Yes another destroy game,and there always seems to be some user that feels like being a wise guy and saying " oh your so original with your destory ga- shutup.The post is pointless and does absolutely nothing in what Killersup thinks.
Okay now with that over.The point of the game will be to destory.....each other.Yes,each other.Now,you will not recive a character sheet,and you will not recive god like begin with.The twist? Every player that participates in the turn will not only recive a +5 heath boost,but a greater chance of being revied incase the game is losing to many players.Now,to cause this game from ending extremly quickly everyone will be braced with steel skin.
If you work hard you can level up,you can become stronger,you can get larger health boost.You can impress Killersup and recive a power boost,you can do any of that.At certian points in the adventure Killersup will hold a special contest,whoever can do the most ammount of damage while getting hit the least will recive a power boost.The power boost will change almost everytime.
You may not use post such as " i nuke _______" No nukes.No gaint bombs,no instant kills.The point of the game is to wittle the oppenent down and finish them with a quick strike or heavy hitting attack,if you are the person to kill a player,you will recive a power-up.
There,that should be about it.Go on you silly steel skined humans....and survive,survive and become the champion of the universe.
i get a pool of water and chain blade on a tree , place that tree on a plane and then explode that plane with c4 when it crashes into the pool and then it drowns him
I create a few fireballs and send them towards Kylelolcat. I also summon shadow fists and punch him into the air. To finish it off, I send a combined roar of fire and shadows at Kylelolcat.
I concussion grenade aamer13 in his house then I unload a ten round armor piercing clip into his chest then i hide in a 3 ft thick titanium bunker with a security system of turrets with a one entrance only eye scan from me bank vault door 2ft thick im safe lol
I take a C4 and put iit all around Jblaze body and tie him to rocket that is filled with explosives and i shoot a rocket at the rockect and detonate the c4s.