In the 1500's a secret society of dragon friends took the last 8 dragons to a new island. The mage in the group set up a sphere of hiding around it making it invisible to everything. It is now the 1800's. You are either a dragon or society member who lives on the island. You all are at the center of the island where dragons and the society live together. The dragons have multiplied and so have the society. Only 2 of the original dragons survive. They head two factions. Right now the island is splitting apart between good and evil. Which side will you be? Limit 2 Char.
Name: Dragon or Society Age: gender: Classbasic fantasy class or dragon type) otheranything special about your char)
My two char's.
Name:Garlix Dragon Age:264 gender:M Class:Shadow type other:Has scar across eye and is the evil dragon. One of the Dragons that came with the society.
Name:Vearlin Dragon Age:288 gender:M Class:Light dragon other:Head good dragon. One of the dragons that came with the original society.
"Nice to meet you Damian..."Storms dad started to hide behind Storm a little fearing Damian's wrath.
"Well I am going to go now."Vearlin says as it echoes away.
"Well I have to go back in your mind."Garlix said with an echo effect.
Martin pulls out a map of the entire island."We have an advantage now. I would have gone out and adventured myself but I had to stay here. Now to mention I can't take any of these creatures on myself. Too powerful in numbers."
Chair nods "We have good team so we should be alright. What does this mean? It the closest one to our position. " She says studying the map. It made her want to copy it but that could wait. She could see where all here enemies lie and it made her smile
"That would be the mountains."He said pointing at the tall mountain region behind the castle."It is filled with many formidable enemies."(I will try to make a map of the island)
Remove the names of the places but most of the places on there are where they are supposed to be. I will come up with new names eventually. And yes there is a small island to the west of the main island, but it is mostly desert and is still covered by the spell the first society mage created.
We are at the area called Temple of Earth, but instead we call it Castle of the Unknown. the mountains martin points out are the bristleback mountains, but they are really called the Fiendish Range.
"Bye Vearlin." Valtair thinks as he moves to where Martin had the map laid, silently copying it into his mind "Alright, I'll hear you later then." Malaya says just as she lands next to his physcial body
Chari nods "I see. I have faith we will be able to take them. I'm guessing the pieces will be in structures smiliar to the castle. This is really helpful Martin, I'm glad you have it." Chari says her eyes locked on the map Thorn moved over to them just to keep a watch-out for anything
Martin nods noticing Valtair."I have notes of every hostile species in these Islands ranging from the time the spell was put on the island to 10 years ago."
Malaya takes one last look at him before she starts to dig his grave and after she dug enough she got a nice looking stone and carved into it his name and life span and tried to think of something special to write
"Well the map has been passed down in my family for generations. We Dark Knights used to adventure all the time. As for the danger. It is different in each area. The West Isle is mainly controlled by Sand creatures. The ones you have to worry about are the Worms and the Djinns. The plains have mainly wildlife you have to worry about, but ruins and ancient or magical places tend to have some freaky stuff. The Tundra is fierce having large amounts of snow you have to worry about the snowmen and other white beasts. The Lake, rivers, and many of the shores have sea monsters like monstrous crabs and serpents. The mountains though vary by region. the southern mountains."Martin says gesturing to the mountains behind the castle."Has many creatures that only attack if threatened. The farther north you go Mountain-wise the more aggressive the creatures. I have to warn you though. Do not go into the mines unless you are sure you can face its dangers. The notes I have don't cover all the creatures in there, they just hint at mystical and brute creatures in the depths of the mines."Martin says nodding.
Malaya's father lands behind her watching."You are burying him?"He says in a concerned voice.
Valtair listens carefully then speaks "We should start with the mountains as they are the nearest and work around. The mines we shall hold off to a later point. Magical areas and ruins are what we want." Valtair says Malaya stops "I don't know...It's helping think about how i should go about this." she says quietly
Chari listens for a little "This is all good material. I'm glad I didn't attempt to kill you." She says before stepping away from them and walks a good distance away as she prepares, practicing spell of all kinds starting over with a shield
"Well the mountains may be a good place. I know of one place that may be a good start in that area. It is an area that drops into a flat plain in the middle of the mountains. I can't get there alone, because it is a sharp drop. I thought I saw a tomb like structure. It had a peculiar symbol."Martin says shrugging.
Malaya's dad nods."I am sorry for the loss. I know you probably hate me. I am sorry for all i caused you to go through."