In the 1500's a secret society of dragon friends took the last 8 dragons to a new island. The mage in the group set up a sphere of hiding around it making it invisible to everything. It is now the 1800's. You are either a dragon or society member who lives on the island. You all are at the center of the island where dragons and the society live together. The dragons have multiplied and so have the society. Only 2 of the original dragons survive. They head two factions. Right now the island is splitting apart between good and evil. Which side will you be? Limit 2 Char.
Name: Dragon or Society Age: gender: Classbasic fantasy class or dragon type) otheranything special about your char)
My two char's.
Name:Garlix Dragon Age:264 gender:M Class:Shadow type other:Has scar across eye and is the evil dragon. One of the Dragons that came with the society.
Name:Vearlin Dragon Age:288 gender:M Class:Light dragon other:Head good dragon. One of the dragons that came with the original society.
"Yes. It is isn't it. It gets lonely though."As martin continued a small manor rose among the trees. It was actually made of the trees, and it blended in with the surroundings.
Chari nodded "It is. And it's no longer lonely because now you have me." She says and gives him a quick kiss then she sees the small manor "Wow Martin, it's a very nice house." Chari says admiringly
"Yeah. It is really old though. I am worried that it is going to fall apart. Maybe I could get Damian to strengthen it."Martin says walking into the house. As he entered several torches lit."Enchanted from when the first dark knight built it. Now where would you like to go first?"
OOC:Fetheryhorse. I told you. You have to say where you are and who your talking to. I said this a while back. did you even do the app?
IC:Martin takes chari to his room and lays her down on the bed. All around the room books are scattered open at different pages. Martin just smiles at Chari.
Chari lays gracefully on the bed, eyes look around the room at all the books. She had only seen that many at the academy. She looks up at Martin smiling "I geuss you weren't lying about the books." She says and then yawns "Lay with me? She asks
Storm looked around the room and seeing that the coffin was the only thing that she hadn't searched she turned to leave. Storm didn't search coffins unless she had permission from the family of the dead, it was already open, or if the spirit of the person in the coffin told her it was okay. As Storm headed out to the main room and started exploring the place more Moon kept by her side.
Martin removes the armor and puts it on the armor stand he has in the corner of the room. Underneath he wears a simple cloth outfit. He then walks over and lays in the bed with Chari.
Tempest and damian looked around as well. Damian tried to release the spell around the doorway to the wizard study/tomb."hey could I get some help. This is serious magic that I don't have the amount of magic at the moment to release it. I saw some stuff that you guys might like in there."
Chari takes off her armor as well, placing it in a neat stack alongside the bed. She wore a more intricate cloth outift including the necklace. She lay back down close against him. Feeling comfortable next to him
Valtair hears Damian and heads over to where he was "I'm here. What do I need to do help?" He asks standing in front of the door. He wondered what might be of interest behind it Malaya explored around the tomb by herself, trying to find something she could use. She entered a room and began dis-abling traps, some very tough
"What do you think of my home?"Martin asked Chari.
"I need you to give me helping hand. The only seal I can't break is that of the twilight dragon. You need to open it for me. That way everyone can go in the study."
Valtair nodded and focused on the door and broke the twilight dragon seal "There, now let's see what's inside." he says opening the door Malaya finishes disarming the traps in her way all the way up to a pedestal that had on it glowing smooth stones each with a symbol and examines each