ForumsWEPRThe Path of Social Media and Standards

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358 posts

What is your opinion's on the overall change and development of social media in the past 70 or so years, in terms of morality, subject content, possible education levels and general quality of social media which includes television, literature, internet, radio, film and advertisement? What do you think of the path the media is heading, and where do you think it will end up?

I will not be giving my opinion other then this one thing, and it might be irrelevant but im saying it anyways. I love The Walking Dead. Great show.

Onto subject matter (cough ADD), your thoughts?

  • 16 Replies
2,487 posts

I myself have noticed something interesting. the standards of media have fluctuated based on the overall political standing. more conservative times bring out more family appropriate movies (I myself find them quite boring, except pixar), while more liberal times bring out more vulgarity suited for older audiences. an example of this was leave it to beaver during the 50s, and then just about 2 decades later, airplane (the original one) was rated PG, and allowed a bare-chested woman to bounce up and down right in front of the screen.

the point of this is whenever political ideologies take root, media will adapt based on what they have available to them. as for where it will end up, that is an unknown. as long as the two major political opinions flourish and wane, so will media standard.


3,817 posts

I myself have noticed something interesting. the standards of media have fluctuated based on the overall political standing. more conservative times bring out more family appropriate movies (I myself find them quite boring, except pixar), while more liberal times bring out more vulgarity suited for older audiences. an example of this was leave it to beaver during the 50s, and then just about 2 decades later, airplane (the original one) was rated PG, and allowed a bare-chested woman to bounce up and down right in front of the screen.

Interesting hypothesis, but do you have any more examples to back this up with? Really you only gave two.

the point of this is whenever political ideologies take root, media will adapt based on what they have available to them. as for where it will end up, that is an unknown. as long as the two major political opinions flourish and wane, so will media standard.

And what do you base this off of?
5,061 posts

It's actually not that hard to see, the change in an administration serves as a mark for the changing mood of the nation as a whole. One would assume then, that as a result of the possibility of there being more liberal or conservative views amongst the people, the content would have to change in order to appease the viewers.

However, it's also simply likely that regardless of which administration is in power, our society's evolution is simply taking us down a path that is increasingly supportive of sexual freedoms and their display in the media. Seemingly hand in hand with modern fashion.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

It's actually not that hard to see, the change in an administration serves as a mark for the changing mood of the nation as a whole. One would assume then, that as a result of the possibility of there being more liberal or conservative views amongst the people, the content would have to change in order to appease the viewers.

I don't think social media is completely subservient to the political climate totally. Some have an ingrained slant and bias towards one side that isn't easily shaken. Fox is the most prominent example.
1,824 posts

Do as the Swedes do:
Don't care about nudity and all that in movies, but crack down hard on violence.
You may not like it, but what is better;
A potentially murderous criminal who thinks killing fine, or a bit of obscene material that doesn't involve entrails and bodily fluids flying around the room?

5,129 posts

What is your opinion's on the overall change and development of social media in the past 70 or so years.

social media is like what.. 10 year old?

so the 1st 60 year is easy. it didn't exist.
and since 2003 when the 1st site's came like it was only growing slowly.
you got a tutorial on the site whit all kinds of html coding you could use to make your page.
then since 6 or 7 year ago. youtube started as a dating site. but the video's became more popular then the dating so they changed it to the 1st video sharing site. and the last 4 year or so we have the sites we use atm. and use our pocket machines to interact whit it everywhere.

it's been for the good. example: the use of it during the arab spring.
and it's been for the bad. example: the facebook-murders. (some kids got mad at eatchother over facebook. and 1 hired a murderer over facebook to kill the other.)
3,817 posts

A potentially murderous criminal who thinks killing fine, or a bit of obscene material that doesn't involve entrails and bodily fluids flying around the room?

Are you saying that watching violence in movies will make you a murderer? Which is better, a teen who is pregnant with an unwanted baby or someone who watches violent movies?

