In the 1500's a secret society of dragon friends took the last 8 dragons to a new island. The mage in the group set up a sphere of hiding around it making it invisible to everything. It is now the 1800's. You are either a dragon or society member who lives on the island. You all are at the center of the island where dragons and the society live together. The dragons have multiplied and so have the society. Only 2 of the original dragons survive. They head two factions. Right now the island is splitting apart between good and evil. Which side will you be? Limit 2 Char.
Name: Dragon or Society Age: gender: Classbasic fantasy class or dragon type) otheranything special about your char)
My two char's.
Name:Garlix Dragon Age:264 gender:M Class:Shadow type other:Has scar across eye and is the evil dragon. One of the Dragons that came with the society.
Name:Vearlin Dragon Age:288 gender:M Class:Light dragon other:Head good dragon. One of the dragons that came with the original society.
Storm found an armored pack and some armor that were meant for a wolf to wear. She chucked the pack and armor at Moon who caught them with her telekinesis. Moon then turned into a wolf and tried the pack and armor on. The armor looked kind of like what an armored horse would wear but was shaped to fit a wolf. The pack went on Moon's back. It had six side pockets and four nobs where ropes could be tide to secure something. Storm doubted that she would be using the pack but it was made as if it was a part of the armor. After a bit more searching Storm found a chest piece that was to go with the armor when Moon wasn't carrying something. She brought it to Moon. "This should be more useful then the back since I would never treat you like some pack animal." Storm said.
Moon took the pack off and tried on the armor. She then took all of the armor off and turned back into a dragon. She then casted a spell on the armor and the pack that made it disappear. It would reappear when she took on the form of an armored wolf in attack mode or an armored wolf in pack mode. "That should give me two new forms." Moon said before practicing shifting between each of her forms.
Storm watched moon until she was sure she would recognize Moon no mater what form she took. She had noticed Tempest watching Moon, just like Moon had noticed Damian when he watched Storm, but didn't say anything.
Valtair stood there and couldn't help but smile at all of it. He wondered when one would tell the other as you never know when that chance is gone. Malaya looked over at Valtair "Brother, I have something to tell you." She says, Valtair looks surprised "What?" He asks as Malaya pulls him away from the rest of the group "You're going to be a uncle." she says and Valtair eyes grow wide "You..I..When is it do?" He asks and Malaya smiles "They won't but due for some time yet." she says
Malaya looked towars Valtair "Well? What do you think?" she asks. Valtair didn't know what to think but if it what she wanted he would be happy for her "I'm excited for you." He says and Malaya smiles "Good, I just wanted you to know." she says happily.
Chari smiled then moved back up to him and kissed him "Don't be. I share that feeling. Usually I would knock someone out for that but not with you." She says calmly as she filled with emotions new to her
"It's good to know that you are going to have some draclings." Storm said looking at Malaya. Moon gave a nod in agreement, after becoming a dragon again. They didn't like who the father was but believe that with a family he could had been changed and could had become someone they liked.