ForumsWEPRAtheism Plus

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This is a term apparently first started on Free Thought Blogs. Essentially it's taking the position of atheism (without belief in gods) and adding these other attributes along side of it that many atheists will probably tend to agree with on some level.
Here's a link to where this got started.

"We areâ¦
Atheists plus we care about social justice,
Atheists plus we support womenâs rights,
Atheists plus we protest racism,
Atheists plus we fight homophobia and transphobia,
Atheists plus we use critical thinking and skepticism.

It speaks to those of us who see atheism as more than just a lack of belief in god.

Some stuff in support of Atheism+
Atheism Plus: The New Wave of Atheism
Atheism Plus, and Some Thoughts on Divisiveness
A video on it.
More on Atheism+

Now as you can tell there are those taking issue with this. You can also read the comments on the FTBlogs and the videos, which I would suggest.
Atheism+ My Day on Freethought Blogs

This is the video where I first heard of this.
Atheism Plus...? Atheism Null.

A comment from a discussion on the matter from facebook.

"Atheism answers one specific question, Do I believe in a god? No. I find it really dumb to want to create a new label of A+ because no one is asking any questions to which A+ is an is just another useless label that is for no one except people in the atheist community who want more labels. It's the same thing as the whole Bright and P.E.A.R.L nonsense. It's an excuse to bring up a whole load of unrelated topics into the theological discussion. Atheism is not a big tent...atheism is one thing, the absence of a belief in god. You want to call yourself a feminist or a egalitarian or add other statements of solidarity to other groups that is fine. But this whole lumping together thing seems like a waste of time and so besides the point that is comes across as nothing but really obnoxious. I am an atheist...I lack a belief in any want to know my opinions on other topics then we are not having a discussion about my atheism and it is therefor irrelivent.

Also I find it very ironic that some people in the atheist community are so concerned with attaching any X, Y, and Z to their label, especially when they get very distressed when theists try to claim "Oh you are an atheist so you must also believe X, Y and Z and all atheists must also believe that" then you come back with the statement of "Atheism is not a doctrine or a belief in anything" hate to tell you guys but you are attaching a big old bag of doctrine to yourselves. And I am a person who obviously believes in the rights of all people of all races, genders, sexes, etc. but that has nothing to do with my atheism doesn't come from that nor does my lack of belief in a deity cause me to feel this way...In short I find all of this A+ crap is a tremendous waste of time and energy.

And one more comment to consider on the opposition.

"It really isn't. I tend to disagree with Atheism+ for a few reasons, but that doesn't automagically make it evil. I actually in many ways agree with the stated GOALS of A+, where I disagree (which is also where I disagree with most of FTB) is in the METHODS used to get there"

Now my thoughts on the matter. From what I have read on this so far I'm in agreement with the last video. I do agree and am for each of the points that this plus stands for but it isn't part of my atheism, my lack of belief. At most the use of critical thinking and skepticism helped to lead me to atheism, but that's about the only connection these pluses have with my atheism.

What are your thoughts on Atheism+?

  • 10 Replies
3,817 posts

Ah, didn't have enough time to read all the videos, might as well get a post in before tomorrow.

I have not actually heard about this before mage mentioned it, as I have not listened to the "Atheist community" stuff in a while (Not enough in fighting for me.), but from what I did here (Read: What mage posted) I pretty much have to agree with what Mage said. My atheism has nothing to do with my morals, except in not having bad "morals" of someone else's thought. Calling myself an "Atheist +" makes about as much since as adding a plus to any other descriptor of me, like calling your doctor "Doctor +" to describe his political beliefs. They really have nothing to do with each other, so why put them together?

8,256 posts

Pretty much agree with Mage and 314d1. it's just a group based on a series of opinions, which atheism is one apparently; but centering this on their atheism makes no sense as it does not link all other opinions per se.

Actually I think it's a very bad idea since it seemingly confirms all those erroneous accusations stating that atheism is more than just lack of belief. How are atheists now gonna make clear they're not part of a group if others are doing exactly that?

I just hope this atheism+ doesn't lead to too drastical social phenomenons like focalising morals in a similar constricted way like the American political two-party system, getting increasingly radical and leaving the moderate atheists and theists sideways...

5,129 posts

seems like i don't necessarily fit into the atheist+ box.

