In the 1500's a secret society of dragon friends took the last 8 dragons to a new island. The mage in the group set up a sphere of hiding around it making it invisible to everything. It is now the 1800's. You are either a dragon or society member who lives on the island. You all are at the center of the island where dragons and the society live together. The dragons have multiplied and so have the society. Only 2 of the original dragons survive. They head two factions. Right now the island is splitting apart between good and evil. Which side will you be? Limit 2 Char.
Name: Dragon or Society Age: gender: Classbasic fantasy class or dragon type) otheranything special about your char)
My two char's.
Name:Garlix Dragon Age:264 gender:M Class:Shadow type other:Has scar across eye and is the evil dragon. One of the Dragons that came with the society.
Name:Vearlin Dragon Age:288 gender:M Class:Light dragon other:Head good dragon. One of the dragons that came with the original society.
Thorn looked at Tempest uncertainly "He could get captured or hurt." Thorn says questionly. Chari understood Valtair's intentions "It's alright Thorn. It's just something he needs to do." Chari says
Valtair changed into a dark dragon version of himself as he nearly reached his destination. He landed quietly of the entrance, hoping to get by in his disguise.
"Trust me. If his sister is anything like him she is probably high in his ranks by now. She won't want him harmed this time and he will be set free. If he is not back by tonight we will go in for him."Tempest says in a stern tone.
Garlix opens his eyes and looks out his window at the entrance and sees a new dark dragon."Well who do we have here? Someone new is here to follow me."
"I can live with that. So now that we have all the helmets what do we do?" Thorn asks. Chari sat down a chair, pushing it back on it's back legs against the wall "Tempest, you mentioned other pieces of armor?" Chari says
Malaya gets up and walks over next to Garlix "Really, who?" she asks before she sees it's her own brother. She wouldn't have to fight him after all it seems.
"Yes. If we complete all four sets of armor and have them on the proper wearers the combined power could create enough energy to basicly rip a hole through time and space reaching forward back to the ends of the timestream. Not to mention powering all mechanics in the timestream to last past the end of time."Tempest said with an eager face.
Thorn takes in what he is saying "Enough to continue time? That is some power. It makes me wonder what happened to the original names." Thorn says. Chari emits a small yawn, she hadn't slept in a few days and it was getting to her but she forced herself to hear more about the No Names.