If you've played HL2, then you know this is the scariest and probaly hardest part. Well lets say the pastor asent the only survivor, lets say you and a few others survived, and lets say you helped gordon freeman escape alive.
Charector sheet: (4 at a time, if you die by a head crab you can be a zombie, but you'll have to wait until the new round starts, then call to be a human again.)
Name: First and last XP: 0/5 Game Rank: Newbie Race: Human Or headcrab Zombie: Normal if headcrab, none if human Gene: Used to upgrade zombies, N/A if human, 0 if headcrab Weapon: None if human, claws if headcrab Armor: None (for humans only, but it you get infected with durable armor, you can use it.) Inventory: None (only for humans, if you get infected/ die, people can loot you.) Kills: 0 Deaths: 0 Infects: 0 Times Infected: 0