Atheists plus we care about social justice,

even tho social justice is important. it's not something you should care for in every country.

and by making a group of atheists. you only give theists more reason to call it a religion. (how stupid it may be.)
(didn't read videos or comments, got no time time for that. sorry if ut already was said.)
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I disagree with the Atheism plus idea. A lack of belief in god doesn't necessarily equate to feminism or egalitarianism. It's plain silly. It's jolly good and fine and dandy but linking a gamut of stuff together that have tenous links just muddles up each concept further and leads to obstruction in spreading such ideals. We already have trouble getting some patriarchal religions on accepting females in an equal partnership, let alone pairing it up with "godlessness".

Plus I don't believe in such groupings because it seems mutually exclusive. What if I'm feministic but religious? Would we argue or would we agree on issues? Don't conflate the two! There are of course certain ideas that link them; skepticism and more liberal mindsets can lead to both atheism and less parochial behavior such as anti racism. But then it's a whole new ball after that.

5,552 posts

I could understand the Atheism+ tag when using it to differentiate between specific things regarding atheism (although what that would be is a short list and there are already ways to term it)...but it's not necessary either. It's just going to cause more misunderstandings that atheism is not a belief system or anything other than a y/n answer to a question.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

The "Atheism +" movement tries to encompass things which don't have anything to do with atheism. Atheism is not a philosophy or ideology. Some atheists have left wing views, some right wing. The Atheism + people seem to argue that they are more atheistic than non-progressive atheists and frankly it's very silly to argue about what you do not believe.
Apart from a lack of belief in gods, why should atheists have anything else in common? Atheism is not some sort of secret sect ...

Anyway, it seems to me that some atheists are trying to be holier than thou.

5,552 posts

Apart from a lack of belief in gods, why should atheists have anything else in common?

I didn't take it as a "something in common" thing, but a way to be more clear about one's particular standing. It was a good intention, Wizard's rules 2-3 though...

"The greatest harm can result from the best intentions."
"Passion rules reason, for better or for worse."

2,487 posts

it seems like a good idea in theory, but in practice it is much harder to pull off. this ideal seems to be romanticizing the fact that we all have one common idea (a lack of belief) and using that as a reason to unite. so what if people share one common thing, unless it's a common enemy, we are better off just working on our own. I hold most of the same views that this little group does, but that doesn't mean it's the best option.


3,817 posts

Looking into it a bit more now that I have the time, it looks like many of the "Atheist +" (...Believers? Followers? Practitioners? What do you call someone under this philosophy?) seem to disagree with me on what things like "Feminism", "Social Justice", and "Racism" is. The fact that this has no "Unifying factor", it makes it a rather pointless title that says nothing about the person, or the person's belief, for that matter.

Not to mention that if it DOES get some unifying themes, then it is just getting some of the negative aspects of religion back into atheism, which could be worse in the long run. Over all it is either pointless or a bad thing, I will try to look into it more since I have time.

5,043 posts

"Also I find it very ironic that some people in the atheist community are so concerned with attaching any X, Y, and Z to their label, especially when they get very distressed when theists try to claim "Oh you are an atheist so you must also believe X, Y and Z and all atheists must also believe that" then you come back with the statement of "Atheism is not a doctrine or a belief in anything" hate to tell you guys but you are attaching a big old bag of doctrine to yourselves. And I am a person who obviously believes in the rights of all people of all races, genders, sexes, etc. but that has nothing to do with my atheism doesn't come from that nor does my lack of belief in a deity cause me to feel this way...In short I find all of this A+ crap is a tremendous waste of time and energy."

I agree with this, in a sense.

The issue I have with Atheism Plus is that it sounds as if they're trying to associate all atheists with positive attributes, or make people think of tolerance when they hear the word "Atheist". When I ask what religion someone is, I don't want to hear them say "I'm Atheist Plus", that would be like them saying "I'm a Democratic Atheist" or "I'm a Republican Atheist" or "I'm a Gay Rights Atheist."

In ways, however, Atheist Plus will merely show that someone values their lack of belief in God as well as show that that person is tolerant. I guess Atheist Plus sounds better than Tolerant Atheist.

I would never consider myself an Atheist Plus, because I personally don't find my belief (or lack of) in a god to be the defining factor behind my beliefs. To some people, this may be the case, but it isn't the case for me.

If someone says "I'm a Christian who feeds the hungry because God wants me to," I respond, "Even if you weren't a Christian, I would like to believe you would still feed the poor." The same goes for atheists. It could very well be the case, and I might be wrong for wanting to assume such, but that's just how I feel.
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