ForumsWEPR2016 Obama's America

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65 posts

has anyone seen the movie (i know this could be in the movies section but its also very political) i had heard about it and i was wondering if anyone knew if it was good and whats in it.

  • 62 Replies
339 posts

its great! dont be fooled by people saying its just right wing propaganda its really good

339 posts

oh, sorry i didint read your whole post lol. 2016 is about why obama did/is doing certain thing in the white house, and the history of his dad and him.

8,256 posts

I didn't see it... but here's a little bit on how some persons see the movie:
2016: Obama's America: Reception

Some quotes (subjectively) taken from it:

"The film has received mixed to negative reviews from critics. "

"Beth Fouhy of the Associated Press questioned some of the film's points and said its central thesis that Obama's presidency is an expression of his father's political beliefs, "is almost entirely subjective and a logical stretch at best"."

"Bill Goodykoontz of The Arizona Republic said it was &quotreaching to the choir" in a style similar to Michael Moore's films, but without the humor, without the straw-man arguments and without presenting views from the other side, and is unlikely to change anyone's mind."

339 posts

"The film has received mixed to negative reviews from critics.

thats because the media is all left wing!

tell ya what you could just go see it and you could 1# believe it or 2# say aw well just what i thought it was and move on
8,256 posts

thats because the media is all left wing!


Even if so, does that also count for the independent movie critics? Do you even have such a thing?

No, I won't watch a movie made by and based on the opinion of a republican about a democrat candidate that came out in the midst of the presidential campaign. I'm not saying it's all lies, really not, but it's certainly not "the truth, all the truth and only the truth", I bet.
339 posts

thats because the media is all left wing!

hahahahahahahaha that made lolz so hard
776 posts

I've heard that it wasn't that good, only the last 20 minutes or so were actually relevant. I think we just need to raise some money and send a few trusted AGer's to the movies, and we can get some reviews from them.

5,952 posts

First time I saw an add, I laughed.
I dont wana go see it. Im still not sure if its supposed to help or hinder Obama based on the reviews I got from family/friends.

13,055 posts

The Republiscums will try everything they can to stop Obama from being reelected because most of them are rich unpatriotic parasites who refuses to pay their fair share of taxes (insert Romney here) and don't like to be told not to rob or deceive the American people with their crooked insurance, drug and oil companies. They also want to continue their useless war against Arab countries so they can steal their oil. And finally want to take back what the women fought so hard to get, control what they can do with their body and forces them to shove probes into their vagina which of course one of the scumservatives will profit from since they will charge them money for the degrading procedures. All this to please the weasels who can't mind their own danm business (religious zealots and AKA American Taliban).

And no, I won't waste my money to see some right wing terrorist propaganda.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

OR, we could just insult each other and blame each other in hopes that the public will frantically decide that I MUST be the best candidate, and if they didn't vote for me, I'll be sure to let them know that they were WRONG. My opinion is always better than your opinion, because obviously enough I have come to this conclusion and you must not have thought it through enough.

Anyone who thinks politics is just an opinion is daft. Politicians can't work together also because they have fundamentally different views. An easy example would be basic economic policy. Republicans advocate tax cuts and generally support Milton's school of thought. Democrats do not push for overall or drastic tax cuts as they believe an because it does reduce government revenue, leading to a government that can do little to fund it's policies.
5,851 posts

It's a good movie, I havent seen it but everyone I know that has seen it said it was really good, one of my friends said that before he didn't want Obama as president, now he's afraid of him getting re-elected.

Nichodemus, you're being fed lies about the taxes, I heard most of a video about how much it would talks to run America for a year with all it's policies like welfare and all that, taxes helped surprisingly little, the way he did it was by how long something could run America for, as I recall you would have to take every penny that anyone poor or rich made in a year and give it to the government to run it the way it is under obowma for one year

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Nichodemus, you're being fed lies about the taxes, I heard most of a video about how much it would talks to run America for a year with all it's policies like welfare and all that, taxes helped surprisingly little, the way he did it was by how long something could run America for, as I recall you would have to take every penny that anyone poor or rich made in a year and give it to the government to run it the way it is under obowma for one year

And what justifies the video you watched from what I have gleaned from sources? Let's run a simple argument. Where does the funds from repairing the roads and highways come from? Where does the salary of the military and judiciary come from? The military alone already consumes 1.035 trillion and that is the lower estimate. If America has 100 trillion people then yes, a Lenny a person can run the system.

Nothing is free in life. People who claim a decrease in revenue is somehow a panacea to the huge budget deficit clearly need to rethink arithmetic.
5,851 posts

Alright my bad. I was thInking about the bigger picture as far as the 16 trillion dollar debt

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

That's not to say that I don't believe Obama is 'weak', as some right-wing radio show hosts might have said. You know the US Embassy attacks? Obama APOLOGIZED for it. To the radical Islamists who were the exact same people who caused 9/11, he APOLOGIZED. To the creators of a nation-wide panic that killed thousands of American lives, he APOLOGIZED. To the people who are angry that we killed Osama Bin Laden, which was Obama's most agreeable 'accomplishment', he APOLOGIZED.

Let's get the record straight. Obama apologized to these "Islamists", those who protested against the anti Islam film or the Koran practices NOT because he supported their millenarian views, not because he was weak, but because it was tactful. Many of the ME nations have the deeply entrenched notion since decades ago that thr USA is just the pure embodiment of Satan. It's called diplomacy. Look what "standing up" did to Bush. If anything, these "Islamists" have a bigger right to protest, they're killed over a man they hate too. The Taliban or Al Qaeda isn't exactly well liked by the majority of Muslims. 

Let's also set the record straight for small businesses. The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a United States government agency that provides support to entrepreneurs and small businesses. The mission of the Small Business Administration is "to maintain and strengthen the nation's economy by enabling the establishment and viability of small businesses and by assisting in the economic recovery of communities after disasters". 

The SBA has survived a number of threats to its existence. In 1996, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives planned to eliminate the agency. It survived and went on to receive a record high budget in 2000. Renewed efforts by the Bush Administration to end the SBA loan program met congressional resistance, although the SBA's budget was repeatedly cut, and in 2004 certain expenditures were frozen. The Obama Administration has supported the SBA budget. Significant supplemental appropriations for the agency strengthened SBA lending through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. 

The SBJA in 2010 provides$12 billion in tax cuts, including a 100% exclusion of capital gains taxes on small business investments.
It allows for small businesses to carry back general business tax credits to offset the tax burden from the previous five years. Small businesses also will be able to use these credits against the Alternative Minimum Tax.
It boosts the tax deduction for start-up expenses to $10,000, for small business owners who spend $60,000 or less to start their business.

Overall through the SBA he has supported tax cuts for small businesses 18 times. It is true that in some areas he raised taxes, but overall he was business friendly. Obama supported small businesses. The Republicans tried to thumb them down.

Let's set the record straight too for my opinions. I dont dislike and no support the Republicans because I detest all of them. There are some that I did admire. Snowe. The old Romney. What I disagree is the evolution towards the repellant Christian right they are taking. And I cannot in good conscience agree with those policies.

Yet you claim to be objective in your views. Yet you also claim we should form our opinions, but not on information from the media, because it's often &quotropaganda"? Aren't these seemingly contradicting? 
883 posts

Gents, while this is a beautiful conversation y'all are having about politics, don't you think it's a little beside the point of the quality of the movie?

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