I don't think social media is completely subservient to the political climate totally. Some have an ingrained slant and bias towards one side that isn't easily shaken. Fox is the most prominent example.

Which side is Fox on, exactly? It is a channel that has conservative news stories like Fox News and liberal comedies like Family guy, and interesting example to say the least.

You guys keep saying that the current political climate effects the media, but you are not giving any examples. The burden of proof is on you, where is your statistics to back this up?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Which side is Fox on, exactly? It is a channel that has conservative news stories like Fox News and liberal comedies like Family guy, and interesting example to say the least.

The articles and reports churned out by Fox News Channel; Fox Entertainment group might not share the same sentiments.

A study of guests on Fox's news and opinion shows over a 25-week period in 2003 showed that Republicans appeared five times more often than Democrats.

In 2004 FOX News Channel host Bill O'Reilly admitted on July 19 that FOX News Channel "does tilt right,". Cheney and Ralph Rees have both come out in support for the channel for the conservative section of society.

Etc etc.
8,256 posts

Television hasn't really changed all that much, except that there's way more advertisement. Advertisement is also something that changed; the more they find out ways to influence the audience, the more the ads become subtle and subliminal... or at least they try. Some are just plain ridiculous.

Newspapers got an interesting trend with the free daily newspapers, thanks to them a lot of people read more about what is happening, but the downsides are that they usually aren't all too accurate and only report superficially.

You may not like it, but what is better;
A potentially murderous criminal who thinks killing fine, or a bit of obscene material that doesn't involve entrails and bodily fluids flying around the room?

Are you saying that watching violence in movies will make you a murderer? Which is better, a teen who is pregnant with an unwanted baby or someone who watches violent movies?

None, so how about finding the middle path and being more reasonable about your aggressions and prudery?
1,824 posts

New Zealand attempts that, HahiHa. But middle paths are hard to find, and harder to maintain.
Oh, right, because in my post I was sanctioning r@pe, wasn't I? Oh, silly me, I wasn't. I was taking a peaceful path, not the one with violence.
Also, I believe in the U.S. a particularly violent movie only gets rated at about M? Whereas some mild sex scene or even sexual reference gets an R?

3,817 posts

Oh, right, because in my post I was sanctioning r@pe, wasn't I?

****? I didn't even mean ****, I meant that they saw all your sexual stuff and went out and had unprotected sex, just like the guys on the TV does. But **** would happen to, after all what is so big about sex? Besides that, you pretty much said that watching violent TV turns you into a serial killer, so logically watching sexual TV turns you into a rapist.

Oh, silly me, I wasn't. I was taking a peaceful path, not the one with violence.

So you are saying it is better for teenagers to have dangerous unprotected (And consensual, of course) sex then it is for them to watch violent movies, then?

Also, I believe in the U.S. a particularly violent movie only gets rated at about M?

We don't have an M, M is a video game rating though.

Whereas some mild sex scene or even sexual reference gets an R?

How do you have a mild sex scene?
5,129 posts

you guys know your talking about media not social-media right?

3,817 posts

you guys know your talking about media not social-media right?

What is your opinion's on the overall change and development of social media in the past 70 or so years, in terms of morality, subject content, possible education levels and general quality of social media which includes television, literature, internet, radio, film and advertisement? What do you think of the path the media is heading, and where do you think it will end up?

Everyone but the OP knows this. The OP meant media.
358 posts

Yes, pardon that. My english isn't top notch and I made a legitimate mistake. I the reason I was thinking social media is due to the social standards on things, etc. Thats why I mentioned that... I think.

358 posts

Everyone but the OP knows this. The OP meant media.

My english isn't top notch, and I made a mistake with that, though the aim of the questions listed were focused more so on the social changes. Education, morals, and subject content all effect our society. The overall qaulity could be considered more of a technical thing. But yes, I correct myself here.

MEDIA, not social media. Thank you for pointing that out.
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