ForumsWEPRlife begins before conception?

30 9683
2,487 posts

for those of you who don't know, the state of arizona has been voting on something that I find not only quite foolish, but also quite oppressive to women. you've heard of the notion "life begins at conception", but meet its retarded cousin "life begins 2 weeks before conception." I don't know about you, but this clearly infringes upon womens rights (especially with this little quote "if the woman isn't muenstrating, then she is considered pregnant&quot.

now for my questions to you, do you think this state bill is justified? what is your belief as to when life begins?

I myself believe that the first brainwave is when something is considered alive.


  • 30 Replies
2,487 posts

sorry about the DP, but I have found an article that relates to this bill. link!


66 posts

It won't pass.

Just because something is proposed doesn't mean it'll go into effect. If you had any idea of the amount of idiotic bills you never hear about being proposed, you would kill yourself for sheer shame of the human race.

5,129 posts

It won't pass.

Just because something is proposed doesn't mean it'll go into effect. If you had any idea of the amount of idiotic bills you never hear about being proposed, you would kill yourself for sheer shame of the human race.

you'll never know. were still talking about the usa right?
i already find it amazing how many idiotic ideas a country can come up whit. and you say there are even more? =o
it's just a matter of time before 1 of them passes
1,627 posts

you'll never know. were still talking about the usa right?

Shut up right there. I'm sick and tired of your anti-USA rants. This is not about how "idiotic" our country might be, it's about this one law. In a single state. So take your "oh, I hate the US cause they're mean" somewhere else.

Yes, this bill is a horrible idea. Of course, it's a Republican legislature, so what can you expect?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Shut up right there. I'm sick and tired of your anti-USA rants. This is not about how "idiotic" our country might be, it's about this one law. In a single state. So take your "oh, I hate the US cause they're mean" somewhere else.

Yes, this bill is a horrible idea. Of course, it's a Republican legislature, so what can you expect?

Isnt it ironic that you don't like other people spewing hate on America, yet are perfectly fine doing it on the GoP? Outside of the USA, it is true that much of the world just pays you lip service and then s******s when you turn your backs.
3,087 posts

2 weeks BEFORE conception, now that is just silly. From what I have heard the only good thing about living in this state is that illegals are better controlled (supposedly) and there is no daylight savings time (the most retarded thing ever to happen)

1,824 posts

Life begins when the baby is properly born. Before that, it is a pile of seething muscle that the woman can choose to deal with.
I wonder;
How many women were involved in the writing of that particular bill?
I bet my bowstring that none, or maybe just one psychopath, were involved.

Shut up right there. I'm sick and tired of your anti-USA rants. This is not about how "idiotic" our country might be, it's about this one law. In a single state. So take your "oh, I hate the US cause they're mean" somewhere else.

I don't want to start some kind of off-topic hate debate here, but you Americans are typically narrow-minded. You don't seem to realize there is a world outside your borders. An example of this is how you always state "It's late, I am going to bed now" or something of the like, when half the users have just recently woken up.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Eh Forger, that's going too far. Saying when you're going to bed isn't bring narrow minded. They really care going to bed.

Anyway back on topic. No, I do not believe "life" begins before conception, nutters!

8,256 posts

Depends on what you mean with 'life'. There is no 'dead' phase between generations, but if you mean the moment the individuum can be called one, it is definitely way after conception.

I am actually surprised they don't forbid abortions up to the 20th week, that is quite a long time compared to other legislations.

1,627 posts

You don't seem to realize there is a world outside your borders.

I'm not an idiot. I know that America is not particularly liked outside our borders. However, in any thread that has a single thing to do about America, partydevil shows up with comments like "how much more stupid can america get," or, "what do you expect from the stupidest country on earth?" It's rude, uncalled for by the OP, and if he continues on this track I will continue to respond in turn.

I am actually surprised they don't forbid abortions up to the 20th week, that is quite a long time compared to other legislations.

Mississippi has practically banned abortions in their state by making the requirements for doctors completely outrageous.
787 posts

partydevil shows up with comments like "how much more stupid can america get,"

If you're getting tired of him saying it, I'm sure I could fill in the roll, because honestly, your country is pretty stupid.

Now, onto the bill... What the hell am I reading!? This shouldn't pass, this is a destructive practice that will benefit nobody. All this seems that it will achieve is unwanted defects in infants instead of terminating it prior to being unable to do what they want.

Kill this bill with fire!
14 posts

It's completely ridiculous. Basically, the law would make all women in Arizona outlaws, since they'd be performing an illegal abortion every time they menstruate. And as a woman myself, I'm baffled that my fellow skirt-user has the galls to bring out such a law that tramples our rights to choose.

I wholeheartedly support democracy, but this case (and many more before it) proves, that people ought to be a bit more selective who they vote and who is accepted into government. Not just in USA, but in every county in the world. I mean, it is common to assume that a priest belongs to his/her church and believes its teachings (or at least, it's so in my country), so why isn't there a demand that all politicians ought to have a grain of common sense and knowledge about how a country works before being put into a position that affects millions of people and their daily lives?

So to get back into the conversation: The law is complete bull, the governor who thought about it has no clue how to be in politics, and I dearly hope for all the women beyond that big puddle that it's laughed out of the office.

Alternatively, for those people, who want to skip the text, click this link. That musical piece projects my current feelings and opinion perfectly:

5,129 posts

if he continues on this track I will continue to respond in turn.

your free to do so.
same as i'm free to state my mind. =)
9,462 posts

To add to this Arizona doesn't have any mandate for sex education. As a result education on the matter varies wildly in schools. Some of which teach abstinence only. Parents have to give written consent before any education takes place so there would be many who won't even get that much from the school system.
This could leave many very uneducated about sex, having to face ridiculous legal hurtles (this possibly being one) that could ultimately prevent them from being allowed to get an abortion.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

It's like the Minority Report for gestation!

This is one step closer to the outlaw of birth control. The real concern about pushing back the date of conception to the woman's last period is that this opens the door for the State to now outlaw all forms of birth control that might prevent the fertilization of the egg, because the woman is already pregnant under the law.

Talk about big, intrusive government entering into the private lives of citizens ...

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