This game takes place after the 100 year war but before Korra. This is an RP. So no long char sheet. Just post it once and that is it for the char sheet. After that we just encounter eachother in the forming republic city.
Name: Age: nonbender or bender (if bender)Bendingearth fire water) statusmaster trainee self-trained) Otherany info you would like to provide about your character)
As soon as we get 4 people at least (other than myself) we will start. It will start 12 years after the end of the war. Republic city is started and thriving.
Name: Adm. Lee Fou Age:24 Bender:fire status:master other: I was born in the colonies. I went to the circus one day when I was 12 and freed an animal. A flying bison actually (yes I am basing my Char after the kid in appa's lost days). When I came of age I joined the Republic forces. Now I control the Navy (and a little of the law enforcement) in Republic city.
"I can stay awake."I say with a slight smile."I am just curious. The fire will keep most creatures away and the food is sealed off. The worst thing we can get is a RabbitMouse."I sit up and get a little closer to you.
I look you in the eyes as we are nose to nose. You can hear my heart beat steady and I can hear yours. I can hear you every breath and you mine. I then lean in and kiss you.
I kiss you back and enjoy the sound knowing that I hadn't heard that sound since I was living with my pack and back then it would be the sound I would go to sleep by.
Some of the crew goes to the tavern in town having drinks singing till the day ends.
I continue the kiss slowly leaning over. I then loose my balance and fall on my side taking you with me. In the fall the kiss is broken and we lay staring into eachother's eyes.
Toph kisses you for a split second then breaks away looking down blushing slightly with a sad expression."Sorry about that."She says.
I stand up and walk around the campsite to make sure nothing is going to come rushing in. I take care of some bussiness and return to the campsite getting into the small tent quietly in case you are asleep.
Toph wraps her arms around you kissing you intensely. She stops the kissing."Should we get to sleep?"she says with a slight smile and blush