I need to know what the armor games want a rpg a destroy the (insert random name) a game like You are banned or a other game please say what you want because i have sen and many games and played some so i wanted to make a game that you want but you can have a reaction like I doTnT nede mRRe gANes
Neh, destroy games wouldnt work. I say to make an RPG with a cool name so more people would come in because of the name and see: "hey this is a fun game, i wanna play, ima post the character sheet" but dont make the name too good or else you will suffer the pain of having over 10 super active players that will nver leave you alone. Of course you do need a story.
I like rpgs and evolve games but since we already have an evolve game up and running I say you should make another rpg. RPs are good too and there aren't many. Just make sure that whatever you do you got a good idea that is well thought out.