This game takes place after the 100 year war but before Korra. This is an RP. So no long char sheet. Just post it once and that is it for the char sheet. After that we just encounter eachother in the forming republic city.
Name: Age: nonbender or bender (if bender)Bendingearth fire water) statusmaster trainee self-trained) Otherany info you would like to provide about your character)
As soon as we get 4 people at least (other than myself) we will start. It will start 12 years after the end of the war. Republic city is started and thriving.
Name: Adm. Lee Fou Age:24 Bender:fire status:master other: I was born in the colonies. I went to the circus one day when I was 12 and freed an animal. A flying bison actually (yes I am basing my Char after the kid in appa's lost days). When I came of age I joined the Republic forces. Now I control the Navy (and a little of the law enforcement) in Republic city.
Name: Suki Saoli Age: 18 Bender Bending: Water (or air if possible) status:Self-trained Other: Abandoned on the streets of Ba-Sing-Sei, I've struggled to learn my element, despite being surrounded by earth benders.
OOC:nope sorry...well let me think. The airbenders were wiped out at the beginning of the war. If a family of airbenders fled and left a blood line i guess there could be a slight possibity. It would just be too complicated though.
OOC: Fine, I'll be a water bender. Unless, there is a way to bend a different element than what you were born with, I'll take water. I don't want to make you go through all that work.
OOC: I still won't be able to do that cool flying gliding thingy.
Name: Suki Saoli Age: 18 Gender: Female Bender Bending: Water (or air if possible) status:Self-trained Other: Abandoned on the streets of Ba-Sing-Sei, I've struggled to learn my element, despite being surrounded by earth benders.
OOC:That is what I was thinking. If you could make it work. OH! Everyone please remember. You don't have to have a description of yourself now but you can create it immediately or build on it later or you can post a picture.
Name: Suki Saoli Age: 18 Gender: Female Bender Bending: Water (or air if possible) status:Self-trained Other: Abandoned on the streets of Ba-Sing-Sei, I've struggled to learn my element, despite being surrounded by earth benders.
Name:Sable Wolfwind Age:23 Gender:F bender Bending:air status:self-trained Other:Sable's dad was blood related to some air-benders. He knew of the power that was sleeping in his blood but hoped that it would never awaken. The fact that Sable was born with her father's sleeping power was one of the reasons why her parents left her in the woods where she was found by a pack of animals that raised her. The animals were the same thing as Naga from The Legend of Korra.
Name:Nilous nitari Age:18 Gender:male bender Bending:earth status: Grandfather was a master Earth bender, and was tought by the Worlds greatest Earth bender,(i dont know how to spell her name though, is it toff or toft?) Other:She opened a Dojo after the war and shared her ways with everyone, my grandfather attended this school, and shared it experiance with me.(yes, i get sand, metal bending too)