Fushigi: the japanese direct and literal translation for mystery
Story:about 600 miles into the woods you will find a nice yet small school. This is a boarding school for human and creatures. Almost everyone can get along(ALMOST). But be warned! There are spirits that prowl the school at midnight!
We have: ~4 different special classrooms ~Nice cafeteria ~Job boards(for$$$ or volunteer) ~Internet (We have a small computer lab in a room, but you're welcomed to use your own laptop and use our Wi-Fi) ~Lovely Garden ~Basketball court ~Soccer field. ~Dorms(each dorm room has a balcony)
What we have outside of school: ~High class resturant(need $$$) ~Night club(drinking is allowed but you will get scholded if teachers find you). ~More job listings. ~if you can think of anything else ask me! There will be no stores since this is a roleplay.
Rules: ~No god modding!! ~Do not treat the other guests like nothing, you are not royalty here. ~ Fighting is aloud, (Have to spice it up XD) Just don't kill the people, or seriously injure them. (But if you are injured, go to the Nurse!) ~Love is aloud, Keep everything PG-13. If you have "urges" Take it to your messages. ~You cannot post less than 1 sentence or more than 3 paragraphs per post! ~You can have a max of 3 characters. You can make a new one any time. I can make exeptions but you must confirm with me! ~If you have more than 1 character you MUST type in third person to avoid confusion!! ~Your character cannot be 100% perfect!!! Give it some negative traits of flaws! ~You can roam around the place for as much as you like! but by Midnight, you cannot go outside the high school. (If you want to, I warned you)
~We are not responsible for what the ghost may put you through, it's a challenge to stay here
Char sheet:
Name~ Age~ Siblings~ Person(s) you are rooming with~(if more people join you can ask me what person you prefer rooming with. Max person per room:2. Must be of same gender.) What are you~ (Human, Neko, ect.) Appearance ~ (you may post image of character.) Your reason for staying~ Anything else you want to add~ (you might wanna tell us if your smart or not or I'll put you in da regular classes.)
Teahcer/staff char sheet: Name~ Apperance~ Age~(must be over 21! Any exeptions must be confirmed by me!) Occupationif you are a teacher also put down which subject you teach) Why you wanted this job~ Experience~ Can you drive? Why do you want to be a staff here~ Anything else~
Wanna be a Ghost? [limited positions!!!] Name~ Age~ Appearance~ How did you die~ (Give good detail, Gore Give Gory Details -evil smirk-) Why are you haunting the school?~ Anything else~
Attendance1 is for female 2 is for male. A is for regular student B is for specialized or gifted students) Class A-1 - - - - - Class a-2 - - - - - Class B-1 - - - - Class B-2 - - - -
You are allowed to attend any class possible as long as there is a teacher!
Special positions open: Principal(if no one picks I pick. You are not the owner though, I am!) Vice-Principal Assistance desk Nurse(Max is 2)
Jay jumps into the water, and immediately starts making cool shapes in the air with it. (Jay is also just a little bit ADD, as is Blade, but Blade is also really serious about his job, even though it doesn't seem like most of the time.)
"hehe~ No thanks anyways" Akari replied. "I'm almost done my book" She continues reading then looks at the time. "it's not even dinner yet" she thought. Getting a little hungry.
i swim across the pool and back to wake up, then head to the computer lab. When i get there i start doing some research on robotics and other technology.
@greenpeople Actually the person reading is Akari, Ritsu is the girl talking to one of storm's characters (the one who turned into a pink Neko)
@Omnihero10 whoa we're in the middle of the woods so we're not THAT high tech. We have TV in each dorm but their old and smaller than a microwave XD. Don't expect us to be rich. You may expect some trouble loading the computer(since it's one of those school computers).
Akari looks up at the guy who asked her what she's reading. "It's a mystery" she jokes "Just kidding, yesh, it's a novel based on a very good manga. It could be better than the manga."
"It's called [insert fake manga name here cuz' IDK WTF she's reading right now]. It starts off very sad and gets very suspenseful near the end. You never know whose gonna die next" Akari said a little annoyed at how nobody reconized the novel she's reading. "I'm a little hungry right now, it's unfortunate that the cafeteria is closed as well as the dinning hall here. ((you can have breakfast and dinner in the cafeteria as well if you stayed after school and you're now too lazy to walk 5 minutes to the dorms and you wanna socialize with the cook who also serves the food. No flirting with him, he hates it.))
That manga sounds like Nightwalker, before it became a short tv series. It's about a vampire detective. Or Soulbreaker, but unless you live in the same town as I do, you wont have heard of it.
"I've read that," says jay enthusiastically, "I've read the novelization, too. The book is better. My name is Jericho," he says with a bow, "but you can call me Jay."
OOCragon king was the one who gave Ritsu the complement not Storm who has just gotten to the pool and changed.
ICragon King accepted the hand and got out of the pool. He moved away from Ritsu before shaking the water off so he wouldn't get her wet. "It's not surprising that you don't like swimming. He said after grabbing his bag of clothes. "I would like to know what to call you while we are exploring my young neko." He said to remind her that he had asked for her name.
While Dragon King was getting ready to explore with Ritsu Amoon and Storm were getting the chance to meet another half dragon. After Jay introduced himself to Storm and asked about their dragon order she answered. "I'm Storm and we are Grtarians. Humans like to call us Space Elves and most full blooded dragons call us Mutant Dragons." Amoon left Storm's side and got into the pool. He knew that as long as Storm knew where one of her less shy sibs were she would be okay in a social situation. Crowds, class, and things that normally only a royal had to deal with were the only exceptions. With that last on only Storm's friends and family knew that it was just an act and with the first one things went from her being okay to her hiding behind a book or a handheld game.
Storm smiled at seeing Jay jump into the water and start making shapes in the air with it. She also got into the pool and started racing Amoon. Their races usually ended in a tie but they were having too much fun to care.