This game takes place after the 100 year war but before Korra. This is an RP. So no long char sheet. Just post it once and that is it for the char sheet. After that we just encounter eachother in the forming republic city.
Name: Age: nonbender or bender (if bender)Bendingearth fire water) statusmaster trainee self-trained) Otherany info you would like to provide about your character)
As soon as we get 4 people at least (other than myself) we will start. It will start 12 years after the end of the war. Republic city is started and thriving.
Name: Adm. Lee Fou Age:24 Bender:fire status:master other: I was born in the colonies. I went to the circus one day when I was 12 and freed an animal. A flying bison actually (yes I am basing my Char after the kid in appa's lost days). When I came of age I joined the Republic forces. Now I control the Navy (and a little of the law enforcement) in Republic city.
"We gotta make our move now. You have no idea how bad the heat is comin down on us."Says the fire dude. "I understand you want to act quickly but if we do we will be tracked."Says the earth guy. "What do you want to do about these guys."Toph asks.
"Alright, i'm goin' in" I shake the earth, to create a dust field, and then one by one take them out. I find metal pipes and then levitate them around the triads. I clear the dust to find one more triad left untied, I start bending rocks and columns at him, but he dodges and sends ice shards at me. I spin out of the way and send a sand pit under him. trapping him in earth up to his shoulders. "all done!"
"Don't be sorry cause I'm comfortable around you. That is until feelings I don't understand try to make you more then a friend that I met earlier today." I say to try to explain things and get rid of that sad look.
"Like I said if you didn't know me or had the ability to see aura."Iroh says.
"If your heart is telling you something listen. Don't hold it in. Aang had a problem with that. He didn't understand it either. If he hadn't listened to his heart then Him and Katara wouldn't be together."I say.