In the 1500's a secret society of dragon friends took the last 8 dragons to a new island. The mage in the group set up a sphere of hiding around it making it invisible to everything. It is now the 1800's. You are either a dragon or society member who lives on the island. You all are at the center of the island where dragons and the society live together. The dragons have multiplied and so have the society. Only 2 of the original dragons survive. They head two factions. Right now the island is splitting apart between good and evil. Which side will you be? Limit 2 Char.
Name: Dragon or Society Age: gender: Classbasic fantasy class or dragon type) otheranything special about your char)
My two char's.
Name:Garlix Dragon Age:264 gender:M Class:Shadow type other:Has scar across eye and is the evil dragon. One of the Dragons that came with the society.
Name:Vearlin Dragon Age:288 gender:M Class:Light dragon other:Head good dragon. One of the dragons that came with the original society.
Name:Storm Dracupus Society Age:23 gender:F Class:Rouge other:My last name is pronounced as Drake-u-pus. If I was born before the 1500's I would had been royalty. Sadly my ancestors that lived during the 1500's were thrown out of the royal family. This was because they had gotten into too much trouble being rouges and they were friends with the monsters known as dragons.
Name:Moon Dragon Age:23 gender:F Class:Light/Mind/Wolf Dragon other:My mom was a mind dragon and my dad was a wolf/light dragon. When I was born my mom's clan found out that my mom's mate was a mix of dragon breeds. My mom's clan planed to kill me, my sibs, and my dad but we got word and escaped. Sadly the escape left me as the only dracling of my clutch alive and my parents mortally wounded. Not too long after my parents died Storm found me and we have been a team ever since. I also have a wolf form.
Is it okay that Moon is a mix of different dragon breeds?
In the town there is a celebration. In the town hall is a feast where all beings are welcome. Vearlin is there with the high council which is comprised of both dragons and humans."May the feast begin"Vearlin says and everyone starts to talk and eat.
In the dormant volcano there is a group of shadow dragons meeting. "Hello my people. Today we begin our ascent to power. We will infiltrate the celebration posing as goody goody dragons. We will then take power by getting rid of the competition."Garlix yells to his people."May the feast begin."
Name:fethery Dragon Age:159 gender:male Class:good dragon spike dragon other:has skars all over from battel is skilled in magic and can mage the dead come back for a short peroid of time
"Yes, and I'm sorry that Storm asked you to go through all of that trouble." Moon said with a sorrowful look for she hated the fact that Storm had asked such an important dragon to help. "We need the help of both mix breeds and purebreds if we are to protect you and others from the dragons and people that think a mix breed shouldn't exist." Storm said as she glared at Moon. Storm's belief of there being no need to apologize when the help is given willingly was over riding the shyness she always had to deal with during social events like this. The only way Storm wouldn't be shy during a big social event was if she was working in the shadows like most rouges.
"Actually I never got the message that she wanted help. I heard about your case and was enraged with the other dragons. Garlix especially. The nerve of some dragons thinking that all mix breeds must die. What they fail to realize is that when you mix breeds you tend to make a better breed altogether."Vearlin says.
"Someone must had intersected it. Good thing it only told Moon's history and asked if you would be kind enough to help." Storm said. Her right hand was rubbing the edge of her chin as she tried to think of what could had happened to the message. "I don't consider myself better then the dragons that are purebred but I can see where the powers and skills I get from my breeds give me the advantage." Moon said after shaking her head. The motion was to help her distance her mind from Storm's so she could pay attention to the things Storm might miss when she was focused on something.
"Yes everyone has advantages. The young have the advantage of energy. The old the advantage of wisdom. And those like me or Garlix have both. It all depends on how you look at things."
Both nod in agreement. "If you don't mind, Sir Vearlin, Me and Storm would like to be excused to enjoy the feast." Moon said with an excited smile. Storm was also excited but didn't show it.