the japanese direct and literal translation for mystery

Story:about 600 miles into the woods you will find a nice yet small school. This is a boarding school for human and creatures. Almost everyone can get along(ALMOST). But be warned! There are spirits that prowl the school at midnight!

We have:
~4 different special classrooms
~Nice cafeteria
~Job boards(for$$$ or volunteer)
~Internet (We have a small computer lab in a room, but you're welcomed to use your own laptop and use our Wi-Fi)
~Lovely Garden
~Basketball court
~Soccer field.
~Dorms(each dorm room has a balcony)

What we have outside of school:
~High class resturant(need $$$)
~Night club(drinking is allowed but you will get scholded if teachers find you).
~More job listings.
~if you can think of anything else ask me! There will be no stores since this is a roleplay.

~No god modding!!
~Do not treat the other guests like nothing, you are not royalty here.
~ Fighting is aloud, (Have to spice it up XD) Just don't kill the people, or seriously injure them. (But if you are injured, go to the Nurse!)
~Love is aloud, Keep everything PG-13. If you have "urges" Take it to your messages.
~You cannot post less than 1 sentence or more than 3 paragraphs per post!
~You can have a max of 3 characters. You can make a new one any time. I can make exeptions but you must confirm with me!
~If you have more than 1 character you MUST type in third person to avoid confusion!!
~Your character cannot be 100% perfect!!! Give it some negative traits of flaws!
~You can roam around the place for as much as you like! but by Midnight, you cannot go outside the high school. (If you want to, I warned you)

~We are not responsible for what the ghost may put you through, it's a challenge to stay here

Char sheet:

Person(s) you are rooming with~(if more people join you can ask me what person you prefer rooming with. Max person per room:2. Must be of same gender.)
What are you~ (Human, Neko, ect.)
Appearance ~ (you may post image of character.)
Your reason for staying~
Anything else you want to add~ (you might wanna tell us if your smart or not or I'll put you in da regular classes.)

Teahcer/staff char sheet:
Age~(must be over 21! Any exeptions must be confirmed by me!)
Occupationif you are a teacher also put down which subject you teach)
Why you wanted this job~
Can you drive?
Why do you want to be a staff here~
Anything else~

Wanna be a Ghost? [limited positions!!!]
How did you die~ (Give good detail, Gore Give Gory Details -evil smirk-)
Why are you haunting the school?~
Anything else~

Attendance1 is for female 2 is for male. A is for regular student B is for specialized or gifted students)
Class A-1
Class a-2
Class B-1
Class B-2

You are allowed to attend any class possible as long as there is a teacher!

Special positions open:
Principal(if no one picks I pick. You are not the owner though, I am!)
Assistance desk
Nurse(Max is 2)

I will post my char sheets in da next post!

  • 463 Replies
4,584 posts

"Jase is talking to her right now." Dragon King said to Akari. He didn't even notice Ritsu. Storm on the other hand noticed her and kept her nose stuck in her book. There was something about Ritsu that was bothering her but she couldn't figure out what and knew that Gruesome Claw would alert her to any hollows or spirits that meant to harm someone.

2,025 posts

I stop her. "I know your lying. Yesterday there was a neko girl here. She disappeared last night with dragon king. They came back but she disappeared before his eyes. Then he woke up in the middle of the night to a voice. He listened and went out to the garden and he woke up there this morning. I have even looked for the neko myself and she is no where to be seen. Now tell me the truth."

4,584 posts

Storm put her book down and looked at Jay. "A sole reaper caries around a weapon known as a zumbakto that has three forms. The first form has the weapon look like a plain old sword. The second form can look like any weapon but normally looks like a weapon with a blade and the sole reaper has to call out the name of his/her weapon to have it enter that form. The last form is known as bunki and that one is so diverse that it is hard to describe. Most other shinigami have a scythe. Other then that I guess it would have to be the uniform they will wear when they are working and how dangerous it is for them to be in a human form. That is of course if they have one." Storm said to Jay as she tried to remember all of the different shinigami she had read about or worked with from time to time.

399 posts

"Cool. So, I bombed you with question, why don't you ask me some?" Jay suggests.

4,584 posts

"Alright then. What is it like living in Canada?" Storm asked for this was her first time being to Earth and she wanted to learn everything she could about Japan, the United States of America, and the countries around them.

399 posts

"It really depends on where you live, I lived in Toronto, a huge city with over a million people. There is always something going on. There is no true night. I really miss it. There's cold winters and hot summers, but I used to spend my summer on the Bruce Peninsula. I would swim in the lake as much as possible, and Blade and I would fly for hours." Jay says, tearing up just a little.

4,584 posts

"It sounds kinda like the city that has grown up around the castle back on the Grtarian Planet." Storm said. The city she was speaking of was the only city on the planet for most Grtarians lived in tribe like communities that moved around with a group of animals that were the same as the animal form of most of the Grtarians in that tribe.

399 posts

"My mom told all about your planet as I was growing up. I've never been. Mom always talked about how much she hated Earth, how big of mistake it was to come. She didn't like Blade and I." Jay says, looking at his feet.

4,584 posts

"It's alright she probably was just tired of running and hiding from the dragon slayers that you two attracted when you were in your dragon forms." Storm said in the attempt to cheer Jay up.

399 posts

"No, it wasn't that, she used hit Blade and I, too." Jay says, he pulls up the sleve of his sweater, showing hundreds of scars,"Our dad died when I was seven, he used to take the hits, and when he died... The day Blade turned 18 is when he took us away."

4,584 posts

Storm let out a harsh growl and was tempted to say a couple of cuss words. "It's a good thing you got away from her." Storm said before she could think of how harsh the words sounded and what memories it might bring back up. She took a couple of breaths to calm herself after Amoon pointed out that the words were harsh. "Sorry, lets get off the family subject for now." Storm said apologetically.

399 posts

"It's nice to have somebody who understands. And I hate to say this, but when she was slayed, Blade and I both smiled, we truly were free." He says. He smiles, a big toothy grin, showing his crazy white teeth.

4,584 posts

Storm smiled and thought that for once the dragon slayers had done something good. "How did you and your brother manage to get away from the slayers that killed your mom?" She asked and was once again not thinking about the bad memories that might be brought up with her words.

399 posts

"That whole thing with blood weapons, only blade and I can do that. They didn't know that they would be struck down by a volley of arrows when they breached our fort. And when I say fort, I mean that literally, we barricaded the doors of our house and stood on the upper balcony firing arrows at them." Jay says, smiling devilishly at the old memory, "Since dragon slayers have no souls, the just poofed away with every hit." He says, standing and shooting an invisible bow and arrow as he does.

4,584 posts

Storm laughed at Jay's actions. "A couple of guns would had been my choice if I was one of you two." Dragon King said over hearing the conversation. Amoon just smiled behind his book for he loved it when he heard a true laugh come out of one of his sisters. Which wasn't vary often but it happened with Storm more then Thunder.

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